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Netflix usa scandal Videos

Scandal - Trailer (New ABC series.)

User Comments

Interesting series...however, it's marred by too many fag scenes! Two males screwing each other in the rectum and calling it love is totally "off the hook"! That's compounded by the fact that people are dumb enough to become desensitized to it and even began to condone it, including laugh at jokes about it, etc.
+pheebalar r You are socially blind and hoodwinked. You do not know the difference between right and wrong. Your commentary indicates therefore that you have no moral compass because you do not know what morality actually is. You're obviously affected by my accurate, timely commentary.  The most glaring thing in your reply about my truth-piercing commentary regarding your idiocy is that you have absolutely no idea what the definition of the word "moral" is! Morality, Ms. Asinine, has nothing to do with the practicing of lesbianism and homosexuality! Please refer to a lexicon (dictionary) regarding the definition of the word morality! Truth should set you straight.    It's an assumption on your part to believe that I am "getting under your skin".  I do not even know you. So, if the way I express myself is "getting under your skin" , as you erroneously mentioned in your previous reply, then is that not on you?    Additionally, your commentary reeks of disillusionment. Do you really believe that the sordid practice of homosexuality and/or lesbianism is moral? Really? Seriously? Again, based solely on your commentary because I, fortunately, do not know you personally, you are a sad individual because  you accept the misconception that practicing lesbianism and homosexuality is moral and that my being knowledgeable of this fact is, to you, being "closed-minded".
+Frederick Compton I literally don't care what you think about the way I expressed myself so your attempt to get under my skin has just amused me, you sound like the most arrogant person alive. I can communicate in whatever way I wish. And when did I mention race in my entire comment? What does that have to do with any of the points I made? When I said "minorities", I was talking about gays/lesbians/bisexuals etc, you're the one that keeps bringing race into the conversation for reasons that are beyond me. Yes, I do know what close-minded is, it's when someone (you) is firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments, which is accurate seeing as you refuse to explore the possibility of homosexuals being able to love each other. I'm assuming you're straight (although to be honest you seem like a gay person in severe denial...just saying. And that's not an insult, just an observation), so how could you ever know if your statement is true? I will never understand how people like you can get through day to day life being so non-accepting of all the people around you; in my opinion, that is stronger evidence for having no moral compass. It actually makes me so sad that you would perceive the most normal, natural things so negatively. Your words have probably hurt a lot of people who just want to be treated the same as straight people. Why must you be this way? It's disgusting.
+pheebalar r Endeavor to communicate in a mature, concise, truthful, objective manner. The theme for your recent reply should be assumption, and ambiguity. The way you commenced your very own commentary is wrought with egregious flaws.  Need I remind you that when you communicate on this or any other social medium, how you express your point of view is imperative, especially if your goal (or objective) is to be understood. You failed miserably in this regard and several other ways through out your commentary. Frankly, I wasn't certain what your objective was in your most recent commentary. However, if you feel that you accomplished it (whatever it was supposed to be). then so be it.   The extent of your idiocy is amazing. For example you used the term "minorities" Yet you are obviously unaware that such a term is racial because if refers to any ethnicity other than Caucasian, is that not correct? The next time you hear or see the term minorities in reference to an ethnicity other than Caucasian, understand that it is not meant quantitatively. Furthermore, ask your idiotic self: what ethnicity initiated and perpetuated such terms as - "minorities or racial minorities", "nigger", "apartheid" "second-class citizen", "third-world country", etc.?   Also, based solely on your commentary (because, of course, I don't know you personally), you are in severe denial because you obviously do not know what a "closed mind" or "closed-minded" actually is. (so you, in fact, have what's commonly known as a "misconception")    Too, in terms of the extent of your idiocy, you apparently have no moral compass. An example of this is that you probably condone the sordid practice of homosexuality, or you are a practicing homosexual and you think that its OK. You probably believe that homosexuals and/or lesbians may love each other.  Additionally, if you are bi-sexual, you more than likely believe that, too, is morally alright. Also, you obviously do not know the meaning of the word "complex". Why? You misapplied its use. In other words, based on your very own commentary, you are not educated or knowledgeable enough to express anything that is too complex for me to comprehend. Finally, regarding the word "asinine". It is synonymous with "stupid" or "stupidity". Therefore, addressing you as the aforementioned Ms. Asinine is accurate and appropriate,  Please refer to a lexicon for the definition of the simple word, asinine, Ms. Asinine. (Rhetorically, are you familiar with the term "sarcasm", Ms. Asinine?)   Based solely on your commentary, you should return to school and take some remedial courses. You're obviously not knowledgeable enough to enlighten me or anyone else on this social medium about anything.
+Frederick Compton Aww, you’re so cute, trying to talk about my communicationskills and who I am, like it makes a difference to anything I said. If you understoodthe comment, then it did its job. No, I don’t know you, and frankly I’d rathercut my own hand off than know someone as ignorant and close minded as you. Andthen you go on to talk about ME as if you know anything about me. AWW, evencuter! Your mind is clearly stuck in a much darker period of time where therewas no acceptance for the minorities, which actually makes me think that you aresome middle aged, sad little man sat as his computer, getting off on insultinghomosexual people because you clearly have no other form of stimulation in yourlife. Keep up with the times and realise that the gender of the person someoneloves does not affect you or anyone else in the slightest. An amazing revelationfor you, I'm sure! Take your time to understand that complex fact, I'm sure it’sdifficult for you, seeing as “asinine” is actually an adjective and not a noun.Have a nice day, I really do hope you can try and change your bigoted views :)
+pheebalar r Asinine is a noun that accurately describes your bone-head comment. Talk about idiocy.  You don't know who I am. Yet, by your making such a lame comment, I have an idea who you are. Obviously, you are uneducated. Also, based on your so-called comment, you are probably a juvenile or adolescent. Finally, and unfortunately for you, you are more than likely Caucasian.  Oh, by the way, the term "homophobe" is a faggot term. It is a term invented by a practicing homosexual! It is designed to desensitize heterosexual people to the sordid, debased, lifestyle of a practicing faggot or homosexual.  You can't even express yourself maturely.  "...shut your whore mouth"   Is that the best you can do in terms of clear communication?  You're in very bad shape!
+Frederick Compton lmaoooo shut your whore mouth you foul homophobe
What is this, a cheap Black version of House of Cards?
You're stupid and ignorant
You're stupid and ignorant
+Greg Gammago You called black people chimpanzees and you lost credibility lol. And this came out before House of Cards
Lol chimpanzees always pulling the race card smh. 
HHHH Real funny. It kills you doesn't it? Seeing black person succeed. What must've happened to you as a child to make you take pleasure in other people's miseries?

Miss America Crowns Vanessa Williams with an Apology

Watch as “The Real” ladies share their thoughts on Miss America's apology to Vanessa Williams, who was forced to resign her crown after a nude photo scandal ...

User Comments

Whos the chick in the white shirt? is she asian or hispanic?
+POPJack1717 She's Asian. Look up the clips from the episode where they get their DNA tests, it explains more 
Shes freaking sexy. What's her ethnicity?
+POPJack1717 Jeannie Mae, and she's Asian
Vanessa Williams is barely black though..
+Brunette FS Vanessa is black. Don't let her green eyes and fair skin fool you. Both of her parents are black. She is just like Tyra Banks and Nicole Ari Parker
I know there's a lot of girls in the panel already but I would love for them to add Kendra. She was so great when she guest hosted. I loved her energy and she fit right in
+thickyvick exactly!!
+Carolina H. she was definitely a great addition that day! She's very open, like the rest of the ladies.
it's nice that she got her crown back and they apologized BUT had she not been thee vanessa williams (an A list celebrity who has made a name for herself after that incident) would they have still apologized? i'm sure if she wasn't an A-lister they would've swept it under the rug...anywho, nice apology.
+LuxeLike Whatever NOPE. If they didn't want her to be involved with the show now, (I think she's going to be a host or something) they wouldn't have apologized.

Big Bucks: The Press Your Luck Scandal (All Parts)

On May 19, 1984, an out of work ice cream truck driver from Southwestern Ohio broke the bank on CBS' hit game show of the mid-1980's "Press Your Luck" and ...

User Comments

Funny how people say kids or generation today r dumb but people back then were sheeps.
+Thomas Le Society nowadays is more sheepish than at any point in history!
He was born in 1949 so he was 34/35 at the time of the game, wow he looks more like 55 !
+sas6789 yeah, after i came to that conclusion myself, i looked in the mirror and realized just how beautiful and 20-something i appeared in comparison. that man lived a hard couple of decades up until that point. i guess he ultimately wanted to be a grown up when he grew up. lol.
Wow, I can't believe how many people shat all over every facet of this guy's character just because he was clever. American anti-intellectualism at its finest. This guy would be lauded if he instead earned that money by shutting his brain off and busting his ass in a factory for four years. Work harder, not smarter; that's the new American way. We'll all be working super hard when China and India start outsourcing all their crappy manual labor jobs over here.
+Tariq Moustapha to use the word "scheme" implies that his intent was nefarious. the way i see it, this was a man who was down on his luck and "studied" toward a goal. one of the most clever exchanges he had with the host was when he indicated that he wouldn't buy any house out in LA, and the host jokingly responded with, "So, you're just going to come into our town and take our money?!" if i were Larson, I would've responded, "Yes. I am coming into this place known for being as artificial as Nutrisweet, on a gameshow I know you don't want me to win more than you'd ever care to pay out, so I can go home and begin my life again. You know: the American dream!!!" of course that would've been cut from the broadcast... i hope you don't really believe that Tesla was a kook too.
+Tariq MoustaphaExcept card counters shouldn't be escorted from the premises. It's not their fault that the casino, an entirely unfair enterprise that deserves to be ripped off whenever possible anyway, is running a game that gasp doesn't unfairly favor the casino if someone who's playing it is smart and uses their brain. Even if you count cards you're not guaranteed to win. They have the same options available to them as every other player. If a game pays out more often than the unfair bullshit casino is happy with, stop offering the game. Period. Don't take innocent people into back rooms and bully them (which is what happens before they're escorted off the premises more often than not).By all means, forbid this guy from coming on the show again, and then fix your game. That's all any decent person can and should do. Don't fucking talk shit about the guy unfairly though, bringing up all his personal shit and trying to make it sound bad as possible, like he's some evil serial killer or something. Because really he was just an average dude that wanted to get rich quick and was somewhat more clever and more dedicated than the average person. My girlfriend's dad is into get rich quick schemes. They always wind up taking his money. If he was smarter, he'd probably do something like this. He'd still be one of the best guys I've ever known. Doing this doesn't make someone evil or even a bad person, but you wouldn't know it to hear these people talk about him.
This has nothing to do with anti-intellectualism. Larson wasn't an innovator or an entrepreneur. He came up with a scheme to beat Press Your Luck, much in the same way that card counters beat blackjack. The difference is that card counters get escorted out of the casino when they're detected. You can admire the technical skill with which he carried out his scheme, but not the intent which spawned it.
I will say, if he'd been smarter about it, maybe stuck to winning only like 40k and hitting whammies a couple times to make it seem "innocent" (the guy did nothing wrong in my eyes but you know they'd come after him) he woulda gotten away with it and been invited back who knows how many times.
+Julie McCartney Actually, he'd still have only gotten to play just that one day... CBS had a $25,000 limit on winnings on their games in those days (you could keep everything you'd won, but you'd be retired undefeated once you passed the $25,000 mark).

House of Cards Season 4 Teaser Trailer 2 (2016) Kevin Spacey Netflix

House of Cards Season 4 Teaser Trailer 2 2016 - house of cards season 4 official trailer #2 US Golden Globe Awards Subscribe for New Trailers: ...

User Comments

Cooler Trailer
Viel Spaß mit dem Trailer! Ein Daumen hoch hilft dem Channel sehr weiter, Danke! ;)
Wer wird grade bei 0:18 ermordet? daran kann ich mich gar nicht mehr erinnern
Wicped. C'mon1 clam expansion What's your opinion aboxt it
What season and episode of house of cards is at 0.41?

University's Bisexual Dominatrix Scandal

New TYT Network channels: //www.youtube.com/user/tytsports //www.youtube.com/user/thetopvlog New TYT Facebook Page(!): Subscribe to the FREE ...

User Comments

Oh come on... No matter what you think of this, you gotta admit: suggesting your students work on a phone sex line is just asking for trouble. THEN posing in a picture with one of them? You're surprised the school wants to fire you? You think that looks good for them when they're telling people they only have professionals as their professors and then someone brings up your side-job? I don't personally care about her working in phone sex. I'm just saying it was pretty obvious how this would end.
@Tatchko also dont use the "your white shut up you wont understand" cause I also have black kids telling other white kids off everyday, treating them like shit for fun and when a white kid says "shut up" or "move" they go off saying racist and screaming how harsh we are. I have to watch my step cause if I say one thing that isn't "nice" I get sued, fired, crucified, then shown on tv as the racist prick. So no, you dont get to give me that crap. I suffer the stares, the rude remarks, and shit too
@UltimoLatino If the students were uncomfortable then they should have expressed that in the classroom. They are grown up, they should act like it. You would not be so against this if the issue was "Professor was pro-gay rights and the students were getting sexually uncomfortable" - because Gay Rights is a "proper topic" of discussion (in your opinion) and "Phone Sex discussion" is not (in your opinion). Besides, these students did NOT speak up- they spoke AFTER the pictures not the discussion.
also I told you...I told you people, everyone says "poor black", "poor prick child", "poor lady", "poor mental man" and "poor ho-..gay". The race/culture card is just slammed around to much and its an issue for everyone. I remember being slammed as being racist and evil cause I said "the blacks in my school deserve what happens most times, they cause too much shit cause they know white kids will just be silent and scared", too much ass kissing does nothing but makes more lindsey lohan mindframe
Mexicans do not need help to be found the scum of society wherever they go, this woman would be a good oponent for those bigot femninist who claim to be pro women's rights, well they should know, this professor is just excersing her rights as much as many other women in prostitutuion do voluntarily. Anyway any activity into the system we live in nowadays is technicly slavery, i would not be beter cleaning the asses of old people for a miserable salary and as an extra to be harassed by old farts
@ 5:05 Ahhh this is why i love Cenk, even if i disagree with his politics somewhat often -- more so on domestic policy than foreign policy, where IMO we NEED him speaking louder (given his success) since so few pundits dare to expose the military machine and war profiteers for what they are -- but he is more OBJECTIVE and less partisan. He doesn't just mention it's wrong this professor has the nerve to outright threaten her employer with the discrimination card, he LAUGHS at the very notion!!
@sugarbrownrabbit I do know that. I also know that most universities will start tenure-track professors at 45 K, with some of them starting at up to 60k. I know that even small community colleges pay that ammount. I know that an adjunct (lowest rank, non tenured) will make about 35 - 45 K a year, and that if someone can teach various topics their maket value increases. A tenured feminist theorist / queer theorist / creative writer has a high market value. So, why did she go into phone sex?
I know from experience that white people complain about the race card being played more often than it actually gets played by people of color, and that most of the time, it's employed by bigoted whites as a means to downplay racism in cases where said racism is a legitimate factor in problems for minorities. But people like this do exist, they do use it as an excuse, and threatening people with false accusations of racism does a disservice to oppressed minorities worldwide. Shameful.
"There are no parents involved!" This sounds childishly naive. Universities depend for money on parents, donors, and government (taxpayers--often comes back to parents again). In a liberal arts department which isn't producing anything of immediate economic value (as opposed to science and engineering departments, which often partner with industry), pretty much the *only* groups that they're accountable to are donors and parents. Ben hasn't noticed that this isn't 1960 anymore.
@Hariuka Yeah, well you haven't been denied service for no reason. You don't find it hard to pick up a cab. You don't have people eyeing you distrustfully 24/7. You don't get yelled at for no fucking reason other than the way you look. I was in New Mexico with some family when we decided to go get some food. We were speaking Spanish. They wouldn't serve us because he heard us speaking another language. It's easy to say shit like that when it's never fucking happened to you bro.
Ana got caught bullshiting with the story. She actually does this to a certain degree frequently. I know she is just trying to mix up some controversy, but it bugs me that I have to find out the actual facts. It's almost like she can't read an article correctly. the quotes were from an article, not the students. Thats like Beck writing a book and people quoting him saying it is fact, because he wrote it. ... she needs to be spanked, with a newspaper, so she will learn :) :P
@Tatchko how do you know? I am an immigrant too, I was bashed for hours on hours, also I am catholic, people hate catholics or atleast me. I lived in the ghetto too. I speak italian, I got ignored. I get eyed distrustfully cause I am the odd white kid who lives in a poor area (must be a light skinned spic, or a crazy white man who is "one of them") I know how it feel....but I will not lower myself to giving out race cards everytime someone says guine, or wop, or kid fucker.
@sugarbrownrabbit I will admit that I don't know how UNM pays its professors, but the places where I have previously worked (Univ. of PR, Interamerican, UMET, Sacred Heart, and CEM) the lowest rates went from 24k a year for adjuncts and 40k a year for tenure track and senior lecturers. Where I currently am it's slightly more. I don't know what Univ. you work on or what department, but maybe you want to consider teaching at the HS level? they usually start at 39 - 40k.
@MoPapparani It's creative writing... if it didn't challenged your preconceptions of the world... it's not a very good class. Phone sex? Please... I can assure you that far, FAR worst topic can come up, that is the whole point... to think the unthinkable. And yes... the students are adults, if they can't handle it... drop the class. Are you expecting some teenage 'Twilight' book club where everything is chaste & pure? *puke*
What's wrong with saying it's good and a way to gain money? Should professors refrain from praising any profession, or just the ones that don't meet your moral approval? This is terrible - Ana and Cenk would be screaming if the government tried to restrict people being open about sex; why is it alright for a private university or any other organization be allowed to?
Couldn't care less what my professor does after hours as long as it's legal. She shouldn't be suprise that the university wouldn't like it. I think there must be more to it. If it's as presented that she was using unrelated issues she deminishes all the people who have genuine claims of discrimination. I'll withhold judgement until I have more information.
@lily1235 I'm not Hispanic, I'm a Global citizen, whose ancestry is Irish, Scottish, and Cree Indian, in ascending order ...and I happened to be born and live in Canada. I agree with you about people pulling the race card when it is not substantiated with facts. Actually Racism is usually more subtle :) Most "Racists" don't even realize that they are. :P
What kind of a fuckwad takes creative writing when they're offended by phone sex?! Fuckin' hell some people have just got such a big stick in their ass that it's depressing. Search for bestiality on google, and harden the fuck up so you're not a baby that cries whenever you hear about anything that isn't missionary between married people.


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User Comments

I know this is an older video but go watch United states of Tara on Netflix. Its so good! Also Revenge and Once upon a Time!! Yall are so Awsome..
Ahhh you commented back!!!!! Yyaaass you guys are Amazing!
+Jessica Herrera We'll look into those! :)
Omg yayyy can't wait x omg Jelly and day I love youuu guyssss ur so funny pretty both of u and just awesome and I watch ur vids over and over again and it never gets old xx
I love u guyss so much such a good ro model u guys r x u bria and chrissy and what wegan did next has all helped me through so much !!
+Mollie Shand Aww, we <3 you!! 
Orange is the new black was so good
Haaha love you guys:)!x
+Lewis Allum It sure was!
+Miranda Bear :)
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