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So Long, Farewell

Misandry Part 1 2/3 - by ManWomanMyth

PART 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue5GcJe44Tk WARNING: This film uses broad terms, hyperbole and deliberately disparaging language entirely for ...

User Comments

The only part I don't agree with is the part that woman aren't as good as men at soccer. Some girls are crazy good at soccer that it's kinda unbelievable
+isaac ramirez Sorry, but the recent women's world cup winning team was beaten in a match against teenage boys, and the same kind of difference is there in all physical sports. The strength/size/speed difference between men and women is too great for them to fairly compete on the same field.
6:57 The queen can actually do an oil change, she learned how to do that working in the motor pool during WWII.
+Caim Pact That's my point really, it's not inconceivable that a woman can be a good programmer (I know a few personally), or that one could be very strong or tough. But those are extremely rare cases and the media plays it off like ALL women are just better and men could never measure up. It's such fucking bullshit.
:p I know I know. I just wanted to be difficult.But you also have to admit that its kinda...meh to talk of an spesific queen online without the name. :3 For me "The queen" Is Dronning Sonja. 
+Caim PactYes but you would have to admit he used a poor example.      A guy with a British accent saying "that is like asking The Queen to do an oil change...."   Which queen do you think he was referring to?    
+Luke B ... I so if I look up 5 queens they will all have done that? :p Theres more then 1 queen. I think it actualy makes the point stronger. Yes theres a queen who did that. But that is somthing one would class as a super rare case.
6:53 - Actually, the Queen probably could give you advice on how to do an oil change. She trained as a mechanic and a truck driver in the second world war.
+Charles Boettger ... If I ever see Queen Sonja I will make sure to ask her...
You had me at the first installment of this series.. but then the bible nonsense. The snake and Eve? The commandment for women to not love but obey men? Now I can see how new wave feminists can deem men as misogynists... people like you, and videos like this. You've sabotaged your own cause. Asshole!
+Xcorgi "Oprah Winfrey telling women to hate men for the last 30 fucking years..."— [citation needed]I've watched a lot of Oprah, and I've never heard her say anything like that. I might have missed the episodes you watched.But, you misread me. It's not that I'm rebutting the MRA's arguments. I'm saying that this video went off the deep end into religious bullshit. Male-dominated religious "patriarchy" is one of the big hangups new wave feminists have with society. So arguing for it, as a justification for the dominance of men over women just justifies and reinforces their position.However, I do think that those very traditional gender role problems - women (not all) just marrying for kids, and financial security, etc - are some of the very same problems that proponents of both MRA and feminism are addressing; each obviously focusing on their respective genders. They actually have some goals in common. If they can just get past their knee-jerk hysteria, they'd see that.I was saying that referencing the biblical edicts of "God" retards the conversation, not advance it. It's part of the problem to begin with.
+fourdotsYT I can see your point but don't you think because of all the Oprah Winfrey telling women to hate men for the last 30 fucking years has something to do with the backlash of men who have had enough of women's fucking bullshit? That is, they only marry men to have a kid, get a divorce, take half of everything then take half of everything he'll ever earn for the rest of his life and make him live in abject poverty while many times violating his visitation with his kids to destroy any type of positive bond he might have with them. This is what men have to look forward to whenever they even THINK about having sex with all the man hating and manipulative, brainwashed psycho bitches out there in todays world.
I just don't know where this information is coming from. I know who Tom Leykis is. I guess this is just his opinions. I know a a lot of women who are book smart and many who have great communications skills and women who can run classes and businesses. Are there not women doctors, nurses, scientists, supreme court justices, presidential candidates, prime ministers, religious leaders, etc??? And there are female body builders, boxers, hunters, fisherwomen, actresses. This whole series of videos is just a lot of male ejaculate. Suck it Tom Leykis. As much as I agree about the PSYCHOLOGY and CHARACTER of women, a lot of what this three part series is is complete bullsh!t.
Tom Leykis is not the original creator of these videos. The content creator (as far as I know) is no longer on YouTube and this channel is just one of several that mirror or re-upload the originals. If you run a search for "Manwomanmyth", you should be able to find all of them. I think that was the OP's username.
This video use the Bible to deliver logical points? Fucking ridiculous. Totally not worth it.
+TomLeykis1 People should stop blowing things waaay out of proportion and ease up on "amazonian" mysticism.
+sazatube Not necessarily logical.. to demonstrate the reason for the goddess radical feminism, why they're trying sooo hard to make women out to be superior to men in every area and enlighten people as to what's really going on behind this agenda. Obviously you missed all those points however.
I think many of the women who boast about being strong, tough, and empowered are a lot like chihuahuas. Their high-pitched yipping is annoying, they are aggressive and quick to bite, but when one is hurt they howl and run off with their tail between their legs.
+formerevolutionist True, the strongest women feel secure in silence because they know their strength is to the core and get things done.
They only thing that makes Men better than Women is psychology... the male mind-set that they are above the law, and deluded to believe they must be entitled to my ingenuity and tangible skill set without due acknowledgement, and without fully understanding the Cause and Affect of said cruelty... it is NOT an advantage in modern society. Women are part of the Economy, and the mistreatment, and vile representactions of my/Woman's BODY IMAGE as exploitation (without acknowledging the Business of the Fashion industry, make-up expenses, etc) is becoming increasing symptomatic of Third World condition as a AFFECT of lacking egalitarian Infrastructure... thus sending many otherwise Social Progressive Nations into turmoil. The only reason Men feel insulted by egalitarianism is because it hurts thier fragile egos. It seems they prefer ignorance and Denial to the Abilities of thier Equals in the Continuation of the Human Species.
+Aroarealis Couture Your inability to communicate in a comprehensible manner makes you incompetent. End of story. Now go fuck yourself.
+Aroarealis Couture You've got the pick of nothing. I stake your grammar on it, there is no man crazy enough to want you. The only thing you have a pick of would be cats and dogs, and the only reason they'd stay alive is because they can't tie a noose around their neck to commit suicide!Plus, compared to you, I'm the most perfect existence in the world. And didn't I tell you not to drag me in again you nonsensical piece of shit. I don't want to waste even a second on something like you. You're a no one, and will always be a no one. You'll probably even die alone... (a fate that I don't really wish on anyone... but if it has to be someone, it might as well be you).Now FUCK OFF! Every person that has had the pleasure of reading your shit has told you they'd rather die or drown themselves in bleach just to get away from you! If that isn't a hint, then you are simply beyond redemption! 
+Aroarealis Couture If i had the misfortune to cross your path i would douse myself in bleach!! 
+Peter Patrick​​​ I have my PICK... of the hottest AVAILABLE men that cross my path. Your comment has nothing to do with Feminism... you are just groomed by Hoes. I pity your family and sense of physical wellbeing. Prostitutes and the dick that rub on it carry DISEASES. They get DISEASES from penises... is that comprehensable enough for you...? Babies cam DIE From Herpes INFECTION... It a life term sentence.
+Peter Patrick​ Aha hahaha!!!! You can't even ask A prostitute what they got up to on the weekend without being LIED TO... Congratulations on staying in school, I don't how.you did it being Delusional and whatnot What next... blame me with your own level fault and flaws?
+LorddGray You are a BIGOT... WHEN you do not #comprehend what someone is trying to #convey it does not make the OTHER individual a lower life form... (Eat Shit)
+Peter Patrick I'm totally with you bro but there is just no getting through to this crazy bitch. She is truly crazy and reason has zero effect on her.
+Aroarealis Couture I have a degree in law and a masters in International commercial law you degenerate illiterate scum! And prostitutes? Possibly the only female population left that is entirely honest with what they want and what they're willing to give? Hell If there were 20 drowning feminists and a single drowning prostitute, that's the happy day that 20 feminists leave the world of the living.Remember you retarded psycho bitch, you're the piece of shit screaming where's my evidence and where's the science to back up feminism being the worst thing since Hitler. I gave you facts, you then went on a rampage saying some semi incomprehensible bull shit about you being every man's dream... hell, you wouldn't even be classified as a nightmare... more like torture! We should just have left you with the prisoners in Guantanamo, hell those islamophiles would have converted faster than you could blink or put together a coherent sentence!Plus, you should really listen to people. Almost all women are born with the ability to have children. No one is saying they don't, what we're telling YOU is to NOT exercise that right. We don't want to see more of your kind. The world is a bad enough place as it is without you adding more shit to it. Not to mention, if YOU are a real woman, then every single man on this planet is now gay. We'd rather see humanity crash and burn than see morbidly obese, stupid, brain dead, illiterate pieces of dog turd like you bearing off springs that will continue the human evolutionary line. Hell that's like running a hundred steps and then falling into the biggest dankest shit hole in the universe with no way out again. So do the world a favour, do history a favour, just go slit your throat! It'll make your life... go away... and it will enrich the lives of every other human being in the world!!p.s. don't drag me back into this kind of shit again! The standard of my grammar does NOT need to EVER devolve down to your level!
+Reggie Brightside​​ +LorddGray​​ +Peter Patrick​​Perhaps you should take it up with Prostitution? If they weren't bamboozled away from physical wellbeing and health, and weren't all 'doctored up' to disguise thier repulsive mindset...
I take back what I said about 'male psychology'... these Males are too self deprocating
+Reggie Brightside​​ +LorddGray​​ +Aroarealis Couture But my dear, modern science requires empirical fact, data, logical analysis and reason! When those prove that feminism and women like you are misandric and a detriment to society, then obviously science is wrong right? And women buying tampons makes them a feminist, I believe the opposite is true. "Free Flow" a feminist ideology about not using patriarchal products like tampons and pads! So any woman using a tampon/pad is NOT a feminist!And your comment to Reggie is homophobic at best. Obviously you don't like feminism standing up for the LGBT society do you? So everything feminism declares for is a lie because of women like you and we are calling you out for it. Take that as oppression if you will! But that still won't change the fact that REAL men will castrate themselves before hitching themselves with a stinky old dead weight like you! So leave us all alone, we don't want you, and if you were the last woman alive, we might as well sign off humanity as extinct, because to propagate the human species again with your genes would be a disservice to the illustrious history of man, and a short cut to the doom of even the fledgling society that you would try to create. Oh, and guess who we're going to throw at the zombies the moment there's a zombie attack. Here's the secret... YOU! Let me know when you Find out I did not say any of those things. +Peter Patrick​​ *BOOToo late... I'm O- (Universal Donor that gives birth to O- offspring). How insignificant is yoU? What do you have a Degree in..?
+Reggie Brightside Good luck tilting at that windmill bro!
+Aroarealis Couture WTF are you talking about? Why do you keep talking about imbreds what does that have to do with anything. Oh do enlighten us Great Feminist One.   bows sarcastically 
Perhaps 'psychology' is not men's Forte... These insistent harassers are cognitive disabled. Stop producing Imbreds USA, they are expensive to clean up.
+LorddGray If you are stoned... it does NOT mean the World is stoned with you.
+LorddGray​​ As in regular, normal manners of understanding no longer make sense to you. Consider not doing DRUGS.
+LorddGray​ You have a Cognitive Dysfunction. It's not some random person's health services, it's your own. IF YOU are on meds... acknowledge you shut a portion of your brain *down.
+Aroarealis Couture You're raving like an incoherent loon again. You need to get back on your med's. We've been over this before. Get help.
+LorddGray What the f___k are you talking about, toy?
+Aroarealis Couture Get back on your med's sweetie.
Tampons and Bra design... Birthing facilities and Sanitation Services... are 'the worst thing to happen to Men' Just delusionals.
+Reggie Brightside Are you suggesting that anti-Feminism (if it's even a tangible reality that exists)... are spewing Misandry?
+LorddGray You are delusional... it's really no one else's fault.
+Aroarealis Couture Yes, of course; the calm, rational man who uses perfect English MUST be the one who's heavily medicated. SWING AND A MISS!Keep trying princess. I'm sure that sooner or later you'll manage to put a proper English sentence together.
+Aroarealis Couture Ah so you do have emotional issues. At least depression has a cure unlike your fucked up head. As for the Anti-Harassment bullshit let me hit you with the hand of reality YOU STARTED THIS COMMENT CHAIN. What did you expect to spout such shit on a Misandry video and not get a reaction?? You must really get off on arguing i know women like to argue but you must actually get turned on by it. You see any reply or even an agreement by anyone to your comments you would ague with anyway because it's programmed into your head and sorry i am agreeing with on of your statements no amount of meds will help you so get over it. 
+LorddGray​​​​ No one needs Meds to deal with emotional issues. Let me guess... you are on anti-depressants... Is MEDICATIONS really the subject of perspective you have been trying squeeze out using a bullshit harassment facade!PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES ARE A MENTAL HABIT.
+Aroarealis Couture Sweetie, you really should get back on your med's.
True Supremacy is LSTNing to Other people and not inflicting anyone with Unhealth... as in, doing what is Best for Everybody, not just yourself. +Reggie Brightside​​​​​​​​ +LorddGray​​​​​​​​ +Eddie Whitehead​​​​​​​​ You both make MEN look like harassment addicted dunces that can't acknowledge the Reality check... that Women do not exist as your delusional, narcissistic facade, you so regularly get shoved down your throat. Americans... I am in IT for the win! And it's to your benefit. You are 'house-niggers' to the male demographic... Nothing I said should deeply offend you. Inbred ineptitude is a social cancer except for the half breeds that can acknowledge their anger when they don't Completely understand the subject of 'conversation' The Jews invented misogyny/wrote the plan for Misery. Time to Move along!
+Eddie Whitehead​​ Your subjective opinion of Women is a DELUSION.
+Reggie Brightside​ What argument did you think I am to disagree with... 'male supremacy' ends with Ethiopian Health Ordeals.
+Reggie Brightside She does make woman look bad and sadly she can't see it, I know women that would roll their eyes in disgust at the likes of her. I am not going to waste my time arguing with her though whats the point?
+Eddie Whitehead  I would just let it go she assumes everyone that disagrees with her is inbred and jewish because she can't come up with a decent argument and when she does she just raves on and on about random shit. She has been arguing on here for ages. She makes women look bad by default with her own hateful bigotry. 
+LorddGray I sure as hell am not angry either. I am Entertained she is on her own no ones on her side here god knows why she is even commenting on a misandry video.
+Aroarealis Couture No doubt that to you how furious I am is just as obvious as the fact that Jupiter orbits our moon. Why should I be angry about the ravings of some random lunatic? 
+Aroarealis Couture Oh my.
+LorddGray Why don't you go back to sucking your thumb inbred... it's Obvious you are furious.
+Eddie Whitehead​​ I'm not the type to upload HATE content. Why are you on my Comment thread?
'Cause she's a nutter.
+Aroarealis Couture You like to argue a lot why?
+LorddGray​​ Look me up... do a Google search with "AroarealiS" You are welcome to follow my Church... @Lstn_Up on twitter (it won't hurt you)
+Reggie Brightside​​​​​​ Oh... did I Ad Hominem you!I stand by my Judgements... you are fully capable of Leaving my comment thread, If you don't like how you are being represented... (Haha!... Jews and Inbreeding)
+Eddie Whitehead Why are you commenting?
+Eddie Whitehead I'm going with semi-retarded psycho, section 8 who's gone off of her med's again.
+Aroarealis Couture What is your problem?
+Aroarealis Couture You were the one who claimed i was making a terrible argument and now you assume i am inbred and Jewish?? For your information My dad is English and my Mother is Maori so that destroys your Inbred argument also I am not Religious full stop. Hey Your arguments are shit because you make too many assumptions and you are self righteous!
And you do such a great job of making feminists look so intelligent, literate and rational. Bwahahahaha!
+LorddGray Go pay for catering... and watch who/what shows up! (DumbAss... You make men everywhere look UNFIT to govern)
Go fuck youR perSonhOOd. Then get your aSs inTo the kiTchEn and make a sanDwich.
You lucky to even have the Opportunity to converse with my personhood... and I mean that in the most Socially responsible way.
+LorddGray​​​ +Reggie Brightside​​​ You are Both Jewish bastards... you are born inbred you will Die inbred... and the War on STUPID begins... because I'm just worth too much $$$$ based on merit, for the Majority to accept your (ultimately self-deprocating) delusions of visible demography.
+Reggie Brightside​ Dare I Ad Hominem you... You make ZERO compelling argument, no points were raised, You are just being a child. You were arguing about what women ARE (bigot) Well, that has already been established, in #Tangible #Phyiscal #Reality... not some DELUSIONAL bible. Women are equal to men. No one will ever ask you about it, no one cares what you have to say because neither you or your opinion matter to the rest of the world. I don't need to disprove anything and I don't need to give you compelling evidence against what you are saying, because your opinion will not affect my life or anyone else's life for that matter. First of all, because you are so lonely you probably have no one to influence and because your account will likely be reported and no one will read another comment of yours. Your opinion won't influence anyone but YOU, good luck being Stupid... The real point of the conversation should be why do you feel this way? I don't see a reason for you to be this way. you probably need some professional help. That's all I'm saying to you. Good luck with your life.While +LorddGray​​ questions 'who invited you to this thread' while it harasses MY COMMENT... like an blithering obvious dunce! I have sad news for your bigoted charade... if you were not worshing the aftermath of bizarre FEMALE SUPREMACY, I would not be any threat to you?
+Aroarealis Couture I agree with Lorddgray go back to the Mental Hospital where they won't let you use YouTube to spread your Bullshit man-hating propaganda. Where their will be other man hating wenches who will turn on you within the asylum walls and make you wish you were born a man. 
Just don't keep that hand there, you need to see to find that quiet little island with no men on it.
"Face palm" +LorddGray
+LorddGray O_o Are you on drugs?
I'm sorry, exactly WHO is forcing you to come here and engage in this thread? And trust me here, most of us wish you hadn't gotten out of that mental hospital.
It's comments sessions like this/harassment, I wish inbreds were not born with opposable thumbs
+LorddGray​​​ Why are you +ing random people? Are you insane? Why do you care so much about my husband? (Because I'm not BDSM'ED? )
+Reggie Brightside Or the benefit of sanity.
+Aroarealis Couture Was that your first husband? Some fucked up invalid lacking the mental capacity for menial labor tasks like washing the dishes?
+Peter Patrick Make that 6 random people. I really do think she's off her med's.
+Aroarealis Couture Oh I am just Dying for The answer to That question! Please, please, PleAse tell Us all about This ideal man You intend to Marry some day. I really, REALLY want to Met this guy.P.S. I capitalized a lot of words So it would Be more much better You Read.
+LorddGray​ Battling TANGIBLE PHYSICAL WELLBEING... is not to your benefit
+John Saf You missed one: The ability to hang onto and recall every detail of any perceived infraction by you or any slightest concession by her, to be used as a bargaining chip in some future discussion or court case.
+jomache 316 She's a complete raving loon.
+Aroarealis Couture Off your med's again?
+Reggie Brightside But it's either them or us, if there was a hundred of her and one of you, I'd still throw all hundred of her to the zombies. McDonalds doesn't kill immediately, having overweight zombies with potential cardiac problems isn't too big a problem I don't think! 
+Peter Patrick Ohhhh zombies? That's a bit harsh... I think they deserve something tastier than that :D
+Aroarealis Couture What creative writing project??? And who said Peter is a scientist? It's all in your head. If you lived in the 60s you would be given electrode treatment so intense it would switch of the power grid this side of the Mississippi!! 
+Aroarealis Couture But my dear, modern science requires empirical fact, data, logical analysis and reason! When those prove that feminism and women like you are misandric and a detriment to society, then obviously science is wrong right? And women buying tampons makes them a feminist, I believe the opposite is true. "Free Flow" a feminist ideology about not using patriarchal products like tampons and pads! So any woman using a tampon/pad is NOT a feminist!And your comment to Reggie is homophobic at best. Obviously you don't like feminism standing up for the LGBT society do you? So everything feminism declares for is a lie because of women like you and we are calling you out for it. Take that as oppression if you will! But that still won't change the fact that REAL men will castrate themselves before hitching themselves with a stinky old dead weight like you! So leave us all alone, we don't want you, and if you were the last woman alive, we might as well sign off humanity as extinct, because to propagate the human species again with your genes would be a disservice to the illustrious history of man, and a short cut to the doom of even the fledgling society that you would try to create. Oh, and guess who we're going to throw at the zombies the moment there's a zombie attack. Here's the secret... YOU! 
+Aroarealis Couture Tampons?? Since when did he mention tampons stop placing words in other peoples mouths also learn to use proper English you are meant to be a lady (obviously you are not) What you were meant to say was "How stupid are you?" Instead of how stupid is yOU? Let me guess you wrote that in a hurry because you knew you were running out of ammo in this little argument and even worse you have to create your own arguments. All of this proves how limited your brain is you must be truly insane. 
I am thee Alpha. Try prove I isn't... WITHOUT making assumptions about my physical reality.
+Reggie Brightside Being a Feminist is part of my business... as you will soon find out. Tell your lover boy/profile to Google it.
+Peter Patrick​ What does your (creative writing) commentary have to do with physical wellbeing... or modern science?
+Peter Patrick​​​ The moment someone seeks tampons/heigene products they are acting as a Feminist... how stupid is yoU?
+Reggie Brightside Thank you good sir, your comments indicate a healthy man with an equally healthy dose of intellect and morality, and I thank you kindly as a fellow civilised human being!  But we should always be honest with our enemies. A degree in advanced starbucks has helped us serve coffee at overpriced low quality dirty water for decades. We should never look down on gender studies, women now not only serve sandwiches, but coffee and cookies as well!Here is to male camaraderie against feminist misandric bitches. May their world cave in on them and suffer double the injustices they have served upon others!
+Peter Patrick OMG OMG OMG That comment was fucking comic genius if i could like that comment 1000 times i would. Also at least you have a Job and are contributing to society i bet this dumb feminist bitch doesn't have any form of employment. I mean she totally wastes all of her time arguing with people on Youtube i have seen her pop up everywhere.
+Aroarealis Couture I don't need feminism, and it seems these days, most women also agree with me! So what does that say about you and your hate group? Yes, it means that you're not the spokesperson for women, you're just a sadly deluded petty harpy that is throwing around lies and propaganda because no man in their right mind likes you. How you could blame others for having a horrible personality eludes me, but then again feminism is always for blaming others for your short comings isn't it?So once again, you aging old bag. Why worry about something that no man in their right mind would do. No man would ever consider having a long term relationship with you! If you don't need men, why is that concept something you dislike so much. Shouldn't you be happy that men are running from you like the second coming of the black plague? You're strong and independent, you don't need a man! So stick to life alone! FOREVER ALONE! And no man needs a hate group giving them a chance, didn't you know at least 70% of men claim they're not feminists and at least 60% of women claim they aren't feminists! I love how sheltered your world is, but more and more, you're going to find even the sisterhood is getting smaller! And soon, you and your misandric little coven of bitches is going to find themselves secluded and isolated, alone in a world that doesn't tolerate idiocy! 
+Peter Patrick​ You can't Bully Women into 'wanting' or lusting you assholes... Your irrational fear of The END of marriage stems from a long line of baffoonery/Stupidity/Lack of Foresight. If/WHEN (as Feminism proclaims you are Capable of improvement...) You learn to Treat your Mate's ability to defend itself as a Necessary Humanoid instinct... perhaps you won't despise your attraction/ Neediness on us. I can't imagine how Miserable and Disappointed you have become with Reality.
+Reggie Brightside Feminism gives #AllMen the benefit of the Doubt, you baffoon.
You NEED IT... Aha hahaha!!! Your own ignorance is the only thing informing your hatred of me/Women/Feminism giving #AllMen the benefit of the doubt, so to speak.
+Peter Patrick​ You really need an EMOTIONAL punching bag don't ya... you still have NO IDEA what you are fucking with ;-)
+Peter Patrick No one is insulted... by your group Not 'getting with' that which you despise... #AllWomen
+Reggie Brightside LOL, I'm at work messing around, I log on every once in a while when I get bored and troll stupid women like this! You'd be surprised how many feminists and women claim they don't need a man, but when you agree saying no man would ever need you either, they start getting insulted! I'm trying to see if I can say enough hurtful things to make the stupid bitch either claim she has PTSD or leave the internet... although it is a huge waste of my time... but work is so much more boring... 
+Peter Patrick No use arguing with her it's all she does best thing to do is to stop replying to her that way she will try to argue with someone else because obviously she does not have a life.
+Aroarealis Couture Ah denial of reality! Always such a pleasant thing to look at. Lady, even an elephant cow hybrid of a woman could land a penis if she offered it for free, that's really not bragging rights... I said that no man would ever stick with you! Did that ring too many bells for you? It'll never be you won't get married, it'll be that you CAN'T get married, there is a clear distinction! And for a woman who can't write coherent sentences telling me men are stupid... yeah, you're not doing those words justice, better luck next time? And last I checked this was the internet? Maybe miss misandrist can't take the heat of reality? Muh-soooo-ginnyyyy? Payyyy-tree-arrrr-Keyyyy?And what delusions of femininity have I made? I just trashed you and feminists, I hardly see how that would translate to all women! Ah, but then the self deluded grandeur and narcissism that is feminism and women that follow it's self entitled dogma! I'll smash it into your head, NO man will ever settle for a woman like you. Even if you tricked him into getting yourself pregnant, he would choose prison than settling for a woman like you! So seriously, stop hating men because it really is a social interaction that you of all women NEVER need to worry about! Well... at least give it a few years, youth usually gives something all of it's own, with it fading quickly from your wrinkled face, it won't be long until men start avoiding you entirely!
+Aroarealis Couture Jesus christ is this all you do?? Don't you have a life??
Porn induced Mental illness... That is all you particular males have to speak of. The Male delusion of Femininity is actually the Jewish delusion when in doubt.
+Peter Patrick OR did you just forget that you are harassing MY comment space...
+Peter Patrick​ And who said I WANTED to communicate with the likes of yoU anyhow... I can mate with pretty much any dick mongering man I speak with. Should I never get married again it's because I don't need some invalid who can't even wash some dirty dishes running amock in my territory.
+Aroarealis Couture Yawn...
+Peter Patrick​​ You have no idea Who/What you typing with... Why do you insist on making Men look stupid?
+Reggie Brightside​​ You have no idea what fire I am fueling so shut your ugly dick mongering text block.
+Reggie Brightside I know right? Can you imagine what sort of acting skills this broad has to trick 4 men into dating her? Eugh.... I puked a little in my mouth there! Every time I talk to women like this, I consider going MGTOW! 
+Aroarealis Couture So a video that's talking about misandry is now a hate video about women? You've got an awfully big ego thinking that all women are nice! And you ARE the misandric piece of shit that the video is warning men about, why stick your nose in this? IRL, 4 men have proven to you without a doubt that you are repulsive and fled the moment they had the chance, I wouldn't be surprised if they begged you on their knees while crying to leave them alone! There are now 5 people, random strangers telling you, after reading what you've written, that we don't want anything to do with you. Each one of us is telling you, that women like you will forever be alone! That's like 9:1, how you think you're still right is beyond me!Oh, and I haven't insulted your "future husband" because there is no man stupid enough to marry you. I assure you, most men won't last a week once they know your personality so I really wouldn't worry about getting married! I mean, any sane, well adjusted man with any income- hell any man that is breathing would probably commit suicide before having anything to do with you! And I don't think it's lust that you incite, more like hate, violence, disgust, revulsion, stuff like that, don't use any words, it really doesn't fit the situation! So go to hell you feminist piece of shit, go live in a ditch and leave men alone! You don't like us and we SURE AS HELL don't like you! So stop entertaining dreams of getting married, because you won't. Have you ever heard of MGTOW, well that's what you helped to create, so live with the conequences of your action! Stay alone FOREVER! 
+Aroarealis Couture Yes.
+Aroarealis Couture You are only adding fuel to the fire perhaps if you gave me more positive arguments i would give them in return.
+Reggie Brightside​ Well well well... And I take it you believe people can say whatever they want to?
+Reggie Brightside​ Maybe you should consider that sentiment a Bit further before continuing to be a hetero misogynist...
+Peter Patrick It's people like her that put me off women all together.

Mark Isaac (Close Up Magician) - Poker Night

Mark Isaac is now booking for events such as birthdays, social gatherings, corporate events and various other parties such as stag and hen nights. Mark Isaac is ...

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Nicely done ★★★★★ Katalyzt

James the story of a boy and his doorknob

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you just wasted my time and everyone elses time who has time. never post ever again before you respond YES I said time a lot times in that sentence... times
this is the funniest video on youtube. fo serious.
guys i just wanna say that i am tim wu

Golf Simulator Room

Short video of our golf simulator room that is fully ready for meetings and entertaining clients.

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How big is this room?

That time you got the President's autograph

TheObamaDiary.com - The President in Wales.

Chris Spragg - Port City MMA

I absolutely cannot coach and film at the same time. Sorry.
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