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How to install ggplot2 Videos

Graphing in R 1: Intro to ggplot2

Gentle introduction to graphing in R using the ggplot2 package. Watching in HD!

User Comments

I am looking for a tutorial on plotting multivariate data using Spider/Radar plots in R. Where can I find something?
This was a really great tutorial for beginners. Very clear and east to understand. Looking forward to the next one!
Nice Video. It would be great if you also provide same kind of graphic tutorial for iGraph package.
Thank you very much for your nice introduction. Pls keep on working ...
I have r version 3.0.2 but it isn't compatible with ggplot2...
Looking forward to your next video. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the good video!

R Tutorial-ggplot2

"ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good parts of base and lattice graphics and none of the bad parts.

R Programming Tutorial: Make Scatterplots with Ggplot2

Make Scatterplots with Ggplot2 is an excerpt from, R Programming LiveLessons (Video Training): Fundamentals to Advanced: ...

Plotting with ggplot2: Part 2

Plotting with ggplot2: Part 2.

User Comments

Thanks for the nice video. Seeing that most of the points were far outside the confidence interval of the smoothers, made me wonder how to interpret this. Does this mean that if I´d repeat the experiment with the same number of observations, I ll have a 95% chance of having a regression within the confidence interval? What if I´d look at only one random Baltimore child (1 observation), would the probability that its NocturnalSymp would be in the confidence interval, still be 95%?
No. With smoothing you are sacrificing some statistical accuracy in order to get a trend line in form of a smoothed function (instead of points). The confidence intervals represent how sure you can be about this general trend based on some simplifying assumptions (these vary for each method) and the data. That is why the CI widens dramaticly when you have less observations.
You can find the related dataset in the: https://github.com/TarekDib03/ExploratoryDataAnalysisCoursera/blob/master/maacs.Rda 
+parvane shafiei I found the variables mentioned in the video do not match. How comes?

Download do R & RStudio e instalação de pacotes

Neste vídeo é mostrado como você pode conseguir o R e o RStudio e como instalar pacotes no R. Foram instalados o ggplot2 e o xlsx.

R语言绘图:ggplot2初级教程 第一讲

链接: //pan.baidu.com/s/1kTpFmwJ 密码: z92s Email:[email protected] qplot的基本语法。 Reference Book ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data ...

User Comments

你好,我这个版本的R里面貌似没有diamonds这个自带的数据。我用mtcars的数据来仿照你的步骤走,到qplot basic use里面的第三步,有x*y*z的这一步时就没办法做出你这样的图了。报错是 Error in eval(expr,envir,enclos): dims [products 72] do not match the length of object [100].
+熊舒 在diamond这个数据集里面,x*y*z代表的是每颗钻石的体积,所以在mtcars里面不能用也是正常的。diamond这个数据存在于ggplot2这个包里面,与你用的R的版本没有关系,建议你更新一下你的包,在连接网络的状态下在console里面输入update(),来更新你的包。更新结束之后,用data(package="ggplot2")查看包里面的数据集有哪些。

R Programming MMENDEZ: Day01_RStudio 01

Links Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eo7pn9c8n65y75o/AADQIGVfjapMMFfM2yvgjwTEa?dl=0 /////////////////////////////////...

R Programming MMENDEZ: Day02_ggplot2 02

Links Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eo7pn9c8n65y75o/AADQIGVfjapMMFfM2yvgjwTEa?dl=0 RStudio Cheat Sheets https://ww...
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