Beth phoenix single Videos

Mickie James: Reaching

WWE Diva past and present every one

Over the years the WWE have had many divas on there WWE Raw and Smackdown programs. We take all of them and give you a glimpse and name them.

User Comments
you forgot rochelle loewen but good job on the vid
you forgot Linda McMahon
Amy zidien wasn't there

BCW Rampage Week 36 (April 16 2012) Part 3

WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 predictions.wmv

User Comments
@98reece I stated 2-0 becuz kane won his 1st ambulance match in 2003 so if he wins it at EC then he will be 2-0. I know that santino has replaced orton becuz orton injured himself on raw. Btw im thinking Cena might actually win this sunday .. still from my part is just flip of a coin probably kane end up winning
@98reece I heard it from so many sites that probablt Sheamus might face McIntyre or Jindar mahal at ec ppv

WWE '12 - All Divas

Every diva character including downloadable characters, from WWE 12. • Layla & Michelle McCool (LayCool) • Trish Stratus • Beth Phoenix • Maryse • Kelly Kelly ...

User Comments
on pc or ps3
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and Wii.DLC Divas are only avaible on PS3 and Xbox 360 of course.
how do I unlock the Bella twin's
You can't unlock them, you have to buy them. They are downloadable content, part of the Divas DLC pack.
How do I unlock the bella twins
+aw110846 tonio42497 have to buy them
why did he say brie Bella and nikki Bella the ejits
He said ''agents''. In the entrance settings you can choose what the announcer says after he said the names.
The Bella twins are so awesome I want to meet them
Maryse, they finally got her hair flip correct in the game
To bad that WWE 12 is her last Game appearance.

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 Simulation (Smackdown vs Raw 2011) - Part 8

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 Simulation (Smackdown vs Raw 2011) Match 1: Single Match for Intercontinental Championship Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph ...

WWE Raw Review 9/26/11 Hell in a Cell 2011 Predictions

User Comments
She is slightly overrated. Nattie should be leading these, she's miles better of a technical wrestler, has more skill. Beth is pretty good at selling, doesn't botch up a storm don't get me wrong she's a top draw and good female wrestler but definitely NOT the best. LOL calm down with Nikki Bella, here's my 3 points for you: 1) Brie is better (should just end with this!) 2) At least they're getting interview time, Nikki is charismatic as fuck in those 3) Nikki still owns a 1 on 1 victory v K2
Episode was fucking good again Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Christian was really good 10-Man Battle Royal Match fuck yeah Dolph Ziggler Vs Zack Ryder Fuck yeah Christian Vs John Cena good match David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Cody Rhodes segment awesome Diva segment fuck yeah Henry is awesome PUNK ON COMMENTARY YEAH Del Rio was fucking strong
Well I guess technically Brie gets the win credit but you know what I mean, they're setting em up for a DoD feud, the current one with Kelly HAS to end after HITC or you're right people will start to not give a fuck.
@Zillionjape del rio has to get cheap shots in all the time. he cant fight like a man. hes going to hell sunday by john cena and cm punk
youve got to be kidding me? TELL ME HE DIDNT END THE VIDEO WITHOUT A "yada yada yada blah blah blah the end"
@TheChrisPhoenix I did notice that, almost didn't recognize it was her for a split second don't know why
@MCfanforeverXD Nope, it's Mickie James lol. She's the new Mickie James...with less charisma.
WOW WOW.. Is it the end of the world? you mentioned Randy Orton's name on video....
I'm surprised you didn't talk about "MICKIE JAMES" new hair :P
Beth phoenix and Natalya are ok but their no chyna combined
Its because Kelly Kelly is a boring, Slutty, whore!
@TheRealKSmith Maybe in making Porn movies.

619-Y2J:Rob Van Dam - One of a Kind

This tribute to one of the greatest wrestler of ECW - Rob Van Dam. // Watch in 720p Music:"Indestructible" by Distrubed VK ...
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