Couldn't agree more! - Looking back, I should have asked the waiter to
explain what each dish was. - Next time. (That may be a while. I am in
Iceland, and this Indian restaurant was in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.)
How to Make Nutella Cinnamon Rolls in The Bread Kitchen
These delicious pastries are great for breakfast or with a mid-morning coffee. Friends will love you for ever if you make Nutella cinnamon rolls for them! Written ...
I have a question... I have been trying to make "the" perfect
cinnamon/nutella/whatever rolls for a good amount of time, but they always
end up kind of tough and dry, definitely not the moist and airy consistency
you would like to get for them. The only time my dough ended up nicely was
by making a dough with low protein content (4g protein for 100g flour) and
lukewarm half-skimmed milk (no other ingredients than that except for yeast
and sugar to activate it). This kind of counteracts your use of bread
flower (tbh I never tried with high protein flour), any thoughts, advice,
hypothesis ? I can't find an equivalent to the flour I used in Canada in
Good question! I usually associate "tough and dry" with overbaking. Using a low-protein flour will certainly give you softer rolls but most likely at the expense of a good rise. Fat will help with softness too. So I would say to you continue using milk, let the rolls rise well during proving and bake until the point that they are just starting to colour on the tops.
Dear Lady, Strong white breadflower, so its not the common flower you buy
in the supermarket, is it the better flower like the farina 000 where they
make pasta out of!??
you are the first one of all the cooking chanells i follow that does not
knead with jewelry on (specialy rings) . Well done !!
cooking with ring on your fingers is really nasty =)
Wow, that looks amazing!
Question: looks like it might be hard to spread the nutella on the dough.
Do you think nuking the nutella for a bit to warm it up would be a wise
move, to improve spreadability? Obviously not to the point of it becoming
liquid :D
I'm wondering whether it would be worth increasing the cinnamon content to
decrease the sugar, although I guess it is brown sugar. Makes all the
difference. Looks yummy though. Mmm...
Just by looking at them you already know they taste awesome. Only problem
is the amount of sugar. Well I guess the unhealthier it is, generally the
tastier it is.