Beth phoenix music 2012 Videos

WWE Raw 4/23/12 - Beth Phoenix (c) Vs Nikki Bella - Divas Championship Lumberjill Match

i do not own any of the clips in this video,they are the intellectual property of their repsective owners,including Any TV Stations/Networks,WWE,TNA,ROH ...

User Comments
wwe gived Nikki the champion to keep her of leaving
ugh haters gonna hate

WWE '12 - Tag Team Match - Bella Twins VS Eve And Beth Phoenix W/ Commentary

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my new channel!!! In this video i explained what i am going to do on this channel and more stuff. This match was a divas tag team ...

User Comments
cool you should download WWF Smackdown, Heat, Velocity, Summerslam, SurviorSeries, No mercy, And a Bunch of Arenas! =)
Hey your next Story should be Copying Here comes the pain story in WWE 12 How that sounds =)
what matches your doing next? you should do two A day it goes a bit faster than one matches
I can't i am not doing a story i am only playing the matches. Sorry :(
I hope you liked the first video! Should i upload one more today?
you should check out my two videos i uploaded Yesterday =)
Okay! I will check it out later i am kinda busy right now.
can you do eve torres and kelly kelly vs bella twins
Yes you should contuine your wwe & wwf storyline!
hey get some Arenas You could just Download it =)
awww! Oh well You could do a Story Another Time
Can The Bellas Do Twin Magic In WWE12 ?
what arenas you are going to download?
Cool! We Need to do john cena Rap Soon
Okay sure i will post one in an hour!
ware Nikki and Brie Caw??
Thanks man i will!
Raw 2001 era!
Don't know XD
Yeah i will!

WWE Raw Review 1/9/12 See No Evil 2 - Brodus Clay Debut - Chris Jericho Cries

User Comments
@darkestdays11 don't speak for everybody...i loved this i was laughing my ass off at this and in fact prefer brodus clay as a face and something like this is always funny...people keep saying oh this will get boring and blah blah blah...yes eventually it will get boring but at the same time...think of rikishi when he started dancing and and doing all that funny stuff with scotty and grandmasta now noone thinks of any of those members as an indiviudal they think of them as a great tag team...
This was funny and BEST RAW OF 2012 I say that Chris Jericho is turning Heel WTF I HATE BRODUS CLAY NOW I WAS WAITING HIM BUT NOW FUCK HIM JUST FUCK HIM! This hole tag team match was a joke Why are they pushing Bryan as a pussy because he already lost so many matches then he just wins WHC well of course I like his Heel turn still What are they gonna do with Ric Flair R-Truth is still frikking funny and this segment was hillarious I liked the See No Evil part This was awesome episode 9½/10
I liked Brotus, Chis Jericho's angle is genius. Daniel Bryan's heel gimmick is cool. The whole tire change thing with Ryder was completely retarded. R-Truth and Ricardo had a fantastic segment. Kane should of Kidnapped Eve and Katy Vicked her. Okay so Kane kidnaps her, kills her then Katy Vicks her. Then she gets resurrected and is a zombie chick for about 3 months until Cena pumps her full of life juice and she returns to normal. Good storyline?
@darkestdays11 nobody likes it? he was #1 trending worldwide people loved the rikishi / d-lo brown / godfather gimmick. who wants to see a old boring typical monster heel gimmick? this gimmick will eventually make him one of the top MID-CARDERS then he can change gimmick later on. "Somebody call my momma!" oh... and you do.. know THAT!
u are wrong about brodus it was stupid from the start NOBODY likes this...its gay and dumb....and horrible and his career is over if it continues ...but honestly i will never forget this he will have to leave for a year and come back again as something else...just god awful
Good review and thank god about The Bella Twins, comment. Finally someone who doesn't mind the divas unlike most of the IWC place. Also Mickie James isn't in WWE, she is in TNA, it was Eve who was getting the match against Beth. Just a heads up ! (:
This was an enjoyable RAW. Hopefully, Jericho's trolling is leading up to the Undertaker's return against him...just a possibility that probably won't happen. And, don't forget about DJ Gabriel with Brodus Clay.
Ric Flair is I recall is already in the Hall of Fame I thought. But isnt it kinda weird to induct a Stable into the Hall of Fame? Tag Teams is different but a Stable is kinda of dumb....
Brodus Clay???this is the muthafucka yall were waiting 4???? please get this fake Rikishi outta here im sorry but this weeks raw was TERRIBLE
0:40 *Deep Voice* "Chris Jericho is infact pregnant." ...OKAY ARE THEY TRYING TO FUCKING RUIN HIS CAREER? HE IS NOT PREGNANT
did i miss interpret it or did he say, "chris jericho is infact 'pregnant', and will anouce it to the world next week"?
@Quntumking Because he returned as that over energetic face and has slowly stopped showing emotion the last 2 weeks
Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler ever he can do what he wants buddy! he deserves all of the accolades he gets
your right about brodus I think it might get boring in a while but maybe they have something in store for him
@lizaybabe lol he was making fun of kharma remeber she cried then announced pregnancy
dude you are the best this is my first time watching you and this is a great review
haha cobra homo sexual that was funny man....i fn hate the cobra...and brodusGAY
Question: How can Chris Jericho turn heel , when he was a heel before he left?
uh oh.... zack is cheating on eve... with micky james!
Maybe Brodus is the new Godfather in WWE who knows?
I loved Brodus Clay. Best part of the show for me.
lol mickie james is on TNA i think you meant Eve
@DefHimself I thought it was just arn anderson
@phenomenalclassic93 true they're just hot.
@VanMieghemBryan i WAS fan of him before.

WWE Raw Results for 5/21/12

User Comments
Please check out my videos and like them.
um yeah it wuznt there b4 bt i gt it now
Much better i hope cena beats show
Where's the results hun?
oh sorry dident kno lol
i totally agree with u
read description
lol itz ok love
the description

My Christmas Wishlist 2012

User Comments
Forget Randice. I'm going to do something else! But, you'll love it. I'm also doing another present. You like picture videos right?
Awww you have a wishlist! I'll make sure to make you some wish :)
thank you, I subbed back & I will check out your wishlist :)
All right, I've got myself a plan! But it's a surprise. :D
I will make a Maryse video but can it be a picture video?
subbed and gonna make you a present XD
of course.... thank you :)
Oh! I'm def. excited... :)
Randice video it is :).
Awe, thank you :)

WWE Wrestlemania 28 Review

User Comments
watch my elements of pro wrestling video and you'll see what i mean
i think ur overall rating is perfect dawg, almost same as mine
thanks bro! i just wish i can get more people to agree with me

619-Y2J: Freestyle - Colors

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синхру не исправил ни капли

WWE Wrestlemania 28 review

User Comments
The undercard sucked balls in my opinion. Taker and HHH got a good match out of it but it still took Michaels to make it interesting. And no need for the cell indeed. Punk and Jericho had a great match for being in those 2 matches. And Rock vs Cena couldn't live up to the hype but no match can. It was good to great and the buildup was just ridiculous from the company's part.
I thought it was one of the better WM over the last few years. 20-0 I thought this would be takers last match and how they ended it makes me think it will be. I think they had to end the cena rock match early to fit it in the 4hours. They could have cut funkasaurus and the two songs for the entry to rock cena.
I completely agree. I was annoyed that once a again the tag team titles were a no show. Also It really annoys me with the DB vs sheamus match. I think DB is heavily under use and was kind of buried here. Good review tho. :D
I hated wrestlemania 28 none of the matches had good build up and the only special match was the hell in a cell
The flip thing that kelly kelly did was the 'Molly-go-round' Molly Holly used to nail it everytime!
What happened to the hair??? And no I am.not following this trend
i found jericho vs punk boring i just sat there
About time you cut that mop off :)
love how u said; cody rhodes :L.
i like the hair :)

Jeff and Beth

User Comments
i cant believe that people would think beth britt is a goldigga. Seriously, does she look like a goldigga to you? really, i mean if she was she would be glammed up and gettin pics from paps day to day.she wears casual chlothes like polo necks and that. and so wat if shes "ugly" shes normal and twice the personality than all you if you juj people by there looks.but really people how did she no he was sucessful when she met him when he was 21 when he jst got his contract in wwe.DUH! people think
I don't think Beth is pretty enough for him. He should of stayed with Maria even if it was just storyline. Beth is also fat and I just don't like her. I think she's a goldigger and since she didn't know who he was when she met him and later she did she knew he would get alot of money so she stayed with him. They just don't make a good couple.I'll tell him that.
I think Jeff and Beth know this. I think if jeff would have kids he would make a break or something.. but beth always travels with him, so that they're always together. I think there's something special about Beth, otherwise jeff wouldn't love her. I mean.. they're dating since 10 years! Sure, Jeff can have any girl he wants, but he wants beth...
and i think you are an A hole for saying such a thing! Beth is a beautiful girl, and i truly believe Jeff loves her with all his heart. Better than some stupid blonde, gold digging, finger snapping, cry babying, got to have everything my way, i might cheat on you, cant stop texting on my phone long enough to notice you, paris hilton wana be !!!!
I Love Jeff Hardy So Much, :/ Not just because he's hot x_x or because he Is or was face, I've loved him for years x_x followed up on everything (not a stalker way I mean through what he allowed the public to know) and stuff and I just love him :[ Beth Is truly the luckiest woman on the face of this planet. :/ Dude :'|
I don't think she's ugly, but I don't think she is pretty enough for him. He can get any girl he wants at any time, he is really lucky when it comes to girls, but I guess there's something special about Beth. But anyway, it's okay, I just want my hero to be happy.
where did you get that from? Do you watch THS and know Jeff's take on marriage I am sure that didn't change overnight, it is just a piece of paper to him. They have called themseleves married for a while now, I am sure they don't need the paper to prove it.
But what if we want THAT Jeff Hardy? lol, it's just that, as I said, I just want him to be happy but I guess we can help it, we're in love with him :P But he looks just happy and perfectly fine with Beth, and that's all thgat really matters.
my mom and step dad are not married and they have been together for over 18 years. Not everyone needs to get married, also Jeff's has a take on marriage that it is just a paper and there is no need for it to show someone you love them.
@themizzjeffhardy you guys are straight up pathetic. if hes happy for her, then let him be with her! im a humongous fan of jeff hardy and i want him to be happy. Beth is SUPER pretty and sweet. shes really lucky to be with him.
Whatever happen with him and beth is their business. I just hope he's happy and it looks like she makes him happy gotta respect it. But in the future you never know if you ever become single hooler at your girl!!!!!
haha at 1:47 Sean looks like he doesnt know the words haha poor thing haha but I think he did better than beth because of his facial expression at 1:56 :D haha i love Sean and Jeff and Beth they are all awesome :D
Beth Britt... or should I say Beth Hardy... is the luckiest girl in the world.... and for all of you who think she's ugly.. she's not! She really pretty.... otherwise Jeff wouldn't have picked her instead of you!
jeff an beth r married they got married last month in january theyre such a cute couple awe love ya jeff an beth ur so lucky to be married to such an awesome person u guys r the best (beth, jeff, an matt hardy r)
This is an amazingly adorable tribute i LOVE Jeff and Beth so much they are the perfect couple, such an inspiration and have been through such a rough time and deserve all the happiness in the world!
But then again if Beth really loved Jeff wouldn't she have stopped him from doing drugs and ruining his career and life? Yeah she makes him happy,and she is pretty, but is she good for him?
and tbh she isnt ugly she has a pretty face but shes jst a plain jayne and btw whos that baby is it theres lol well anyways is cute and it has beths nose
I want to talk to jeff and find out what the real answer is are they married is he still going xtreme and do they have a baby and tell him that hes hot
@rockbaby88 actually if you no the bible your married befor you do anyhing or your commiting fonacation but in this world today u just dont know
yeah, I think so. I think they're friends, 'cause matt wrote on his blog yesterday that he, jeff and beth are goin to shane helmes now xD
if they been together for over 10years how come he hasnt ask her to marry her yet that means the relationship isnt going anywhere sorry
Sorry I know Sean McCulley aka Yuk from the hardy show and i asked him to make sure and Jeff and Beth are still together sorry guys (:
they are not married! jeff doesnt believe in marrige! he said he doesnt need a piece of paper to show beth how much he loves her!
awe thats so sweet jeff hardy is so sweet idk rather they r or rnt married they make a CUTE couple dnt ya think
Jeff and Beth didnt break up their still together and I dont really think they will break up anytime soon (:
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