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Boise cascade corporate Videos

Passfail.com News: Boise Cascade Shares Soar

Shares of Boise Cascade (BCH) rose by more than 24 percent in their first day of trading, indicating a thaw in the IPO market. The strong demand for shares in ...

Boise Cascade Makes Drastic Turnaround, Looking to Hire 50 - Oct 26th, 2012

For more, visit //kobi5.com.

The Old Abandoned Boise Cascade Plant in Salem, Oregon (3 of 4)

They are tearing down the old, infamously poluting Boise Cascade Paper Processing Plant the used to dump sludge into the Willamette River in Salem since the ...

Boise cascade on fire

The Boise Cascade Fire

This was in Yakima, WA 07/21/10 At 6 in the morning. Huge fire behind my house. What a beautiful view i woke up to... Jk. Very Scary. D: -♥J.

User Comments

hahah too badd u live by there. ahah u should of standd lil more closer so u can get a tann for freee lmfao :D
@lueyROCKZ Fooo Who's house do youu think it is? If you're talking bout me.. Then Efffffff Youuuuu! haha -♥A
@TheQueensJAS yes im talking about u. ahah y u talking shitt. thru. here;.efffff you ahah

"Remember Valsetz"

An updated video of the memories of Valsetz, a town in the Oregon Coast Range mountains. It was owned and operated by Boise Cascade Corp and was ...

User Comments

Living in Toledo, Oregon for many years, I can appreciate the sadness of the people from Valsetz!
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