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Feeding a Fox in Edinburgh Pollock Halls

I don't know what to say, I'm not much of a poster, but... I like animals, especially mammals, never met one that didn't like me. So, I guess this is something worth ...

User Comments

Cool! I never got that close to a fox in my entire life! I have seen very few sightings of a fox! Your lucky you got this close!
Thank you, it was pretty cool. I hadn't either before this. Go to Scotland :)

Best Hotels in Edinburgh Alexander Guest House

Sean Tyrrell - Mattie

One of the greatest Irish songs ever written in my opinion by my good friend Johnny Mulhern and he has quite a few that would give it a good run for the title of ...

User Comments

Sean is fantastic...the song is terrific but i like his songs about John Boyle O'Reilly and Francis Ledwidge best of all
The sax definitely changes the feel of the song -- more jazz than Celtic -- but haunting regardless.
Nothing wrong with Celtic Jazz whatever Celtic is?

Sean Tyrrell - The Black Hole

Written By Sean Tyrrell Recorded live at Mother Redcaps in Dublin for Ben Gibneys and Amber productions documentary Dark Horse and released as live Video ...

User Comments

Ireland is like a wonderful, almost mystical, entity that, just as it seems to shine, is dragged into the mire and darkness by the forces of gombeenism and bullshittery. If every article of the ilk of that refereed to in the intro to this song was reprinted I am sure we cover cover the country with the pages. This is surely the anthem of post Tiger Ireland. I am sure "The Black Hole" of the title will accept more hundreds of millions before it is satisfied.
Change a few names and this could have been written this year. It highlights again the never ending cycle of greed, fraud and self serving aggrandisement, regardless of the passport held by the perpetrators, that has blighted this country seemingly for ever.
Twice I had the pleasure of attending a couple of your concerts in Ontario, Canada. First you were with Tommy Peoples and the as a solo performance. As a musician / singer, you have had a great deal of influence on my music.
God how this speaks to me. Bypasses the sugar coated "truths" proffered by those in control and all their accomplices. The music "industry" is guilty too as artists turn into "entertainers". Well done Sean.
Thank you for the comment for years I began to feel it was so dated but the again all you have to do is wait around long enough and you are in fashion again.
Wow! Am I ever glad I came across this channel. Brilliant. I'm subscribing and sharing.
This is brilliant,a true bard. My fathers favorite singer, like father like son...
If ever a song was timeless... This could easily have been written in 2011!
Only Deadly

Sean Tyrrell - Sweet Ballyvaughan

Written by Judi Mc Keown. Recorded live at the Shelter in Dublin at the launch of the Belladonna CD And released as live Video 'Last Night In Babylon" filmed ...

User Comments

Seeing Sean in concert is like having him in your home. He is low key, most friendly and engaging. I've been to two of his concerts. One in the small room of a large pub in Alexandria Va. and the other in a home where the power had failed and Sean performed by candle light and chatted in the kitchen during the break. Go see him in concert and buy his music.
I finally made to Greenes last week. What a voice and a wonderful musician as well. That session will keep me going for many a day. Many thanks for the music Sean and thanks again for sorting out the CDs the next day. Long may you prosper. You are a truly original artist and a gentleman to boot. Go raigh mile mhaith agat.
Accepting a casual invitation from Ken to visit his house in Saratoga, I found myself nearly overwhelmed with admiration & appreciation for Sean, the man and his music. A deep bow of gratitude!
wonderful music. a voice that surpasses all instruments..I have to see this man in concert soon or I will burst
Superb,enough said.
I love this music!

Sean Tyrrell - Belladonna in the Bar

Written by Michael Hartnett music by Sean Tyrrell Recorded live at The Shelter in Dublin for Ben Gibneys and Amber productions documentary Dark Horse and ...

User Comments

Top drawer Monsieur tyrell
Nice work Sean! :)
might stuff Sean
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