www.BrentGraef.com Brent Graef demonstrates how to tie MeCate (McCarty) reins onto a bosal. Once the reins are tied to the bosal the entire unit is referred to ...
Steve Guitron - Tying a Mecate to a Bosal
Here I show you how to tie a mecate to a bosal, and also show you how to tie the hanger to the bosal. customrawhide.com.
Thanks, Steve ! I purchase one of your nice bosals with a horsehair mecate
several years ago, but never used it. When I looked closely, it was not
tied like you show in this video. I unwrapped it and started over and now
it looks right. Not sure why you ship them differently
onde acho para comprar uma unidade aqui no Brasil?
How to connect or tie Mecate Reins to Bosal - Adjusting Tying Bosal Reins - Rick Gore Horsemanship
//www.thinklikeahorse.org/index-7.html - - I have a lot of request on how to tie bosal reins and how to properly attach Mecate (me-ka-tee) (also improperly ...
@HokeeDokey : If you can ride in rope halter no need to go to bosal. A
bosal gives some people a feeling of more control, just like a bit gives a
feeling of control. Ride and tie in rope halter, no other gimmicks or
cheats needed.
thanks Rick, just shared this with buddies, your explanations are SOO clear
and easy for people to understand, unless they're dummieseven a dummy could
get this lol when you going to do some more videos????
Hubby got me a Bosal for Christmas. I remembered this video and tied it
properly and now my horse is MUCH happier!! Now her focus is on me instead
of that horrible piece of metal in her mouth.