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35th Bualuang Paintings Exhibition 2013 Queen's Gallery Bangkok (1)

Pour en savoir plus sur cette exposition : //www.expatriation-en-thailande.com/bualuang-35eme-exposition-peinture/ Pour mieux connaitre la Thailande ...

7 5 ft Glittery Gold Pine Pre Lit Christmas Tree - Product Review Video

For more details or to shop this 7.5 ft. Glittery Gold Pine Pre-Lit Christmas Tree, visit Hayneedle at: ...

Cost Of Selling Your House

Paint living room or not?

User Comments

I love the look of the paneling for one, but also as far as I am concerned very rarely can someone pull off the look of painted paneling. You, have pulled that off with the paneling you painted in the back of the house and it looks good. You could if you wanted, I personally think id leave it. In my final opinion, if you do paint it, don't use white.
@brent3360 No, that's fine. I need opinions from people seeing it for the first time, because there will be people walking through it when it's listed for sale.
I'm thinking you should paint it. Personally lots of people hate paneling. They don't really like the warmth these days.
i would paint it becuase the wood looks outdated. im not trying to be a butthole or nothing im just saying
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