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How do doctor pagers work Videos

Waitlist Pager "How it works"

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cool vid but how does it work?

How a Pager Works (Ooooo.)

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Pager-Man to the rescue!
This guy is hilarious.
still use mine aswell

WingnutD-Do you remember PAGERS???? I do!!!! (via YouTube Capture.)

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I remember having a pager back in the day when I was in high school until cell phone came along between 2001 & 2003 I'm 32 years old but going to turn 33 years old next month (Feb) I remember pagers used to be the shit back in those days but nobody uses them anymore now a days I know this sounds weird or dumb of me saying this but I was thinking of hooking up my pager again but feel dumb doing that because now a days it's lame to have pagers or landlines
+MrMysterio1982 man, you're old!
+MrMysterio1982 if you'd like to hook up a pager, Contact PagePlus. 1-866-724-3758 or check out our website www.pageplusaz.com
Oh okay I thought you meant a street gang my bad
+MrMysterio1982 or group.
+The Fine Gamers Oh yeah that's cool & what you mean gang 
I am thirteen and me and my gang have pagers to, you know, send messages. we are sort of like an elite group of kids who stop trouble. but thats what we do.

is the hotel's pager-friendly?

Can I ask you a question? Do you know if the hotel's pager-friendly? - What do you mean? - I'm not getting a sig on my beeper. - I'm not sure. - Is there a ...

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@taterberryman I'll make sure to have her put a band-aid over next time we hook up.
@AmonOfTheSahelijos the point was who uses pagers these days...
@ProbiscusJonesDrew Except for the buttcrack on her chin.
is was a reasonable question, dumb bitch.

More Thoughts May 30 Pager Work Great Holiday

Devah Pager and Dalton Conley discuss racism and the stigma of criminal record

In this interview for Dalton Conley's book, You May Ask Yourself, Devah Pager discusses her field experiments, racism, and the stigma men with a criminal ...

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superfish812 is indeed wrong. "Testers are assigned equivalent résumés and are matched on a variety of characteristics like age, education, physical appearance, and interpersonal skills. Because black and white testers are sent to the same firms, and testers are matched on a wide variety of characteristics, much of the unexplained variation that confounds residual estimates of discrimination is experimentally controlled." //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2915472/
What superfish812 is saying is not accurate; I don't know what their agenda is, but do not buy into it. Check Pager's dissertation, and later work such as "Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment" to see how her, Bruce Western, and Bart Bonikowski controlled for such things. You can also see the info in her book "Marked".
Your facts are wrong and your tone is hateful. I encourage anyone who reads this to look up Devah Pager's work, and see for themselves. It does not include the deficiencies you've mentioned. In fact, she gives extensive explanations of how to match and control for such things.
Devah Pager's 2002 dissertation "The Mark of A Criminal Record" was an inspiration for me as a sociology major! I just bought her new book "Marked: Race, Crime, and Finding Work in an Era of Mass Incarceration" and can't wait until her release of any additional projects!
This fuels me to be the most educated sophisticated black male that will fight Racism til Death like my hero's Did..
So I don't have a chance in hell against a white male just getting out of prison? Smh
@digical1 it's sad but thats the truth.

Dr. Dre - Fuck You(feat.Devin the Dude, Snoop Dogg)

Download: //ulub.pl/U5mEQh9Ar8/dr-dre-fuck-you Text: (feat. Devin the Dude, Snoop Dogg) [answering machine girl] Hi baby I know your under a lot of ...

Dr. Dre - Fuck You

PLOW.... [answering machine girl] Hey baby I know your under a lot of pressure at your work and all And I do understand You have no idea how much I ...

Let's Play Overclocked pt4

User Comments

I hope you post more vids soon. These are really good
good video . how long did you play it?
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