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Master of None - Ladies and Gentlemen: Social Media - Netflix [HD]

Welcome to the world of being a woman on Instagram. Meet Dev (Aziz Ansari), a 30-year-old actor in New York who has trouble deciding what he wants to eat, ...

User Comments

this is definitely one of my less favorite episodes in this session
+Elevator Panic also you're*
+Stephone the jerk I agree. Completely ruined the show, this is some crazy feminist propaganda.
+Elevator Panic yes...I am
+Stephone the jerk your a jerk
+thedayton they are, just not so much in America.
+Stephone the jerk this episode was written for men like you. These issues are real and happening to millions of women every day.
+Ryan Geyer I didn't like this episode because of the huge feminist agenda, I would be fine with it but they went about doing it so wrong. for example in the beginning when they were talking about the events that went on the previous night and one of the guys mentioned he was a feminist and hated the...."wage gap", I really face palmed at that scene because I keep thinking everyone knows that the wage gap is fake. I don't know this episode just really annoyed me.
+Stephone the jerk Funny, this was actually one of my favorites. Very well done and really gave a fair look at the real issues that women face every day.
PT-BR mais alguém?
Slk em....
+zé do fó dmtgrm azizm
+zé do fó é nois ✌

Master of None - Old People: The Elderly - Netflix [HD]

That awkward moment when... you meet the grandparents. Meet Dev (Aziz Ansari), a 30-year-old actor in New York who has trouble deciding what he wants to ...

User Comments

ahhh i shouldn't have watched this...it was a spoiler for me coz i didn't know dev got back together with rachel
I like where netflix is going
That statement is so true.
Dev is a bigot.

Wild West Comedy Festival - Ricky Dale - Netflix


Billy Patterson fills us in on the latest in pop culture news and informs us about Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, Marvel and Disney.. Go to //wizd.me/SactoCC or ...

User Comments

I'm going to Chicago in August and Karen will be there. Now Matt just needs to drop by and I'll piss myself.
Matt Smith as daredevil..... I'm not a HUGE Doctor Who fan but I don't hate the idea.

Suicide Scenes from Movies and TV

This is a compilation of scenes involving suicide from popular movies and tv shows like its kind of a funny story, skins, american horror story. I dont own the song ...

User Comments

What scene is 1:05? From
+Jadey Aiden The Show Skins. Actually more than half of this video is from Skins xD
what was the 2:30 clip from?
american horror story season 1.
What's the film name of the clip where it's the girl swallowing the pills with the liquid in the water gun?
this doesnt make me feel any better. I dont know why but i felt like it would. Its just whenever i see these suicide attempt scenes theres always someone trying to save the suicidal person id give so much if someone did that for me..
+Taylor321 Well I suppose we can!
+John Yeppai hope things go well for u :) xxx just so u know i also have gone to 3 different highschools because ive moved so much, we should keep in touch.
+Taylor321 In my third high school right now, I may not have my group yet, but I'll practice what I preached to you, and I guarantee some result will come about. Anyways, thank you listening! Have a good night!
+John YeppaYah i'll try. Its just kinda hard because im not young anymore, everyone else my age has their own group of ppl and i dont :( i used to have one friend tho but she only talked to me because we both had one class together (she only talked to me in that class). But thanks for  responding to my comments :) <3
+Taylor321 Make friends. If you're shy, talk to people who seem shy and/or people who don't seem rude or anything. There has to be other people around you that could relate to you. This kind of stuff isn't uncommon in the least. I would be your friend!
+John YeppaIts hard to have hope when u dont have any friends. I try to wait and be positive thinking something good might come along but it never does. I just wish i could have one good friend yknow? just someone who understands me. Also Im sorry about ur personality disorder, is there a cure for it jw? I feel like theres something wrong with me i just wish i knew what it was...
+Taylor321 Seeing as I've thought about suicide before, and I know how hard it is to describe it to others, I figure why not reach out and help. Though I still struggle with what seems to be Borderline Personality Disorder (aka Unstable Emotion Disorder), I can honestly say, never give up hope. I'm not sure what it is that's making you feel that way, but I can assure you, it won't always be that way, and that the future holds better things. Sorry for the essay, and I understand I might come off as just another person trying to comfort you, but please take into consideration that I have, indeed, felt like that before, and there is still hope. :)
+John Yeppahi :) thanks for replying. I usually never meet someone who understands how i feel. Ive talked to others online and tried to help them tho cause It always seems so much easier for me to help others then to help myself. I dont really know what to do anymore. I go on chatrooms a lot to talk to ppl but it just doesnt help :/
I'm the same way. It's funny how there's all these people that say that they'll be there for a person but when the time comes they get scared and shy away from the person when really they should embrace it and be willing to talk about the topic at hand. But yeah I'm always a person you can come to.
I'll talk to you. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, text, you name it. I don't like when people think about it, so I put out my best support for them. And I'll do it for you too. :)
I'm here if u need a person to talk to, I'll listen but eventually the only person that can save u is urself. I'm still here for u tho. u can email me or add me on fb if u want but ultimately the choice is up to u

Bernie Mac "#IDGAF About You Cooking For Your Pastor"

Now Available on Hulu: The Original Kings of Comedy on @hulu //www.hulu.com/the-original-kings-of-comedy?utm_source=twitter PLEASE LIKE AND ...

User Comments

is this version of the kings of comedy available in full anywhere? Even for purchase?
i remember that time because i was 10 and i grew up i, south carolina.. people were flooding tue interstates trying to get to north carolina for the last show
damn. I was all of 5 years old when the original tour kicked off
nope.. the only full version is the movie we know.. only the people in those cities who actually went when they had the tour in the 90s had a chance to see 2 different versions
What's after that? +Walter Latham Comedy
+Jay Sean Check out more Bernie content here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2E438219AB7FDB9B and make sure you subscribe!
Fuck your pastor!
+Jeffrey Wheeler Check out more Bernie content here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2E438219AB7FDB9B and subscribe!
I pray that he repented, because now he is eternity.
+Walter Latham Comedy hey man where ones where he talks about "A Lil Bizness" and "Airplane Terrorist?" Those was funny.
+Brit Jackson He will repent at the same time your pastor repents.
+Brit Jackson Check out more Bernie here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2E438219AB7FDB9B and make sure you subscribe!

Teacher Flipping Out Throws Stuff in Classroom

New TYT Network channels: //www.youtube.com/tytsports //www.youtube.com/thetopvlog New TYT Facebook Page(!)

User Comments

It kinda scares me that he works at my school now and I might get him next year for geometry.
They let him teach again?...wow what a fucking justice system smh!
that's Mr wood and he is my first block teacher at Gallatin high school
+KeeDx3 nah he's just really weird ist not any mental problem or anything he is really short tempered (obviously) lol
+Austin Butler What's he like? I felt really bad for him. I figured he was probably a nice guy who was at the end of his rope with that out of control class.
like fucking animals... wait.. animals are so much better. I hate those kids. It is hard to teach this generation of kids because they no longer have parents at home. All of those bastards should be sterilized because they will only give birth to shittier kids.
no that not gonna happen cause we will just die out
Did the teacher just not care that this kid was recording?
He probably didn't notice.
I actually have a math teacher who did this, too.

Dish Network Nashville TN | Lock in your TV Price | Get Dish Nashville

Dish Network Nashville TN https://www.silverstarsat.com/dish-network-nashville-tennessee/ Dish Network in Nashville TN is easy with SilverStar Satellite your ...

User Comments

Can i record up to 8 shows at one time with the DIsh network Hopper ? and can i watch live tv on my phone ?
The Dish Hopper has 3 tuners and with a supper joey adding 2 more tuners to the system for a total of 5 and during prime time anytime if you choose to enable it there can be 8 shows recording at one time. and 5 shows anytime. The Sling feature on the Dish Hopper can enable live video through the internet if the hopper and your mobile device has a internet connection you can watch live or recorded shows anywhere. and within you home you can transfer recordings to your mobile device for viewing with no internet connection. 
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