"Are you getting blisters on your feet after you go for a run?"
Uhh, no. Even if I did run, it would be in my socks and I would be out of
breath and panting after 30 seconds.
+Clerice T I was joking, but I do have very low stamina since my parents basically force me to sit inside all day because they don't trust me. I can run longer than 30 seconds, I was just goofing around.
They said it first. If you can't run for 30 seconds without being out of breath, you're out of shape. It's not disrespectful it's the truth, get over yourself.
What's next, how to drink bleach properly?
Place a funnel into your mouth
In precisely 4 seconds, pour the bottle of bleach at a 73.54 degree angle
into the funnel.
Swallow quickly and savour the burning sensation.
Learn How To Properly Lace and Tie Your Running Shoes | Chris Johnson PT
Learning how to lace and tie you running shoes plays an integral role in running particularly following an injury. Provided that the shoe has been properly fit, ...
Thank you for videoing this... I wish I had known this when I was walking
10 km 4 days a week then developed severe pain on the top of my right foot.
I saw so many specialist and even had orthotics placed in my shoes and
bought expensive runners but the pain persisted so I stopped walking. I
always felt that my heels were slipping out of my shoes even though I had
them tied up tight and then because of the tightness, my toes would go numb
with lack of circulation. Hopefully this will work :-)
+Deb Cartwright Thanks for watching Deb and glad you found the video helpful. Ensuring proper fit while lacing the shoes properly but not overly tight goes a long way!
Dr Jenny Sanders of FDFAC in San Francisco, presents tutorial on how to properly lace your running shoes for optimal performance. This tutorial covers: Lock ...
Kudos for the Video! Sorry for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have
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