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Car accidents kill more than guns Videos

Meds Kill more than Guns & Car Accidents

Meds Kill more than Guns & Car Accidents.

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Don't eat meat. That's another solution. And have the occasional cup of coffee every other week. Even food, yes non gmo can cause some issues. But yes, the meds are a fucking murder weapon. Don't take them period.
+MALayhee700 Strawman argument...//2static.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/de/4d/de4dc0_5614369.jpg
+Joe Shmoe Even if you were right.Drugged cowsCows being fed HFCS and even other cowAnimals being tortured and injected with anti biotics and hormones.Sounds tasty. Centuries ago meat eating would have been healthier. 
+Joe Shmoe Gee I thinked the clogged arteries and cooked carcinogens would be enough proof. And the hundreds of millions of fat asses on earth. Obesity is a modern epidemic. Do you need a citation for everything? You ever read scholar articles yourself and draw your own conclusions? I thought so. 
+MALayhee700 "...we still aren't designed to eat meat."[CITATION NEEDED]
+Joe Shmoe Hey bad ass, I can cite links too. Not hard. //www.universityherald.com/articles/14344/20141229/sugar-molecule-links-red-meat-consumption-to-elevated-cancer-risk.htm
+MALayhee700 "...the modern human diet contains more meat than that of our early ancestors..."//www.manticmoo.com/articles/jeff/scholarly/an-evolving-human-dentition.phpNote: Humans evolved to eat meat. Avoid meat at your own risk.
+sodthong Coffee is great( non robusta and non gmo) however, I am a recovering coffee addict. Too much will damage the stomach and stunt the adrenals. Not saying coffee is bad, but coffee culture in the west is dangerous. Even grass fed beef and chicken, being slightly less bad, we still aren;t designed to eat meat. 
+MALayhee700 Nothing wrong with unprocessed meat and coffee. Sugar and grains are the real bad foods..

Hospitals Kill More People By Accident Than Cars or Guns

Listen/Download Podcast: //www.blogtalkradio.com/matthewlesko/2014/12/09/hospitals-kill-more-people-by-accident-than-cars-or-guns Matthew Lesko of ...

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You don't even need me. Most of what anyone needs to know to make decisions is available for free. And the free information can be better, more important, and more honest that what high priced experts are selling you.
Shouldn’t hospitals be the place that would prevent you from dying? So why are they the most dangerous place to die by accident?
Thank you Matthew. Great job helping is see life better.

Cars Kill more People than Guns -- Guilty Till Proven innocent

After the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colo., an outcry has emanated from many calling for tougher gun laws. While I agree that this shooting was a true tragedy, ...

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Totally agree. ... good job brother

The States Where Guns Kill More People Than Cars

In 17 states, including the host state of the NRA annual meeting, more people are killed by guns than by cars. Subscribe!

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What a waste of time. Why don't you talk about the on average million families that are protected by guns in the US every year
+T name a lot more recent you probably. I own security company. Watch you mouth. I checked your favorites, looks like you have a little hard on for Russel Brandt!!! He might dig that your a passive aggressive little pussy! Talk to a police officer you will find that the world outside your little liberal bubble is a little tougher than you think. This video is still trash. It posses me off it starts when I replied to your unfounded opinion about someone you know nothing about.
+James Peterson what are you so afraid of? And don't bullshit over the Internet, when was the last gunfight, knife fight or fist fight that you were involved in? Everyone so scared of something that doesn't exist. No one is tryimg to hurt you, the possibility that you'll be in a situation where you need a fireman and also that you happen to have your firearm on you is so miniscule it's not even funny. You like guns thats great, but don't try justify them you fucking moron
+Thomas K. That statistic memtioned earlier is true, it's different for police though as they're called to called into violent frays aswell as being givwn proper training so thr likelihood of them using a firearm to defend themselves is higher and the acidental killing of someone is lower. Even with police it still happens though, if you've following the news you would've seen a whole bunch of cases where gung-ho police officers have wrongly used their weapons which resluted in the un-lawful killing of unarmed people and pets. If you're family is just living quitely the chances of you needing to defend your family from somekind of assailant is highly unlikey. The only reason you here so much about it is because obviously you've liked a bunch of pro gun pages and in order for them to make guns seem like they're good they're obviously going to post insidences where guns have been successfully used in self defense.
+Xezatt there you go with convenient half-truths again. I have a feeling that you are just ignoring the fact that every country in the world has criminals with guns. The only difference between us and the countries that have regulated or over regulated personal ownership of firearms is we have the balls and the brains to recognize that the police will never be able to get there before the fight is over. Last I checked fist fights, knife fights and gunfights typically last less than 2 minutes and I've never seen someone make a phone call in the middle of one. you're the only person who is responsible to save your life and the people who you care for. if you want to play half truths and justify how your country has limited your freedoms I feel bad for you and the people who depend on you. step up do something, save a life and you may have a chance of changing the world. if you just want to pick convenient statistics you can keep going to I'm right.Com and lying to yourself. it must get old losing every intellectual exchange about gun rights because you're on the losing side of the fence and maybe you should stay there. Many times criminals get guns from corrupt government officials. Good luck stopping a corrupt government with a baseball bat. You will never stop criminals from getting guns. Anyone that can find a bag of weed could probably source a illegal gun since drugs and guns are snuck into your country every day. Afganistan is probably more free than your country!
+James PetersonYou own a gun doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Its just the population in the US, there are so many types of people. Guns can fall onto bad guys too.That's how the US rolls I guess.
+Xezatt that is the point of firearms in the world. Your view is conveniently short sighted. My guns have never hurt anyone. As a matter of fact I never even thought about owning a handgun until 4 guys tried to car jack me in 2008. I realized in a fight nobody can stop dial a phone and wait 10 minutes for the police to arrive. If you haven't donated blood, food or significant time in the past 3 months you sent really interested in saving life's just running your mouth. I donate over 1000 meals to the food shelf and donate blood every 8 weeks to save lives and am first responder trained working on a EMT level of training to save lives of people I haven't even met in car accidents or having health issues. I bet you would be surprised to now most people that respect life enough to die for someone else's have realized their lives and others are important enough to invest in a firearm to defend. I challenge you to do something.
+James Peterson That's the point of having gun in the US. You use the gun to kill or to defend. Either way, those people's life are lost under firearms.That's 'murica to you.
+summergain check out the FBI raw data. They tracked between 800000 and 1200000 crimes that are stopped by law abiding citizens defending their home with guns annually. It doesn't sound like you have ever looked at the real data and are just spouting media propaganda. If facts don't matter to you don't be surprised if you keep getting owned in the comments section or become a statistic yourself. I feel sorry for anyone who depends on you to protect them. However it is never to late to stop believing convenient statistics and talk a real look at the data and make a educated decision that guns stop more crimes than they would ever hurt people inv the hands of law abiding adults.
+summergain "if you have a gun in the home it is more likely that you or someone you know will be injured that gun then by an intruder"Assuming this "fact" to be true. Then that would mean Law Enforcement Officers are far more likely to injure themselves with their gun, than to use their gun to stop a criminal.As for "like a dozen or so" cases of lawful self defense (SD), I can find a dozen such cases pop up on my FB news feed every week. Even the most conservative estimates made by the CDC puts the number of SD cases per year at north of 800,000. Furthermore, most SD cases go unreported, mainly because in most cases, a shot isn't even fired. The mere "brandishing" of a firearm is often more than enough to deescalate the situation.
+James Peterson more like dozen or so. if you have a gun in the home it is more likely that you or someone you know will be injured that gun then by an intruder.
People are at fault in either case. Unsubscribed. The End.
+txturbo930 true. A vehicle left in gear and unattended will crash eventually, however an unloaded gun left unattended will just sit there and collect dust.
Fatal car accidents (or collisions) rarely take place without someone at fault--usually a result of negligence or drunk driving. Justifiable homicide and suicide by firearm I don't think are one in the same as negligent driving or drunk driving. It is a far fairer study to compare car "accidents" with gun "accidents." In other words, compare negligence on the part of the operator of both inanimate objects and see which results in higher fatalities. In the same vein, it would be prudent to compare vehicular "homicide" to firearm related "homicide." And lastly, vehicular "suicide" to firearm "suicide." Jumbling all of these subcategories under one header is hardly scientific or analytical. And it certainly doesn't provide a whole picture. Instead, it seems Vocative is trying to manipulate the numbers to fit their agenda, rather than letting the facts speak for themselves.
+summergain By intentional, that would be "homicide." So vehicular homicide compared to firearm related homicide (which I did mention; along with vehicular suicide and firearm suicide). Of course, in this study, you'd have to exclude "justifiable homicide." You could compare the same with cars, but I don't know how many cases there'd be where an operator utilized a vehicle in self-defense and resulted in the death of the one posing a threat.
+Thomas K. in the same thought lets compare intentional deaths between vehicles and guns.
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