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Marvel reveals DARDEVIL Netflix Poster

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Is this part of the MCU?
+SlothGiraffe CHILD MOLESTER ALERT!?!?!?
+enrique sanchez Forget it.
+SlothGiraffe sounds like you're trying to be mean, and why would i tell you? i'm not saying that i'm a kid but how do i know if you are some child molester.
+enrique sanchez How old are you, exactly? Not to be mean or anything.
+SlothGiraffe too sensitive? you were the one who acted like a dick, i don't take kind to dicks, and no not the man crotch you pervert i mean like a mean person, leave me alone you slut.
+enrique sanchez You're a bit too sensitive, buddy.
+Da Bro oh ok then i got that wrong, but one question, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE A DICK ABOUT IT? ok i just said one thing wrong and you say "Get your facts straight." that's what a dick would say, what are you 5? grow up, "Get your facts straight." who says that anymore? you know who does little kids who act like they're adults, but again don't act like a dick, if you did that in the hood they wood fuck you up.
+enrique sanchez No they didn't cancel it. They are going to be cancelling the Fantastic Four COMIC Get your facts straight.
+enrique sanchez ah yes i almost forgot, THEY CANCELLED THE FANTASTIC 4 MOVIE WHICH WAS SUPPOSE TO COME OUT IN 2015, i'm actually glad they did because i saw the set photos and they were awful, even the cast look too young, Fantastic 4 and X-Men are in the same universe, FOX Marvel, i hope the rights or even all the rights that no longer belong to Marvel do come back, i want X-Men, Fantastic 4, Spider Man and all those movie rights back to Marvel, imagine how much money they would get if they get those rights back, Disney Marvel would be the richest movie company to produce Marvel films, i would love Disney forever if they do this, Sony is already losing money after the failed Amazing Spider Man 2 film, if they get the rights back DC would never redeem themselves to make better superhero movies, it would all be about Marvel.
yeah, what's even better is that Marvel said if these shows do become big on Netflix they meet even be turned into FILMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! along with Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and The Defenders, what i just said in the sentence with Luke Cage and all of them are in order on which TV show is going to be next for Netflix, Disney Marvel is doing better than FOX and Sony Marvel, even FOX are trying to make a Cinematic Universe for X-Men, they announced or i think announced a Live-Action TV series which is called X-Factor, which would be based off the X-Men movies, Sony however is i guess going to cancel The Amazing Spider Man Film series and sell it back to Marvel or are letting Marvel borrow him or something like that, all i know is something is going to happen to Spider Man, this is what's going on now, sorry i revealed TOO much but i got to say what is happening and i know you guys would want to know.
Daredevil is the Jesus in my comic Holy Trinity. Can't wait to see this!
+Ziyaad Samodien Oh okay! I think Batman and Superman are good characters and I love them. I love them all (except for Punisher. Never really cared him). I see where Superman and Batman are coming from and I agree with them in a way. We shouldn't go around just killing. That's why Superman and Batman are more models. Though Daredevil and Punisher kill the ones who truly deserve who they know won't ever change and would be threat to the innocent. I see where they are coming from and to a point agree with the characters in their actions.I understand both sides and agree with both sides in a way.
+Ziyaad Samodien  Dude. We're discussing comics. Calm the fuck down. I wasn't saying I want people running around as bats and devils in real life. I was simply saying I see there reasonings and I'm fine with it because it is part of their character in their fictional universe.
Yeah Daredevil might be a little violent though he is still the Jesus is my comic Holy Trinity.The others are Robin as God and Martian Manhunter as the Holy Ghost.Also interesting debate. I agree with Shawn. Though I like that Superman and Batman has a moral code and that means the villains can comeback the Punisher and Daredevil do have there reasonings and I'm not saying killing is great way to deal with things or anything though by killing the people they kill they save the lives of the innocent.
+Ziyaad Samodien so joker still being alive and putting oracle in wheelchair doesn't make batman responsible. If they have all this power and their moral code says they shouldn't kill then they are responsible for a villains actions after every opportunity they had to stop that villain from endangering life's. Just because you kill doesn't make you less of a human or less of a part of humanity. I'm not justifying some of the killing sprees that characters like punisher go on but every time batman or superman let a villain go and that villain endangered a life or ended a life they were responsible because they were the only one who could stop them. Killing on villain makes you responsible for one death and if you can't control yourself after killing one villain or one criminal and logically weigh out the good and the bad from what you've done and not become a supremacist or a murderer then you probably weren't a part of humanity to begin with. My uncle is an army soldier and both my grandfathers were in the marines. They have all killed at some point in their career but that doesn't label them as not being a part of humanity. Killing is very much a lar of humanity but its your ability to control yourself and your urge to resort to such violence that makes you human. If a man goes on a killing spree and he isn't put to death then you have failed to do right is right.
+Ziyaad Samodien showing sympathy for a criminal is one thing but vowing to never kill a villain who constantly puts thousands of peoples lives in danger and on many occasions ends a few of those lives or even cripples them isn't a real hero. I like superman and Batman's stories but their reluctance to kill even though they know the villain will return stronger than the last time and in many cases has ended lives and they end up not killing them isn't sympathy its ignorance. These characters hold their moral code over the value of human life and characters like punisher and daredevil (dead pool has a moral code but he is beyond insane which makes him more like joker than these two characters) are much more logical in the way that they weigh out their options between killing and letting a villain live. Punisher goes after criminals that he knows will never change their life or make amends for their crimes. Repeat offenders who are usually range from local to international crime are the criminals that superman and batman show sympathy for not for the sake of preventing future deaths and chaos but to uphold their moral code and put their own ass on a pedestal. This is why I don't like them as much as characters and prefer heroes like daredevil who kills but not always. I don't necessarily like punisher as a hero but as a character he is awesome IMO.
+Ziyaad Samodien name a single superhero besides ant man who doesn't resort to violence and is a pacifist. Also every superhero is technically a murderer including both superman and batman.
+Alex Chance Jesus and Captain America..
who are the others lol

Dirty Wars - Official Trailer | HD | Sundance Selects

In theaters June 7th and on VOD June 14th Starring: Jeremy Scahill It's the dirty little secret of the War on Terror: all bets are off, and almost anything goes.

User Comments

"The United States government has been committing acts of terrorism for the last sixty years, but they just call it foreign policy." -- Jesse Ventura As major General Smedley Butler said: "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for [crony] capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." [ The invasions of Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere have nothing to do with freedom or democracy. They have everything to do with the domination by big international businesses that are working towards a one-world government ! ]
To all the people who think that Al-Qaeda is exactly what the western establishment news media tells us that it is: Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that - "People should NEVER forget that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into then Soviet-occupied Afghanistan." "Al Qaeda" is entirely a fabrication of the USA/CIA -NOT a terrorist group as Bush, Obama and the rest of the elitist scum would have the USA and the rest of the world believe."
When the Taliban member said that there were pregnant "women" involved... I think he meant to say, young girls... probably between 10 and 15 years of age, but I digress. And to the main issue: U.S soldiers have an incredibly hard time of it... They're not fighting traditional "soldiers", they're fighting men who easily blend in with civilians; men who will also purposely hide among civlians to achieve their goals. I do not envy America's soldiers at all. It must be incredibly difficult for them.
the problem is who exactly runs these secret armies and for what purpose? president after president has used them to further monetary interests of those who put them in power, nothing conspiratorial here, just facts, america has been running covert operations, secret wars, overthrowing governments, and killing anyone who is a threat to their capitalist money machine for decades. there was a time in the 60's when a counter movement was started, it has long been neutralized, but not dead.
Your ASSUMING that the mothers were children makes it so much more justifiable, but if you want to kill off children who are pregnant, you could start in your own country, Abu, by bombing the south. There are MILLIONS of pregnant teens in Texas, Miss., Louisiana, Arkansas, Okla, Tennessee, Kentucky, N.Mexico, Ariz, and Nevada right now. Or if you prefer killing pregnant kids abroad, you should bomb India. It's difficult work for sure, but these brave American soldiers are up to it.
The USA is the end times Babylon Harlot and all followers of Jesus must renounce this harlot and give all of your love, loyalty, and allegiance to Christ Jesus and His Kingdom, and repent and reject your love, loyalty, and allegiance to the USA Babylon Harlot, for our God is a jealous God, and we Christians are the Bride of Christ soon to be married to Jesus when He returns to take back His planet from our enemy; Satan, and set up His Kingdom. Peace and Maranatha.
To all the people who think that Al-Qaeda is exactly what the western establishment news media tells us that it is: Pierre-Henri Bunel, Former French Military Intelligence: "The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity... The country behind this propaganda is the U.S."
...because corporation CIA must murder off all witnesses from Able Danger & Able Archer, before those loose ends go to ground or worse, are captured and are openly questioned about who their employers are. "I am employed by Kissinger & Associates to destabalize Afghanistan and smuggle herion for Crown of England." Is not what the mass murdering Debt Syndicate wants on CNN.
all truth seekers need to realize,"the objective truth 'the knife is sharp' becomes the subjective truth 'I murdered some one with this knife or I made you a nicely sliced apple pie', so WHAT one does with the truth { I choose to believe } is of paramont significance. So what are we going to with these revealed truths??? What myth do we choose to creatively live???
America spreads lies,only stupids who are still believing these lies,Always america had to create a new enemy to keep surviving,if one day there will be no enemy for america anymore its gonna create a war with some aliens..because no enemy=no america
"America knows war, they are war masters." Not the image I'd like my country to have worldwide but it seems our actions speak for themselves. Anyway, I bought the book today and what I've been reading is informative and terrifying to think about.
too bad ill probably never get to see this unless they make it available online or something. and by the looks of it, that'll be after we start another war. i've neither the time nor the money to drive x amount of hours to watch a movie.
I just called The Mosaic Rooms, unfortunately it will NOT be aired next week on 14th May 2013, it's "talk and book signing ONLY" no screening. Apparently, much later in the year will be screening in the UK.
As it is written, so shall it be. Who are you or I to think we can intercede. Christ Jesus is coming soon to fulfill everything He said. If you choose one side against another you side with Satan instead.
Thanks for the heads up, Is there any other way of trying to view the documentary? Or do we have to wait until november/december times to see it? And has it been actually screened in the USA yet?
Do you know why he can, because it will all come to the open, no secrets anymore and no more secret societies... They can do whatever they want and they don't fear "us" anymore... That's why!

Rules of Engagement TRAILER

Learn more about the video at: //wcth.edifymedia.net/dvd-titles/rules-engagement/ //edifyfilms.com/movies/wcth-rules-engagement/ DVD 6 (Season 1 ...

Documentary - DIRTY WARS - TRAILER | Jeremy Scahill

It's the dirty little secret of the War on Terror: all bets are off, and almost anything goes. We have fundamentally changed the rules of the game and the rules of ...

User Comments

Hey Jeremy Scahill, screw you and the rest of you conspiracy nuts who enjoy pissing on the graves of American warriors.
Angus, screw you, you blind idiot monkey.  Get your finger out of your ass and inform yourself. 

Starbucks? OK. Lattes? No! Cuba business rules still complex after US changes

Starbucks Corp can move to Cuba, but it still cannot sell lattes there. tarbucks Corp can move to Cuba, but it still cannot sell lattes there. The Obama ...

Prince William & Kate Middleton Engaged - Commentary

New TYT Network channels: //www.youtube.com/user/tytsports //www.youtube.com/user/thetopvlog New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: ...

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After seeing a few of the videos on this channel, I would have to say these two are the most annoying people ever. So many things make me mad. You DO have a right to your opinion, I agree, but if you hate the Royal Family THAT much, why do you post about them? Ignore them. It's like you watch them and any little thing they do, you record yourself letting all of your hate out, as if we care. On another video, this woman says "if I hear about this royal wedding one more time I will kill myself" or something like that, but yet, you watched a documentary on their story, and you upload videos talking about them. Sounds like you love hearing of them. 
im not British and even I understand why Kate was labelled a commoner, not being British does not excuse a person's ignorance on this subject when they are discussing it and the thing that annoys me is the young turks are suppose to be about informed journalism, they regularly give out about fox news for lying or not having the facts, but here they are doing the exact same thing as fox news, I mean even a quick look on google would have given them more information that what they presented here
@capleton48 im clueless? your the one spouting a load of bullshit. i only deal in fact. firstly, they literally are the royal family, so no need for quotation marks. secondly youre the nazi. US commerce rapes people in third world countries and devastates the enviroment. the US massacres people in the middle east and kindly dragged us in to get some of our kids killed too. the globalisation on US culture, including gluttonous consumerism haas ruined the cultures of the world. youre just thick.
The Media creates “Royal Wedding” coverage to the world with pictures of the “Royals” with no worries, while the world is experiencing natural disasters, financial distress, war, and crime. It would be a wonder to see the “Royal’s” give “Royal Assistance” to victims of natural disasters to earn their “World Wide Attention”. Please Paste and Copy to NEWS blogs ie. NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CBC, and all Major networks. Youtube: Prince William & Kate Middleton Engaged - Commentary
To do with the whole commoner thing: you Americans are REALLY very bad at recognising irony and sarcasm. Anyway it's probably a legal thing, and any problems are purely legal problems, and not class ones, and we do NOT see "commoners" as being inferior in ANY way, that's just your American trait of racism and xenophobia colouring you view of things. And it wasn't that long ago our king had to abdicate cos he wanted to marry an devorced American woman. Also, the "system" is not in revolt, it ha
really. none of you know the difference between a commoner and a common person? amazing. this is just insulting the uk's royal family acting smart ass in a desperate attempt to be funny and edgy, with no real informed understanding of anything or news value. i love how his first response to hearing of this story was "english duhduh france bululul whatever". great to see a guy who hosts a news show doesnt give a shit about any european story. and the world wonders why america is so stupid...
@capleton48 im certainly no royalist but i recognise reality which you seem to ignore. a nazi wedding? the queen is the head of the british armed forces and harry fights for us in afghan while william is search and rescue. what exactly do you do? you channel states your in the US so how exactly does any of it affect you anyway? your telling me the US doesnt kill, maim, torture and exploit people right now? what we did was inexcusable but youre the new evil empirical super power. dumbass.
Having someone's face on their wall is what I call OBSESSION (a die-hard fan) xDD I'm sure she always wanted to marry a prince whether he was William or not. Props to her for getting her dream xDD Guys need to understand that even if a girl wants you it doesn't mean that she wants you because of your looks, character, talent or personality (ex the women who marry men who could be their grandfather or great-grandfather, plz don't tell me they married those old, wrinkly men for love xD)
@capleton48 wake up? what and listen to some nutter who believes the british royal family are nazi's, and a product of social engineering? the royal family have existed for a lot longer than your country and its celebrities. now they're a tourist attraction with some state duties. a tyrannical gang? what complete and utter bollocks. the reason US people fawn over the royals is because they're a bit of living history thats been romanticised. people like you spout so much shit.
The commoner thing is a simple misunderstanding. It's a joke it doesn't mean anything no one determines your worth by class anymore, the only thing class determines anymore is where you go shopping, which stations you listen to in the car and other things like that. And even if it was like Edwardian times again it's still better to have your place in society determined by how much money you have than by your race, like what was done in America and is STILL done in America.
Please, the whole commoner thing is a JOKE for christ's sake! You guys have blown it WAY out of proportion. We were just laughing at how 100 years ago a prince marrying someone who isn't royalty or the daughter of a duke or something would have been scandalous and how no one cares nowadays, the only people we have in our country who are upper class anymore are the royals themselves. Commoner doesn't mean anything, no one says it anymore and it's all a JOKE! CHRIST!
Que bobada en el mundo se casan miles de personas la unica diferencia son los millones que tiene en el banco familia "real " van arder en el infierno por que su alma no tiene mas razón sino su propio bien, los medios son unos estúpidos. que se preocupen por los niños que no tienen que comer por las personas que sufren una tragedia o una enfermedad mundo de falsos e hipócritas por eso todo acabara pronto ........sociedad corrupta "familia real .falsa,asesina"
Wow, these people know nothing about Britain. Get past the 15th century? Fuck off, America is 150 years behind Britain, socially. Calling us fascistic snobs? our government cares about all classes of people in our country, but i suppose that's just our 'ridiculous' and 'revolting' system. IMAGINE that we look after homeless people and disabled people, not like the kind, caring US that does fuck all for their people. The US is way more class-based than Britain.
this chick is really a kate middleton fan, lol, she's really trying to justify anything said about her, lol, totally off subject but she kinda reminds me of daphnie from queer as folk, anyways, prince william, nice guy but who cares who he marries, why do royal families still exist anyway, what exactly is their purpose, what exactly is their job other than making public appearance, just wanna know
"Thumbs up if you're from the UK and you think TYT are pretentious morons who don't know what the fuck they are talking about." I don't think they are pretnentious morons but they do tend to go off on a rant on non US based topics without first checking their fact or context they appear to have the same disinterest in much of the rest of the world as, say, dubya...
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