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Do i need smart doctor Videos

Get Smart About Antibiotics - Do I Need an Antibiotic?

Ever think twice about taking an antibiotic? NC Hospitals are partnering with the state's DHHS Division of Public Health to start the conversation about antibiotic ...

What If There Were No Sharks?

Follow this link to more shark science videos by your favorite YouTubers!! //bit.ly/1sugd0z ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Follow on Twitter: ...

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Fuck you Asia, eat normal, farmable foods
Yea, Gaming Stuff...
+Matthew Theobald Sharks are farmable.
What's the name of the song when the toy shark is swimming? I've heard it before...
+Schoolgirl S lol thank you!!
Darude - sandstorm
That's a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that means death!
I'm curious if sharks were hunted so badly that many of these apex predators went extinct, what would replace them?
+Alexia Victory us
You said sharks should be scared of us, I saw one and tried to climb on it now im in hospital DISLIKE!
It is because you were dumb, TRYING TO CLIMB A SHARK?

Real Men Don't Drive Smart Cars

Real Men Don't Drive Smart Cars, We need to Investigate any man driving a smart car, Obama does not have a smart car, J Lo does not drive a Fiat, No ...

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+Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time Little Dude you must not be to Bright. Shaq owne's a smart car most all the celebrity's have them and there fleet. I have one also. Dude what you fall to understand is that when you see a person Driving a smart car that is not there only car they always have other cars that they own. And most of the time the people that own those type of car's have alot of money smart car's are made by Mercedes Benz..And Your joking, making fun of people who drive those kind of car's show's how stupid you really are. Saying that if you see a guy driving a smart car that he need's to be investigated Because he watches Child Porn. Dude Really Nigga Please Don't No Body want your funky Ass Kid's But You!!!!!!!!!!!.The funny thing is I come across Stupid people Like you every once and a while that's why I Keep's a fully loaded GLOCK Underneath My Seat For people like You Who don't know how to keep there thought's to there self's. I'm 6'1 275pd's And I Drive a smart car If you Got a problem with It. #1 Don't you go to Arizona #2 If you do Go to Arizona, Don't you Drive on the 101 lolollolo 
@rendarsmith Like Britney Spears, the otherwise talented Christina Aguilera, Justin Bieber, One Direction, the Backstreet Boys, Hilary Duff, and Katy Perry to a small extent, Jennifer Lopez targets a younger demographic (namely teenagers) than someone like Charice (who appeals to older audiences). That explains the aforementioned party's being more popular, and not just on YouTube, than Charice has been or even Celine Dion used to be. Nothing wrong with targeting people younger than 20, but the only difference is that J. Lo has an overrated voice and music to heck, even though she's a legend already in the eyes of history; and Charice is underrated but talented. Same with Mika Nakashima and other artists I can name.
no , I am afraid you have caught a couple of socialist myths, one, H2ICE was started in 1949 (the hudson hornet) second. it is the GOVERNMENT that is holding back both solar panels (1954) and hydrogen cars, the oil companies could not care less. that is marxist propaganda . do you think the oil companies are responsible for making you have oil heat, instead of natural gas? do you think the coal companies are the ones who stop you from having gasoline cars ? get it? (the 80 mpg car is impossible
Why this hunting of men to extinction in the name of equality? What social good will it serve. You are a warrior against PC and women voting for a man who is an useless copy of a woman is PC. I don't understand how the black church can worship Christ on Sunday and vote for the Devil on Tuesday? National sins are punished as a nation, with 50 million abortions I hope God will forgives America and He will help us, God is our only hope because we do not deserve it. I am in Czech and Texas is bigger
ET: You just do not understand the good things about a smart car. It saves money, when it is run over by a Peterbilt it can be used as a coffin for an idiot, one stop shopping, it is environmental friendly, no body fluids escaping onto mother earth, just bingo into the ground. It improves the IQ of the planet by removing his IQ, gives real men a better chance to find a good woman. Before Obama makes it illegal ''God Bless the USA and all who serve'' motorcycles, PU's, parachutes and airplanes
This is a video of you judging people you don't KNOW in front of your kids. This is equal to your kids being judge based on their SKIN COLOR. Child Pornography? Abortions? When people hear my last name their surprised I'm black. Don't be surprise if a boy interested in your daughter brings her home in a Smart car. A real man judges people by the content of their character not the car they drive. I'll tell you what happened to common sense. It left because of that ego you're teaching your kids.
Only real men CAN drive a Smart car. Only a real man who is secure with his sexuality can drive a smart car. "Fake" men, as in, "men" who care about what other "men" like you think, allow the collective thoughts of a bunch of neanderthals to dictate their actions. A real man knows he'll get made fun of and have to put up with hostile behavior from other men, but he doesn't give a shit and drives one anyway. That's a big "FUCK YOU" to society's idea of a "real man". Real men do what they want.
in 69 dodge engineers designed a charger that ran on natural gas, in a desperate effort to avoid the catalytic converter law, they begged to have permission to make a car that had 1/3 the pollution of a car with a catalytic converter. The left does not care about the environment, they just want to keep poor people from driving (or having a job at a car plant) nancy pelosi would happily vote to legalize coal powered cars, if they cost 150 grand a piece, got a subsidy, and were made in china.
its not negative to correct some one when there wrong - the smart car dos run on gas not battery . and yes we do get our oil mostly from Canada - that's true - but if Saudi Arabia oil production was crippled - the price of oil would raise wildly - do you think Canada will sell it to us for 100 a barrel while the rest sell there oil for three times as much - not likely - and i don't do videos - i just absorb information - i don't want to be a star like you showboat :-)
Teewee,that is some broad generalizing I see in your posts. A man can be caring,a thinker,well ahem endowed,and still drive a BMW or the like. I am 6'3 around 205lbs, I love the artistic form of a vehicle and as I am in my car quite often,I prefer it have the comforts I desire. If I were in a smart car, I would look ridiculous and in addition,when I am on the open stretch of backroad I know that I can push the car and enjoy the experience,like a thrilling ride.
there great in Europe where all the cars are small and every one is equal - i went there and there are cars a little bigger than the smart and smaller but they are more or less accepted because the high gas prices - soon we might all drive them - the stupid thing is that the biggest vehicles we have would be perfect as electric cars because all the space to put the batteries and the suspension to carry the weight - real small cars make crappy electric vehicles
i don't care i drive a suburban,and i paid cash, and i store gas so even when gas was 3.70 i was riding around for 2.99.a smart car or a hybrid or a total electric is a waste.BTW i saw your other comments.We get most of our oil from canada,look it up.And the Saudis protect terrorist while trying to be our friends.Anyway i was awake before you were born!But again as always anybody who is negative in their reply to me ,HAS NO VIDEOS,WHAT A SURPRISE ha.ha.ha.
In 35 years you will forget a Smart car. But the 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air still lives and is still remembered. Another go figure? LOL And that Chevy nova, is worth twice as much as a Smart car. And the bottom line is I guess, it was just so much fun driving a 1968 Bel Air or a 1969 Pontiac Lemans on a summer day with the windows down and your girl by your side. Blaring in the background was music from Woodstock playing on your a.m. radio.:-)
I'm just curious if you were born or alive in the 60s. I'm just curious, because I believe that you probably would have protested the cars we made back then. I still remember my first ride in a 1969 Road Runner going wide open throttle. Those 4 BBL Carter AFB carburetors were sucking huge volumes of air. I don't know, I'll go for the muscle car. You can have the Smart car okay, (tilting head).
I'm a grown man with a wife and 3 kids. I am purchasing a scion IQ today. I could care less who thought what about me in a "smart car". All I know is I fit in it, it's more than good on gas, and it will get from point a to point b. I have a 2012 minivan and a 2013 suv. Now, if anybody has a problem with a 6'3 325 lbs man driving a "smart car", then let it be known when you see me. YA DIG
Well there you go, you just defined those who have vehicles that compensate. If a man can't even change a tire then are they really a man? There are plenty of 4 door vehicles with trunks that get better gas mileage than a smart car. It takes a "special" person to think that they are someone special or accomplishing anything of meaning by driving one of those things
electric cars charged on the grid, create a minimum of 80 times as much pollution as a gas car the same weight. a hybrid would get much better mileage without the hybrid part, it is just an entering wedge to electric. the left want only electric because it is too expensive for poor people to own, so they can be forced onto govt, owned transit.
i see your point - but maybe he cant afford anything more - they dont cost much and cost even less to operate - ask yourself - what would happen if Iran destroyed Saudi oil fields because Israel attacked them - i personally love the Cadillac CTS - or a GM suburban - go big or go home - but some people don't have the same money you and i have
i had a 89 mustang - black - not a 60"s muscle car - that would have been great - but that stang was like a fighter jet - the v8 never failed me - it did every thing i asked of it and some - i loved that car - a real brute - like i said it was a F-16 on four wheels - a real street fighter - i wish i never sold that car - we make mistakes
WELL SAID. I LIVE IN A SNOWBOARD TOWN. ALL SNOWBOARD KIDS WEAR SKINNY JEANS BUT THEY SAG THEM. IT LOOKS GAYER THAN WHEN THEY WORE GANSTER PANTS AND SAG THEM. skinny jeans look like mens pantyhose. if you wore pantyhose it would be less lame than skinnny jeans lolol. smart cars. well said. to funny. dang dumb people all over this earth.
Sorry TeeWee, LOL. I am so happy to know that you were born in the 60s, and you do remember those cars. Cars were American-made and gas was cheap. Nothing like taking your girlfriend to a drive-in movie in a big Plymouth fury, LOL. A very big thumbs up to you., And you know what? I could see you in a 69 road runner, LOL..
depends which you mean, H2ice, (hydrogen combustion) works great, hydrogen fuel cells are an electric car, they only brought that one back from the grave(in was invented in the 20's) to distract people from hydrogen cars. either one you have to start an illegal industry. the govt will not allow any American cars.
...though to be fair to you, it does seem your biggest problem is with the hypocrisy of people who drive smart cars that claim to be saving the environment. That I'll agree with. However, as for the car itself, it's fine. And no, I don't drive one. I drive a "regular" car.
Lil wayne wears skinny jeans ,i can say this if a man wears skinny jeans he want to confuse other men or little boys that he looks better then a woman from behind.if a man drives a smart car and proud of it he probaly was raised to be a fag.
You are too funny! Anytime you hear the word "Smart" attached to something, you know that the Al Gore, Agenda 21 crowd is attached to it in some way. For example, "Smart meters." Those things are evil. So you see, smart is not so smart.
Yeah, the whole carbon footprint thing is a total scam and fraud, anyway. The government and EPA don't give a damn about the Earth, guys. They just want an excuse to peak over your shoulder and tax you more and more for breathing.
Loved it. I would not let my daughter drive it. You can get run over in those tiny little cars. If you love your children don't sentence them to an easy death by car. Safety comes first and those cars do not provide that at all.
again, you are just repeating communist propaganda. the oil companies could not care less what your car runs on, the fed/state bureaucracy is what prevents you from having an h2ice car (or natural gas) do not repeat the lies.

EnhancedCareMD Smart Choices Health Insurance Coverage Rap Ad by GoodBoyMarketing.com

How much of your business' or family's monthly budget goes towards health care costs? Do you still need affordable health insurance coverage? Are you paying ...

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Everyone knows, health care is costly So many bills to pay, so you’re caught—see? You go in—they make you make you pay a co-pay Even though you pay insurance, you got no say! We got the answer here, it’s EnhancedCare Telemedicine, twenty-four seven dear! No more wasteful trips to the doctor Or the E.R. that make you pay a lot, too! Cover the family, two dollars a day Access insurance approved by the ACA People, businesses, get your coverage Through my site, you’re gonna love it I save people money—that’s what I can do Some think it’s funny but others KNOW it’s true When a good boy does his market thing You gotta go to www.goodboymarketing.com!

Health IT Show: Smart healthcare systems 스마트 헬스케어 시스템

On the sidelines of the International Telecommunication Union, in the southern port city of Busan,... the Health IT Show opened today, showcasing the latest in ...

Pepi Ride (Pepi Bath, Pepi Doctor) - best iPad app demo for kids

To download visit us at Smart Apps for Kids - //www.smartappsforkids.com/ Also visit us here, we've got apps for everybody.... Smart Apps for Special Needs ...

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The New Traffic Interchange & New Horizons! - Cities Skylines - Ep.4

With enormous amounts of support from happy viewers, episode 4 is released at last! In this episode of Cities Skylines we decide to do one last change near the ...

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Just subscribed because your videos are really great ! Can you put a link to download the map before the zoning ? So we could try to play with your excellent city. Cannot wait for ep 5 !!!
+creeper_craft97 Thanks creeper. People have asked for the current map with this layout & well it has been released!
WE want a new episode!!!!
+Gonçalo Teixeira Well you got it! :)
I love everything you do in your episodes, BUT it gets to be a drag when all you see is you edit a couple roads and half of the video is only a cinematic view of what you just built... We want to see progress and nothing but it, and half the episode of artistic shots gets kind of boring and annoying. Just some feedback. Hope your channel grows a lot!
zone the city
+Dominican Scout Dominican city
+Violeta Bîrzescu What should we name the first city?
how large is this map? :D
+sebb7 overwhelmingly large, haha. I've posted it on the workshop so others can have a look themselves.

"I'm Not the Successful One" (or smart, talented, etc...) - Tapping with Brad Yates

Please visit: //www.TapWithBrad.com Join me on: FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/BradYatesTapping Twitter: //twitter.com/tapwithbrad Google+: ...

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I needed this!

Dr. Panda in Space Part 1- Best iPad app demo for kids - Ellie

Download this app! iPad/iPhone: //apple.co/1nv60Rb Amazon: //amzn.to/1PHlO9Z 3… 2… 1… Lift off! It's time to take off with Dr. Panda in Space!

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Thanks for the review!
+Dr. Panda You're welcome Dr. Panda, we love you! - Ellie
Good job
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