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Car accidents chicago Videos

Aftermath: 11 car crash at Chicago intersection - first video disabled by owner...

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On what streets did this happen?
By 93rd & Cicero

Horrific car crash in Chicago (Aftermath)

Horrific car crash in Chicago. I asked a few bystanders if they knew how it happened and they say that three cars were racing. The crash was not shown on any ...

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I have learned my lesson and I want to let everybody know that, life is short. don't make it any shorter by putting yourself in danger like this. I suffered from multiple injuries and lost my jobs and a dear friend. he's not dead....he just doesn't want to talk to me anymore.So you guys can either agre that I did the right thing or just shove it and belive what you want
Hey everybody I am the owner of this car. I just want to clear things up for everybody. I am not a women, I am a male. lol Also I know this looks very bad on my part and I'm still going through legal issues due to this. I know now I should have just hit the lady but in the situation you know you would do the same. I it meant you couuld avoid hurting anybody.
@EmceeeChino Ah, it does not matter anymore dude. I mean let's pretend that the woman was at fault, how fast you had to be driving to get your car around the pole like this? 50mph? I don't think so. Anyways, i hope they are all ok and will realize that they are not professionals and can't drive that fast in the city.
But how fast were you going to have such an impact on your car against that pole? The pole is in your car!! o.o Well. Like you said. Lessons learned. I have watched many vehicle accident vids and every time I get on the road, I do my very best to keep safe. Can only hope others will realize that and do the same. :/
I wanna set things straight. The driver was not racing. Nor did he run a red light. There was a woman on Bryn Mawr who did not wait until it was clear to turn. The driver swerved to avoid her and doing so, he hit the poll. If anyone was at fault, the woman was.
Dude, the fucking light pole wound up INSIDE THE CAR. Really stupid to come on here acting like the driver did all that just by barely missing a fender-bender. The idiot was either showing off or racing at hight speeds. At least another dummy off the streets.
"how fast you had to be driving to get your car around the pole like this? 50mph? I don't think so"Great point that telephone pole was where the passenger seat should of been.They weren't doing the speed limit thats for sure .I'd say at least 65mph
My intentions when I swerved to avoid her was to save my new car and anybody from injury. I know I am not a licensed professional but I have been driving for a very long time. If I didnt do what I did we all would have ended up dead
@36902698 glad to see hes okay after this. been to quite bad ones in my time as a vol ff and no one evered lived thru any.. god was sure watching over him and new he would do something good with his life to keep him here
im sure his life experiances will change now.... i now i drive like that and seeing this makes me wana slow down you dont apreciate life as much till it flys by only few get the opourtunity to live
@bigiss1111 its not GTR, look at the seats, they are sofas, not bucket. Look at the tail lights, GTR tail lights don't wrap around to the side, there mere dots in the back.
@arnulfo500 I know, i haven't seen an accident this bad in a while...i mean the pole sliced through the car like it was cheese. Crazy, crazy!
@36902698 I am glad he is ok. I hope he realized he is not a professional and that he can't imitate Michael Schumacher in the city.
i'm wondering....what's the level of corruption in USA,,,,refering to D.A, police, politicians ...on a scale from 1 to 10 ?
first off the driver is a dumbass. and second, the passenger was the one injured most.. third the driver is a dumbass.
poor beautiful car wat a waste of car.. it was a beauty ....thz aint initial d learn how to drive kuzzzz u aint me \S/
God damn it I knew it was a g35 why do people have to ruin nice cars, why couldn't it have been a honda civic?
@heyitsthatcooolguy damn, cause that wouldda been the shit.....but don't worry, you're still a coool guy ;)
@36902698 Tell him he's a faggot. And while you're at it, tell him to tell you that you are also a faggot.
So the driver swerved so hard his car almost wrapped around the pole? Somethings fishy about That story.
I heard this from my house It was a couple feet away By the 7-11 Lincoln and Bryn Mawr
@aznwatcher21 Sorry i can't give you my real name. I hope your friend(s) is ok.
Hey who this? Thts recording just asking? This is my close guy tht had happen..
I pass by there i didnt know what was going on. I was like WOW! crazy!
Pause at 0:20 and look at the devastating damage dealt to the car...
@heyitsthatcooolguy bahaha i'm hoping that is a seinfeld reference!!
I heard this from my house It was a couple feet away By the 7-11
didn't even realize it was Hao and John... is everyone okay?
It's just a bad, maybe even worse, as any other country.
@Wambulanceable fourth, you're a fucking idiot.



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Of course somebody might come here and flame me by posting are you blind or stupid, "we did not have that much snow this month". I would then have to inform them that even though I live in the area I have been at the beach here in southern California for the last two months working (hardly). Do not get jealous though because karma is sending me to Toronto on Sunday for a week. I guess I have to pay for the nice weather somehow and now work in miserable freezing temps. YUK ! ! ! !
I would not be surpised after the shortage this year, idot and chicago start using the pre-snowfall ice melters. and as a private contractor, i just ask all the other drivers, slow down, and don't play chicken with me, cause if i slide, your gonna feel it alot more than me. 4wheel drive and all wheel drive will not help you stop, or keep you from skidding when you slam your brakes
Lol chicago gets crippled with few inches of snow, I live in a small town called freesoil and it's all dirt road except 2 and it gets plowed probably like every month lol, gotta suck it up and get tires with meat on em to survive lol closest gas station where i live is 6 miles away, closest towing service is about 20 miles away, closest house where i live is about 1 mile away lol
That's funny, yeah it's cold here in Chicago. The cold is worse than the snow. If it's snowing the temperatures aren't that bad. It's after the snow that it really starts freezing. I'm scared to go outside now, to go home cause of the bitter cold. Man I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
They must go through alot of plow scraper bars. Half of them plows where on nearly clean roads. Hear in Lancaster county Pa They put salt on top of 3 inches of snow, wait for it to re freeze the clean off the packed ice under the snow. Our salters wear out faster than our blades!
you are the towing master Kris you & your IDOT crews have helped alot of people on chicago's interstates.I have a great amount of respect for the dangerous job you do.People dont realize if they break down,you risk your life to help no matter what the risks are!
@inventorchris2 No...I always walk uo to the Police and ask Permission first..its there scene i have never been asked to leave a highway in my career...i have several credentials & permits that allow me to be on those highways
I love snow. But i am happy that we don´t use salt on our roads up i Jämtland Sweden. It destroys cars and the natures, if the drivers learn to drive safty and have rigth tirers on the cars, it will not be any problems.
@7089540230 Nice, I have a 1988 Chevy S10 4x4 with a 3" lift and a/t's right now, slapping mudd terrains on her this weekend. Always like having a 4x4, specifically for off road summers and then crazy winters. :D
@0:38 ''omg....so cold.......it is so cold out there.......we had to come back in cus it's too cold...oh my goodness,we could'nt get acrawss the pawking lot, it's so cawld, it's that cold outside!'' lolololol
PLEASE Continue to Film the Hotties Stuck/Spinning and getting there thoughts on the Slick roads etc,How many times they have gotten stuck etc.. Have u filmed any Storms for 09??
How old is this video? Certainly cannot be 12/08. I saw unleaded at $2.97 a gallon @ 2:33. The first snow this last half of 2008 and gas was already $2 or less a gallon.
Plows have 2-4 heavy springs on them, that allow the plow to fold down if it hits something solid. this keeps damage from occuring to the truck, plow, and driver.
do you just pull up behind this wrecks and get out and start taping them. and have the police every asked you to stop taping and leave the highway
yea man keep always interviweng hoties!! (7:10)man tats the big plus on ur videos dont ever know how the next one will be!! LOL!!!!!!
NO need to put milk in trunk...just hold it out the window of car while driving....im sure it will be fine when you get home.
@drska1994 Lol ask her a few questions about this vid and take her out on a date, because she looks fine as hell hahaha
gotta love chicago. idot, tollway, towns can never keep up with the snow. and they still havent fixed all the potholes!
Chicago, land of heat waves and blizzards. 100 degrees in July and 20 below with 3 feet of snow 6 months later.
@7089540230 You should safely (If you can) record when there is LOTS of snow on the ground and snowing
I like it when the snow kills people so refreshing and clean and nice and neat and cool lmao bitches.
I beg for this kinda weather. I love driving in it, and watching the people that can't drive in it!
dude i think you're right she does look familiar... huh guess im gonna have to check it out now...
turn the volume down for the 2 f-bombs in the plow..you should have no problem showing this
Lol..yea its kinda hard to jump out on the side of the highway with it still on me
lol mike said,"its like plowin snow man, i dont know what the f**ck to say". lmao
have a great trip to toronto..u see any big boobies in the cold think of me
Come to canada in the winter. - 40ºC with winds up to -50. blowing snow.
yep..all of them & 2 jacknifed semis & 2 major accidents in morris & homer
I hope so! IDOT dont mess around...they will make sure they have enough

Compilation fatal car accident in USA Chicago

Fatal Car Crash caught Camera inside the car chicago Crashes traffic signal Accidents 2014 2013 2012 2011 united states russia saudi arabia france.

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These were not in chicago

Chicago Car Meets "Deadly Honda Crash" Loomis

RIp to the pregnant girl. This is why ducky productions take it to the next level on meets and promotes safety. Be careful out there guys, poor girl. This was taking ...

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This is SAD, I feel sorry for the the family. I heard the driver of the Mustang fled on foot... Any new updates?
r.i.p i will miss you so much
+Alvaro Cebrero sad thing man!
was wondering what had happened, and why no one was moving. jeeez poor people.

Car Accident - texting Driver may 2011 Chicago IL, USA ( sony DSC-T90 HD Video )

Do not text and drive ..... 3 injured people, all survive. Red Honda CRV Driver was texting hit Silver Stratus and push it under red Saturn than all cars hit Ford, ...

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I do police towing for a living and I can tell you they could NOT have done that recovery any more WRONG. Before ANYTHING else, they needed to make sure the Chrysler was in "park" and the parking brake was applied. Also, I'd have used a rollback or a recovery wrecker instead a "repo-type" tow truck. BOTH front wheels of the Saturn would've had straps through them and it's parking brake would also have been set. THEN, I'd have separated the cars. Good way to hurt someone, what they were doing.
IF that was the only truck available, they still could have done the recovery with the available equipment, but with the process I described. One strap through each wheel. Both parking brakes set. Both vehicles in "park". Then pull the Saturn off the Chrysler. Also, once the Saturn was stabilized, the Chrysler could have been backed right out from underneath. It's about HOW it was done, more than the equipment. They did it very dangerously, seemingly not having been properly trained.
I would have outright told the tow guy to bugger off once it was seperated if I were the Saturn driver. Unless a brake line got cut, and since it didn't leave a trail I doubt that was the case, there was no damage that would render it undriveable. Two tailights were still intact, the left headlight was still intact, the right one probably still worked even if it wasn't aimed right....no reason it couldn't be driven to the body shop by the owner.
All you've said is that bumper covers are absurdly expensive and that firefighters like needlessly destroying battery cables when simply turning the key off does the trick. Also, not a single car in there was totalled. The bean counters merely label them as such because they're too fucking cheap to fix 'em. There's no damage on ANY of those cars that would render it unfixable.
Yes, this is pretty scary !!! and the "funny"?! thing happened today to me, I was almost killed by Roll Over Semi Trailer Truck, it was like 10 feet from death, I'm shaking when I realize that. My car was almost crashed by falling trailer. OMG, I'm happy to be alive.
ALl together the Saturn had almost $4,000 in damages. The Chrysler was totalled and the CRV had almost $9,000 in damages. Fire dept cut the cables to cut off all fuel supply and to minimize the risk of an airbag randomly going off.
...and he would have been buying me a new set of battery cables if it was my car. There's barely any damage, no risk of the airbags randomly going off, so there's no reason to cut the battery cables like that.
True......but we have no idea what damage the two vehicles have, so, tows would most-likely be necessary anyway. I do agree that you could just drive the one off the other, though. Thanks for the response.
Looking through many of these texting while driving video will desensitize someone. How do teenagers process when they watch similar videos during driver's class? Do they take something way or ignore it?
Or you could just set the parking brake on the Dodge, start the Saturn, and fucking floor it. It's front wheel drive itt'l pull itself off, no tow truck even necessary.
Thanks. I get a bit carried away with comments sometimes......but the sheer lack of professionalism and inherent danger that some people create is beyond ridiculous.
People who txt and drive show get slapped in the face real hard... whats up with the guy trying to stop the car thats a good way to get pinned.
@kg2usa Yes he came home around 5-6. No broken bones just back pain. The doctors told him they were amazed he didn't break any bones.
Who The fuck called those crack heads to this call? Call a tow service that nos how to tow. Video speaks for itself
Texting and driving is yet another trend created to kill us all even quicker. Population control at it's finest.
Fortunately, everyone survived this accident. Using a cell phone while driving is just too much of a distaction.
So why tow the saturn away again? There was no damage on that car that prevented it from driving anywhere.
I know who was the driver of the silver stratus. He's my friend's dad.
I am so glad you are here to tell us that story. God bless you.
I think the red Saturn was but it was towed anyway
You're totally right, thanks for Your comment
Blond Girl, and she was the one who text ....
is any of the car involed drive able
firemen cut the battery cables
happened a year ago this day.
@kg2usa who drove the crv?
Thank You for the post ...
Lmao i was there!!! :)
Damn i was there!! :)
it didnt start.

Shay et Dawson chicago fire accident

Avec ce lien vous trouverez une autre vidéo de Chicago Fire que j'ai fait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L7LLLBZlRg cette vidéo est sur Clarice et Shay.

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What episode???
Season 1 episodes 10,11
Which episode is this ???
Season 1 end of episode 10 and episode 11
which episode?
Season 1 episodes 10,11
What Episode is this?

Chicago Police Car Crash!

Sacramento and George in Chicago..Police Officer responding to a burglary call gets involved in a crash..The Officer in the smashed squad car has been ...

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I'm willing to bet the cop ran a red light and got hit by that car in the intersection. Like they usually do.
Give you another try, there are no stop lights, but I'm observing some stop signs.  Gotta feeling the officer was traveling to quickly and the car couldn't hear the sirens.
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