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Faulkner university sororities Videos

South Alabama AOII VMA- 2014

AOII at South Alabama's video music award for War of the Roses! So proud of everyone for their hard work! Alpha Love!! *credits to Taylor Swift "Shake It Off" and ...

User Comments

Great JOB AOPII !!! You girls did a fantastic job.
GO Marisa!! This is awesome!!

South Alabama Chi Omega Bid Day 2014

"Home" Jay Falkner Official Music Video

Jay Falkner (Self-Titled) (c) BC Records All Rights Reserved Written by: Jay Falkner Directed by: Scotty Morrison Shot by: Scotty Morrison & Kyle Vandagriff ...

User Comments

Man, Jay can sing!!! Tickled to see his mom dancing in the video. Gave me a chuckle. And, I DID notice those Razorback Hogs on the building in the background too!
I'm glad to call Panama my home town and I miss it. If there was a good paying job that wasn't so far away I would move back in a heartbeat. 
I get so homesick every time I watch this! Wish I were 'home' there right now.
Good song, man. It never gets old! Panama is the greatest town in the world!
Very cool brother!
I loved it!!
Love it!!!


Enjoy this quick introduction to sorority life at the College of William & Mary.
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