This video shows you how to test if your notebook/laptop is compatible with nVidia Optimus, and check if it's working the way it should, plus a little benchmark in ...
How to Configure nVidia Optimus in 99 Seconds
Learn how to configure the nVidia Optimus solution, allowing you to personalize and optimize hardware video acceleration based on how you use your Dell.
even after doing all these when i run batman arkham asylum it says you need
8000 series or higher card..i am upset with only detects the stupid
intel card
Seems like a lot of people have difficulty with Optimus equipped notebooks. This brief walkthrough shows exactly how to use Optimus to 'whitelist' a game so ...
@tacomuncher211 Hey there, and thanks for the sub! If you mean 3D as in the
technology that requires glasses and stuff, then no , the M11x doesn't
support it. Optimus gives you access to a high powered graphics adapter for
gaming, typically those games that display a 3 dimensional image (like
Skyrim or Minecraft) as opposed to a 2d gaming image (like Space Invaders
or Sonic)
Yes PES works just fine. You just need to use Optimus as shown in the video
to permanently lock the Nvidia chipset on for everything. You won't find
anything in your bios I'm afraid because you would need to download and
install a modified bios to completely disable optimus. Your best source for
answers to this stuff is really going to be notebookreview . Good luck dude
i have 2 question 1- on selection game on file there is 2 things one is
game luncher and sec is application exe which one i should for working
navida on it 2- when i want to play do i have to play it with run on admin
or just click on it thank you and i hope you answer as could possible
Have you updated to the latest drivers? The only way to permanently lock
the nvidia chipset on and do away with optimus is through a modified bios.
You'll have to google around for that one I'm afraid. I would suggest
grabbing the latest Nvidia drivers though first.
im totaly unlucky inthis way - in bios i cant find it (i was looking
everywhere, but i dont know where's it), and i have nvidia geforce gt 650m,
and drivers are only for gt 645m so im sad now ....and have you tried max
payne 3 or pro evolution soccer 12 pls?
nice vid man, but optimus is totaly shit, i cant run max payne 3 with
nvidia till now, only with intel hd, and it's how can i disable
intel hd, or turn off stupid optimus?......nvidia control panel doesnt work
for max payne 3 anyway
@LKTVLeart That's a core 2 duo I think? You probably want to check out
notebook review dot com - that sounds like an R1 and there are people on
the forums there talking about experiences getting an R1 to run Skyrim.
@LKTVLeart Depends on what processor that is. Speed of the processor is not
necessarily the best measurement of performance (a 1.73 Ghz Core i5 for
example can humiliate a similar speed Pentium 5).
Damn, it was working like "Godly" for 2 days, and then it suddenly started
"detecting" my Nvidia card (GT555M) And it is now lagging a lot in some
scenes it didnt use to, even at low!, Help someone.
Don't know what an acculoader is, but yeah, when I'm gaming at home I just
leave the NVidia chipset on. I only turn it off if I'm not gaming and
specifically want to get more out of the battery.
I tried whitelisting and it works but i accidentally picked intel graphics
for skyrim now I tried clicking nividia high performance to replace the
intel R famlily crap it's not changing Plz help
so if you just game at home with this laptop and you''re using a
acculoader( dunno how its called)you can just set it high performance
Nvidia processor and never screw with optimus ever again?
@Irishlad147 It's totally compatible. Steam games are stored (typically) in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common. Find your game, find it's
main executable program and whitelist it.
@mrservbot Thanks for the sub mate - Glad the vid helped you out. Really
NVidia have to put some more work in to make this system a lot more
friendly than it currently is.
@GoldStephano Sorry dude - can't help you. I would suggest looking for an
older (say 1 year to 18 months old) gaming machine on eBay or
something....? Good luck
@frooglepete do both, save you hassle, i just did it with skyrim and it
worked a treat!
Nvidia Optimus Counter strike 1.6 fix
If you have a laptop that supports the NVIDIA Optimus technology, here is how you fix possibly fps problems caused by CS no longer being detected as ...
"For me this reverted the setting and made it greyed out again, but once I
re-did the fix on NVIDIA inspector, it stayed as "NVIDIA""
^What do you mean with this???
+JLT_ TV The thing is that I did everything you told in the video and it still doesn't work. Well, it does work, as in, you can change hl.exe to run in your nvidia but that's all it does, once I launch the game, the game is still run by the intel graphic card and when I go to check the Nvidia settings, hl.exe is AGAIN being run in Intel Graphics and it's greyed out(can't change) again... I still get 100 fps in the Intel Card but I have to play in MINIMAL resolution (640x480) and that sucks and even so it has a few drops when there are too many smokes or too many players in front of me in the server.
By setting "NVIDIA" you will force your gfx to run cs 1.6 on your Dedicated graphic card not the inbuilt.Inorder to do that,you will have to do the steps mentioned in Nvidia Inspector.The settings should be grayed out.If they were not greyed out,why would you try this ?This fix is not for all those facing fps issue on Laptops.This is a specific gfx bug issue.You dont need to do that,if your settings are not grayed out.
Minecraft: Nvidia Optimus FPS Fix
Having crappy FPS in Minecraft with your Nvidia Optimus GFX Card? You're not the only one... Try this fix, get more FPS, be happy, send me money. Or just be ...
NVIDIA Optimus Technology - The Best Notebook Experience
Learn how NVIDIA Optimus technology automatically manages battery life and performance to provide you with the best notebook experience - whether youre ...
you're lying! optimus is the most terrible tech i've ever seen. that
muxless circuit settings restricts full gpu acceleration and make so much
stuttering and lowering framerate. if you want to add real gpu switching
you must add mux circuit! without multiplexer, no switching tech can be
@NanoFlameSG Same here. Question now is, can you still have the same
control even if you didn't want it to go automatic? That is what I'm
wondering. I wish there was a tablet convertible version of this. It would
be even more epic.
@NanoFlameSG I'm jealous of you... The ability to turn "optimusloadofcrap"
off and do it manual to avoid the gazillion problems these cards will give
would be so sweet!
[4K60] Nvidia Optimus on Linux - Bumblebee VS official support
Unigine Heaven benchmark - Bumblebee against the official support provided by Nvidia driver along with Xrandr. Official solution has higher score and definitely ...
a jak funguje ta oficialni podpora od Nvidie? jsem to zkousel kdysi pri
instalaci a nesel mi nijak nastartovat X server jediny s cim mi to slo bylo
bud jenom Intel grafika nebo bumblebee cili zase Intel s moznosti nvidia
pro urcity aplikace. Jak vidim tak oficialni podpora od nvidia ma vetsi
vykon tak bych to chtel zkusit jestli bych dokazal z myho ntb vytahnout
jeste vetsi vykon na hry
+vsDarling Ofiko podpora záleží na distribuci. Mě se to povedlo rozběhat jenom v Ubuntu (nastavuje samo, stačí nainstalovat ovladač přes program "Dodatečné ovladače") a v Archu. Arch to má skvěle popsaný na Wiki ( ), ale po poslední aktualizaci Xorg na verzi 1.18 se to celý nějak změnilo a nejde mi to. Vrátil jsem se tak zpátky na Bumblebee - je to jistota, výkon i tak slušnej a hlavně nedělá zbytečný problémy. Oficiální podpora potřebuje ještě hodně práce, pokud člověk nemá Ubuntu, který to nastaví samo, tak je to peklo se s tim dělat a udržovat to. Musí být nakonfigurovaný xorg.conf a upravený config display manageru (ideální je SDDM, viz Arch wiki), aby celý Xorg přehodil přes Xrandr na jiný výstup. Takže doporučuju spíš Bumblebee, je to ideální - notebook dýl vydrží, míň topí a Steam ty grafiky stejně umí přepínat sám. A v některých hrach (Alien Isolation, Metro Redux apod.) jsem rozdíl ve výkonu nepoznal žádný, spíš je to znát ve starších, třeba Source engine based.
Ubuntu 15.04, nVidia 940M a Core i5 5200U, nainstaloval jsem ofiko ovladace
od nVidie, jestli se muzu zeptat, jak bych to mel upravit abych tam mohl
nainstalovat Bumblebee aniz bych si rozhasil system?
+Martin Szabó Zkus se podívat sem - - a vyzkoušej postup popsanej pro 14.04. Ubuntu jinak standartně (když povolíš v "dodatečné ovladače" nesvobdný Nvidia ovladač) používá ten oficiální způsob kdy vynutí jen jednu kartu, takže pokud se ti nechce dělat se s nějakým nastavováním, jde to i pomocí dvou kliků. Ale jestli trváš na Bumblebee, který má výhodu v tom real-time pepínání, tak viz ten odkaz.
+Levente Nagy Bumblebee on the left side, official support on the right side. Bumblebee looks better in the video of course because Intel took care of recording and Nvidia had only one job (benchmark). On the right side Nvidia had to render both recording+benchmark. Without recording Nvidia's official support is definitely better.
Создание загрузочной флешки OS X 10.10 Yosemite для ноутбука с NVIDIA Optimus
Создание загрузочной флешки OS X 10.10 Yosemite для ноутбука с NVIDIA Optimus Хакинтош // ...