Okan Bayülgen İle Makina Kafa | 31 Ocak 2014 | Tek Parça Full | Makina Kafa, Fatih Ürek, Başak Parlak, Gürkan Uygun, Berk Hakman, Bay J, Güneş Zavrak, ...
gunes senin ejdadini sikiyim orospu cocugu orospu. Cubbeli Ahmet Hocaya
kurban ol sen sillik. sen ona cariye olmak icin yalvar orospu suratina bak
sanki mundar bi sey gormus gibi de yapiyo o hocanin ayayklari senin
suratindan temiz lan sillik o ayaklarini gunde 5 defa yikiyo ama senin
suratin makyajdan gote donmus.sen git erkeklerin altina yat onlarinkini
yala bi yerlere gelmek icin sonra hocamizi beyenme. seni de gorduk pis
yediliden sanki yillarin sanatkariymis gibi de kasiliyo orospu dizide de
orospuyu oynuyodun simdi de orospusun
+wertygo evr yok yok simdi emin oldum anan orospu kesin bundan isyanin. hangi hoca anani sikmis agzina bosalmis soyle gidib tebrik edicem onu.ananin kiymetini bil oyle orospular kolay kolay gelmez dunyaya.deminden beri hoca boyle yapti oyle yapti yoksa sen gaymisin lan?yoksa seni hoca kilikli biri mi sikti lan?ondan mi bu kadar ofken suskunlar dizisine baglamissindir simdi sen ee napican basa gelen cekilir senin gibiler sikilir pic
+wertygo evr anani cok mu sikmis hocalar ki bu kadar ofkelisin onlara? ayrica benim kufur etme sebebim cvp verememem degil aksine sen cvp veremedin ben soyledim sen kufur etdin dikkatli oku. bir dine inanirsin ya da inanmazsin kendin bilirsin ama inanmiyosun diye inananlara o dine kufur etmek serefsizliktir ayrica o dinin dogru oldugunu bildigi icin ama o yolu gidemedigi icin kiskancliktan yapilan bi seydir.bana akil oyretmeye kalkma sulaileni toplar sike sike akillandiririm. senin bu dine karsi cikma sebebin bi orospu cocugu oldugun icindir onun icin bu isyanin onun icin bu ofken. ama napalim senin kaderin de buymus. anan orospu diye milleti dinden cikarmaya calisma ayrica hocalar gozunun onunde anani sikip sakso mu cektirmisler onlara kufur ediyon.neyse cok uzatmanin bi anlami yok yazilanlari dikkatli oku goreceksin ki, benim soylediklerime cvp veremedin sen picsin orospu cocugusun bunlar da kufur degil hakikatler
+wertygo evr anasini bacisini siktigim o adam onlarin manevi alemde sevap oldugu soyluyo pic. cunku o hayvanlar Hz.Ibrahim a.s.in yakilmasi icin hazilanan atese yardim etmislerdir.bu inananlarin dusunceleridir senin gibi piclerin degil. ayrica sunnette her zaman yuzde bugday tanesi kadar da olsa sakal kalmalidir. 4 parmak uzunlugunda sakal birakmakta peygamber sunnetidir. ben inandigim herseyi dusundum zamaninda sen gibi asalak gibi yasayip kendimi bi bok zann etmiyorum pic.benim soylediklerime yine cvp yok yine atmasyon vesvese pesindesin cunku orospu cocugu pic serefsizsin
+OsmanLı Genci ulan senin o insanları cahillikten kurtardığını söylediğin adam jilet'le traş olmanın haram olduğunu, 1 vuruşta kertenkele öldürmenin 100 sevap 2 vuruşta öldürmenin ise 50 sevap olduğunu söyleyen hayal dünyasında yaşayan şaklabanın birisi. senin gibi akıl kullanma becerisi olmayan kişilerin çokluğuna güvenip trilyonları götürüyor sen ise hala hoca götü yalamaya devam ediyorsun.eğer gerçekleri bilmek istiyorsan inandığın herşeyden 1 kere olsun şüphe et o zaman belki bir kıvılcım düşünmeni sağlar.
+wertygo evr gerizekali hikaye ismi soylemekle kendini bilgili gostermeye calisma pic. soylediklerime cvp veremeyip sacma sapan konusma ibne.o hoca benden para mi istedi yardim mi istedi bi sey mi talep etdi 3 yasindan camilerde buyumus islam alimi bir zat Cubbeli Ahmet Hoca. milletin dinini imanini kurtarmak icin cahillikden kurtarmak icin hayatini ortaya koyuyo senin gibi gerizekalilar da serefsiz yahudilerin medyada hocalari sahtekar gibi gostermesinin sonucu hocamiza kufur ediyo. yani malsin pic
osmanlı'da ki oğlancılık belli ki sizin sülale'nin dna'sına işlemiş.sen böyle hoca götü yalamayı alışkanlık haline getirirsen o hocalar sizi ayakta sikmeye çook devam eder. ha bir de şu durum var tecavüzcüsüne aşık olma hastalığı yani '' stockholm sendromu'' bi psikiyatrist'e görünün derim.
+wertygo evr senin ejdadini sikiyim orospu cocugu osmanli olmasaydi anani dunyada bellemeyen millet kalmazdi pi bunlari soyleye bildigine gore kesin yahudi ermeni picisin serefsiz ibne.hocamin hakkini savundum orospuya da layik oldugu sozleri soyledim sana yaptigim gibi
O kadın tamamen nefsi olmuş artık kardeş. Dini simge görmekten din görmekten rahatsız olur duruma gelmiş ki böyle tepki veriyor. Dediklerine sonuna kadar katılıyorum.
All Quiet On The Western Front (1979)
A remake of the WW I classic war film to deter future wars. Starring Richard Thomas, Ernest Borgnine, and Donald Pleasance.
the czar of russia, the kaiser of germany and the king of england were
cousins - 20 million killed because of a family argument over who dresses
+Downfacingdog Correction: That Muslim's name was, Lee Harvey Oswald". Now that we know you are a stupid White-boy, you can call it quits. Last time I checked, Oswald was a White guy Communist. See, I am a Spic and know more than you.
+Downfacingdog Okay. I would agree to what you are saying, but still a Muslim killed the Prince Archduke. That is a fact, but I also like your information. I do believe at this point. The English rulers were assholes. That is why the 13 colonies kicked their butts and won their freedom. The poor lower classes had always suffered because of these elites just like today with the Islam problem in England.
+David Boson You are both wrong. WWI was started by King Edward 7th. He got his inbred cousin, Wilhelm, to remove the only thing protecting Europe from a meltdown: Otto Von Bismark. Germany was targeted because it broke off it's free trade agreement with the British Empire after visiting the 1876 American Expo. The Empire could not compete with a Germany inspired by American protectionism so Britain kicked over the chess board.
The world wars had the most dysgenic effects of any war, we lost entire
bloodlines of our greatest people. Men were mowed down indiscriminately in
no man's land, it killed too many people to be worth fighting.
Surely the nail in the coffin of western civilisation, or at the very least
the beginning of the end.
+Prof Breeki You are absolutely correct. This was the start of the decline of the White people, which is still in effect today. We could use soldiers and men like this today to protect Europe from the hoards of Islamist immigrants who are raping, freeloading, destroying the cultures, and murdering regardless of race, color, creed or ethnic groups. Sadly. I admire the Germans who were winning the war. Then the Zionist Jews convinced the Americans to enter the war. Those rich bastardos. Good British men who suffered as well by the government. The Australians, Canadians, and those of India and New Zealand.
Very good movie .
Observing the combat you realize that there was no actual tactic , at least
no tactic capable to at least make the was more dinamic . What I mean is
that the war was one big atrition war .....
Also I am very glad that this is the German perspective !!
In this war there was no bad or good side ..... It was a sensless war .....
+mariusstana Actually pretty far off, at least by this stage in the war, and certainly by the end of it when well coordinated all arms offensives were actually common. The biggest killer in WWI was not machineguns, not by a long way, but artillery. Artillery tactics grew more refined and more complex as the war progressed. These were not simply a case of throw shit tons of shells at things. Late war barrages were intricately planned and timed. At the start of the war artillery had to be registered on targets by firing a few shells at it. By the end of the war this was not required as technology and experience grew. In an assault the artillery might hit the enemy front line with a hurricane bombardment, as that was going on a creeping barrage would advance across no mans land screening the infantry. As the infantry hit the frontline trench the barrage would lift and hit the enemies support trenches, all the time other heavy guns were involved in counter battery fire to try and silence the inevitable enemy reply. Box barrages would be used to enclose the area the troops were assaulting and stop the enemy reinforcing, all this pre planned. When the front line trench was taken and the infantry started advancing on the next the artillery would repeat the process. Infantry tactics also evolved, you just have to look at the sheer number of Chauchaut light machineguns the French manufactured, and Lewis guns for the British. Light, man portable weapons that were specifically designed to give the infantry platoon increased firepower, especially in suppression. Storm trooper tactics were used by all sides, combined Tank and infantry attacks, air power in support of ground troops... all of these things were developed during WWI. The problem was this was the first major industrialised war with modern equipment. Unknown to most people the various armies on the Western Front actually took higher casualties in the last 100 days of the war when trench deadlock had been broken and maneuver warfare had begun again than they did in the worst trench battles. Not saying there were not mistakes made during the war, but I am saying it was not as black and white as most people assume. The problem was defensive technology, primarily the machinegun, howitzer and barbed wire had no offensive counter at the start of the war. Cavalry, the original breakthrough and exploitation arm was rendered obsolete, and it was not until 1916 that a somewhat reliable armoured vehicle was rolled out. Dont forget, the tank was right at the cutting edge of tech at that time. It was not until 1917 that significant numbers of tanks were available to French and British forces, and then they had to learn how to use them....
+angus white You should have noticed the american union pants on that french soldier at 7:06Edit: and btw the helmet of German soldiers is outdated knowing that once the french adopted the metal helmet, the German already had a primitive version of the WW2 helmet. The spiked helmet was used for just a year
+angus white I saw it too. Stopped the movie play just to make sure it happened after taking a 2nd look.
Trailer - Misery (1990)
Paul Sheldon, a successful novelist, is rescued after a snow storm by his "Number One Fan" and must rewrite his latest novel to her liking in order to stay alive.
What's going on my dedicated Plumbers?! Streaming Luigikid Fan-Games this Friday, 18th September at 4PM EST(USA East Coast)/1PM PST(USA West ...
the names of the ghosts sometimes quickly flash on the scrreen in case your
wondeing what there names are here they are you got blindy, screamy, and
slendy and cant pause quick enough to see the outher one if you could reply
saying its name thatd be great.
En komik kaza videoları En komik fail videolar En komik şakalar en komik videoları izle 2014 2014'ün en iyi fenomen vine ları Terapizm - Siyasetname 2014 ...
En komik kaza videoları En komik fail videolar En komik şakalar en komik videoları izle 2014 2014'ün en iyi fenomen vine ları Terapizm - Siyasetname 2014 ...