Vídeo testando a velocidade máxima da Honda CB 500. Lembrando que todos meus vídeos de "top speed" são feitos de "peito aberto", p/ ver a velocidade real ...
Massa o vídeo man! Mais parece que tu acaba subindo uma ladeira. Se não
fosse os carros e essa ladeira ela andava mais. Já pus 200km/h de peito
aberto, num retão maior que esse aí. Vi nos comentários que vc falou q teu
amigo disse que ela faz 16km/l, se for, tá bebendo. O consumo dela fica
entre 18 e 20km/l, claro, depende do peso do punho hehehehe.
E aí John... Rapaz, se vc achar uma em bom estado, estará fazendo uma bela aquisição, pois é uma moto ágil, muito boa p/ estrada, e tem um ronco show!Mas procure uma de boa procedência, pois pegar uma moto "judiada", ninguém merece ficar gastando com moto na oficina. Valeu, abraço.
Honda CB500 - Review (2003)
Louise Brady gives us a brief review of the Honda CB500 and compares it to some of it's competitors, looking particularly at street cred, build quality, ...
+Katerini Riders No problem, this year comes more and hopefully better stuff, with the open Honda. At this trip, I knew the road not very well. And yes, the CB is a great Bike! :-)
+Johannes sb Also ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass ich keine Referenz habe, aber habe bisher keine negativen Eigenschaften feststellen können. Geben auch ein gutes Feedback bei Nässe, sodass sich die Grenzen gut fühlen lassen.
follow me on Instagram: //instagram.com/schaaf_gopro_only VISIT my facebook page for exclusive pictures: //facebook.com/schaafyoutube --- so here I ...
Great riding my friend! Funny enough, I have my right hand exactly opposite
of you haha; I grip throttle with thumb and index, and use other last three
fingers for braking while rev-matching :D. Hopefully, I'll have an older CB
soon, love the sound and bodywork.
Watching this makes me want to buy a CB500 next week. It is a very
versatile bike and now I can see it is not a slow as others have commented.
I wonder what is would be like for long distance touring?
Dude, you ride too dangerously mate. You don't leave room for error. I'd
understand if you were racing and the price were millions of dollars but
you aren't racing. Take it easy, live longer.
The CB500 is very forgiving and doesn't have a lot at the back wheel.
Twist the throttle like that on a modern bike (esp. the sports and super
sports) and you're off! Another thing - you really shouldn't be changing
gear in the middle of a corner. Any changes you need to do should be before
the corner. In the corner everything needs to be in a steady state - don't
additionally disturb the bike by changing gear or braking.
+Terry Jesper have you ever been on a CB500? Obviously not. If you're scraping pegs on a CB500 with STOCK footpegs there's still plenty of room for error. The moment the pegs start touching the ground there's still a massive amount of lean to go. I'm hostile because I get extremely pissed whenever folks start talking trash. You have NO (nil,zero,nada) knowledge about the CB500 and its limits and still you act as if you do. This makes me mad. "Scraping the pegs is where I stop" - what an utterly useless thing to say without mentioning which kind of bike you ride. But at least there's something we can do about you doubting the indeed quick riding style of many Austrian riders. Come here and see for yourself. You'll be surprised.
Take it easy dude - I'm just telling you that you need to leave some more room for error - be it on your side or another driver. I don't know why you're so hostile. Could have just said "OK, thanks". I doubt Austrian riders are majorly different than any other European rider. If anything I'd say motorcycling is more popular in the UK and seeing the state of EU economy you'll be lucky not to have to sell your bike to feed yourself but let's not go there. Scraping the pegs is where I stop unless I am racing. Nobody is going to give you a cup at the end of that ride so chill out. Like your bike though.
why do you believe that I think that I could ride like this on any other bike? I always claim the opposite in every Vlog and comment I post actually. And no one is able to tell via onboard Video if the bike's actually ridden on the limit or not. Especially not you since you even consider this kind of riding as "racing". Have you ever been on Austrian roads? Do you have any idea how the average Austrian supersports rider likes to have fun? You know I realize that every ride could be my last. I'm not invincible. This is dangerous. But calling my kindergarden-leans and speeds "racing" is like calling a kids soccer match the World Cup Final.
Hey!!! you have great driver skills, no doubt about that, and you have a
great bike too.
In my country (Uruguay) that bike doesn´t exist, you can find only the
cx500, not a nice bike to me.
I have a 1979 suzuki gs550e, got the bike but not the skills,
Congratulations and thanks for the videos.
Sorry about my english.
Vazamento causado por dois parafusos que nao receberam um tratamento especial, que com o tempo iam afrouxando a ponto de causar vazamento... No recall, trocaram esses parafusos e os aneis de vedação...
Na europa custa em torno de $6700,00 euros,mais fácil que comprar uma cg
aqui no brasil,este país é uma vergonha!!,eles nos veeem como
trouxas,cobram o que querem porque sabem que tem imbecil que paga.
Comprei uma vermelha e estou muito satisfeito a moto é ótima de fácil
pilotagem, com resposta rápida e muito confortável. Quanto ao preço
estamos no Brasil e ñ adianta ficar o tempo todo reclamando a política é
uma vergonha e se ficarmos o tempo todo pensando desse jeito ñ vamos
comprar nada. parabéns pelo vídeo ficou ótimo!!!!!!!
rsrsrs verdade compra sim cara a moto é ótima vc vai gostar!!!! vlw continue fazendo vídeo é sempre bom verificar antes de comprar e vídeos como o seu ajudam muito!!!
quem reclama nem moto tem, vou comprar uma tambem!!! O pessoal fala que da pra comprar uma xj com essa grana mais eles nao tem dinheiro pra comprar nem a cb 500!
Só o preço que não ajuda. Para se ter um bom custo benefício, deveria
custar no máximo 20K. Pelo preço que se está cobrando, com pouco mais se
compra um ER6 que é muito mais moto.
Cette Honda CB 500 F 2016 pourrait presque passer pour un streetfighter. Valorisant, et presque trompeur. Car sous l'habit, on retrouve exactement la même ...
#MotoVlog 52 : TEST HONDA CB 500 F / Permis A2 / Un Vélo !
Salut tout le monde ! Voici donc le petit test du nouveau cb500 a la sauce lord puma ! https://www.facebook.com/LordPuma56.
Hello Puma je regarde pas mal tes vidéos d'ailleurs toute tes vidéos , et
j'ai actuellement un Tzr 50 , oui c'est rien je sais XD , Mais assez pour
rentrer dans le monde de la moto j'envisage de passez mon permis A2 , Mais
j"hésité vraiment entre Er6 , Cb 500 , Mt 07 . Je serais + partie sur la MT
et la qu'elle du coup mais j'aimerais avoir ton avis . Continue comme sa tu
gère !
+Lord Puma d'accord je pensez la même mais je voulais un avis plus certains. je te remercie de ta réponse aussi rapide continue comme sa tu envoie grave !
+DooZK Alexie (“Nightcore”) Salut !! :) merci de regarder mes vidéos ! et pour te repondre rapidement voici l'ordre dans lequel je choisirais une moto pour le A2 ! MT07 -> cb500f -> er6f
Salut superbe vidéo comme d'habitude :P
J'ai acheté ce petit joujou car je vais avoir mon permis dans peu de temps
et je voudrais savoir tu conseil quoi comme pot pour cette bécane avec un
tarif moyen ? ;)
salut Puma , superbe vidéo comme toujours , que dire tu as parfaitement
cerné cette moto j'en est le meme ressenti ! je la conseille a tous les A2
qui veulent une brele sure et fun ! pour le bruit un silencieux leovince ou
autre chante bien , on retrouve un son plus roc :) V a toi mon ami :)
Les Honda CB500 et 650F sont vraiment bien, je passe mon plateau là sur la
650 et c'est nerveux et pourtant c'est bridé! Par contre la 650 est
beaucoup plus lourde et quand t'es a l'arret et que tu perds l'équilibre
faut avoir des bras ^^
Je n'ai pas trop testé la 500 car en général on les laisse aux filles xD
mais c'est super maniable!
Tu pourrais teste la 650 pour comparer ;)