With a variety of updates to how mods are installed for FTL, I thought it high time to give you guys a new video explaining how it works! Thankfully, it's even ...
+Protocol Droid Cracked Is 'A free or discounted Version Of a game or other media that is not provided or permitted by the owners of the game or other media'
+RTS MASTER yeah i just use that first website for all my ftl mods and the mod manager allows a lot of them to work together but do note that if your custom ship has a clone bay even if you buy a medibay it will still have a clone bay
Yes of course this is the link to the website with all the mods: //www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26619 and this one is the actual infite space page itself: //www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3542&start=980#p78876 its a media fire link
Consider Subscribing: //bit.ly/SubXuul This video is all about modding FTL. Both installing and using the SSMM. I am super exicted for the upcoming ...