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Idaho III% VP Eric Parker -- CSI refugee program Q&A

Idaho III% VP Eric Parker's take on the Times News CSI refugee program Q&A. Thanks very much, Eric! Check out Eric's previous interview with TVOI News.

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On Oct. 1, 2015, the US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, chaired by Sen Jeff Sessions - R-AL held a two hour hearing asking questions of Federal managers from Federal agencies involved in the regugee programs. Sessions several times mentions that the FBI has given testimony they cannot vett the incoming Syrian refugees. You can also find more info on the Refugee problems at Ann Corcoran's website www.RefugeeResettlementWatch.Wordpress.com You can also find more info at my Factsheet at: //bit.ly/KillFedsRefugeeResettlementPrograms Watch this CPAN video below for more insight. CSPAN Oct 1, 2015 video of Congressional hearing on Refugee Resettlment programs - 2 hours long Syrian Refugees & Resettlement Program Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest There is a transcript from the captions, so not perfect. //www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/oversight-of-the-administrations-fy-2016-refugee-resettlement-program-fiscal-and-security-implications This page has printed testimonies of panel and absent Senators - Grassley and Leahy, Durbin //www.c-span.org/video/?328475-1/hearing-fiscal-year-2016-refugee-resettlement-program 
if you can't tak care of your own how can you take care of refugees who don't want to be here how about social security recipients under paid
Never trust anything from the government or their spokes-asswipes!
This guy: //www.democraticunderground.com/10024821424
Isn't it really always about the money? ....

Search for Hannah Anderson, Idaho Day One Coverage

The three stories I MMJd in Cascade, Idaho on Saturday, the day Hannah Anderson was found in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. The second ...

Idaho Sheriff News Briefing On James DiMaggio Shooting Killed By FBI Tactical Agent

Idaho Sheriff News Briefing On James DiMaggio Shooting Killed By FBI Tactical Agent More Videos On This Story: //youtu.be/uMMeKgyAX9I ...

2014 Fire Lawn Fire Company #4 Recruitment Presentation

Fair Lawn Fire Company #4 is looking for some new members! If you think you have what it takes and you're ready to give back to your community, then stop by ...

Join the Portland Police

Becoming a part of the Portland Police Bureau is much more than a job. It is a pursuit, a passion and being part of the community.

Grow The Game Tour: A Lacrosse All Stars Project

Support LaxAllStars.com on our mission to Grow The Game: //indiegogo.com/GrowTheGame -- The GTG Tour will celebrate the growth of lacrosse in ...

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Las Vegas, Nevada!!!!! The sport is growing, but we need more!!! COME!!!!!!!!!
love these videos! so well done!!!
Come to Atlanta!!!!!!

Cowboy Hat Chronicles: Pucon 70.3

Professional triathlete, Montana Made, Linsey Corbin takes her cowboy hat to Chile for the Pucon 70.3.

User Comments

I read your interview in "Inside Triathlon" today. Very inspiring, for sure. This sport needs you in a big way. Go, Linsey, go!

Iroman Austria 2012: Linsey Corbin Race Report

A race report of professional triathlete Linsey Corbin winning Ironman Austria 2012.
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