I don't how u can lose lane as ahri against oraianna, twisted fate, annie
and ryze -_- I always win lane as ahri against those champions. U just have
to think! Playing on mid vs fizz or sion is passive, game nobody should
kill eachother if u r playing safe and if u r not risking like an idiot,
like those players as ahri . (if fizz is stupid & starts fight with r, use
r to avoid fish, than u can use once again r with w. U can use q or e only
after his e-1r left) True - lb, veigar,kassa should win
i have to agree with: Annie, Twisted Fate, Ryze, LeBlanc, Kassadin,Swain
And maybe veigar(if u can play with him hardcore) Cuz: With fizz he might
be an option but becouse hes Basic Attacks Are Close Ranged its really Easy
to land the charms on him. Orianna has a really high range but if u can
know how to dodge the ball And stay away from it, you wont have very hard
times. Same as i said with fizz, hes a close ranger, And hes built on hes
close range attacks, so its really easy to ult Out of
oh hey, just a quick mention, zilean can shit on ahri pretty hard: speed up
to dodge skillshots if you use w your ult has almost the same cooldown time
as ahri lacks the cc length and burst to stop zilean from ulting you can
slow her to set up a gank or just speed yourself up and double bomb to
harass her hard while dodging everything she sends back at her you can also
push her out of lane for slightly less mana and his damaga comes out faster
with a double bomb and ignite and waste her ult
As an Ahri main, if they rely on skill shot based stuns/snares you can win
the fight. The only champs I won't play Ahri blindly against are Ryze,
Annie and Kass (as well as Sion and Panth to a lesser extent) as all of
these champs have targeting spells that stun. LB, TF and Aniv can be a huge
pain in the ass but aren't hard to beat. Most hated junglers are Maokai, Vi
and Xin Zhao early game. Lee Sin is also incredibly annoying and anyone
with a silence can punish Ahri hard.
2 cent's of a guy who has played Ahri a lot since her release: Fizz isn't
that strong against her, (especially if she gets crystal scepter as her 1st
main item.) use Q to bait out the troll pole, poke a lot when he goes into
last hit, dodging his ult is cake. Ryze is hilariously easy to face in
lanning phase, as you can just poke him at range, and if you position
right, you can charm him when he uses rune prison, the duration on charm
should make any trade at least even.
as an expierenced ahri player i strongly disagree with some of those picks.
after lv6 an orriana is useless against an ahri when played correctly
ahri's ult makes it very hard to land ur ball making u do a very low amount
of damage i believe the biggest counters for ahri are annie,swain, khazix
and panteon twisted fate is only better at ganking after lv6. for laning
ahri will destroy you
Orianna has very annoying harass early and can outtrade you if you dont
start with boot and dodge her ball but lost if ahri try to all in fight lv6
Ryze cannot do shit to ahri any more due to the range nerf TF anivia Veigar
get fucked by ahri in lane so hard but stun is always good vs ahri lategame
leblanc if ahri get mr and just focus push the lane she cannot do shit
hes kidnda right ( not the every but nearly everything else , ) but still
hes an retardet asshole ,but rly how do you want to counter veigar , sent
adc mid? easy killlllllzaaaaaaaah support freefarm top laner =push(90% of
time)=ganks/farm=killlz jungler=no jungler ? :D
some of the champs here don't really counter her as well as the guy says
they do but yeah. pretty much with ahri, there's no easy lane. almost every
mid champ is going to be tough to an extent as ahri if you're not alot
better than they are.
Bro, ahri is a counter to fizz. it has been proven, not complaining cause
it's a good vid, but it's true, ahri easily counters fizz because of her
mobility with her ult and her charm. But in the end , it all comes down to
skill :D
May i add Katarina? I know she is nothing special... especially in
ranked... But when she uses q u can dodge it with shunpo then with the new
skill set u can burst her down!! Ofc i tried that in normal and don't
expect much..
i love picking annie against her, she just burst ahri down. just wait for
her til she uses her taunt then go for it. stun with Q first so u don't
miss ur pedobear then she will have no chance to escape.
hes stun befor it reachs you becouse it has a slow projectile. Vlad, He
has a close range skills compare to ahri, so its easy to poke him. By the
way, my spelling is really bad so im sorry about that.
well veigar should be very viable.. a really awesome aoe stun, good aoe dmg
in small areas.. not so good at poking though.. but he can easily burst
down the enemy ap caster if he is out of position
Turning off this video at 1min because he said that all Ahris skills were
skillshots. Well, most people must be believing that because i always get
"why focus tank?" comments after using my W.
.....in 600 elo where they know how pathetic kassa's and veig's early game
is they ban champs that are more worthwhile. I think that's the lengthy way
to describe what you wanted to say ^^.
I`m not sure for Ryze , he have low CD but if ahri have ult he can`t focus
her . If ryze use W and hari Charm he cant use his burst . Ryze is not
really her counter . Thats is my opinion .
Oh well, you're probably right. I can win easily with many mages against an
normal Ahri but if she is just slightly better than the usual... Screwd! ;D
wanna buy her so badly
Um are people forgeting that while all those champs have stun so does ahri
and she is aswell a burst chap what ever hapened to silence man thatt
counter like every caster?
Kasa, Ryze and Annie are easy to rape with Ahri... But every Tank and OP
champ can kill her, like Darius and Voli. It's really hard to play agenst
them with Ahri
How to Counter: Fizz - How to play against Fizz - League of Legends
How to Counter: Fizz - How to play against Fizz Welcome to the first episode of "How to Counter"! In this episode, you'll learn everything you need to know to ...
they nerf Talon so much that he's unplayable now, but i see shit like fizz
exploding other champions and getting pentakills like it's his morning
breakfest -_-
+BlackShark They won't nerf him.He is a pretty easy to play Assassin. Hard compared to Akali but still pretty easy.He is also easily countered, Zhonyas, Vision Ward, Windwall. All the good stuff
+Splitoff Zhang Fizz can still pown if you nerf his damageYou will just need to change to health runes or his base health will get a buff.He needs a nerf, he rapes the meta and is always force banned
+Splitoff Zhang It's what Riot did to Talon, i am sure that Talons were really rare to see...now after the nerf, i can safely say that the only Talons you will see are in your dreams or bots, Talon pre-nerf was weaker than fizz in damage, outplay, and cooldowns... yet they decide to nerf the weak one to make fizz even stronger.... #FuckYouRiotGames
League Of Legends Counter - Ahri 9 Tails - Burst the Picker
League Counters! This is a guide at how to counter Ahri in the Mid Lane! Follow this guide as I explain how to win lane/the game against Ahri by Bursting down ...
Been watching your videos, really great stuff thanks
ZiOS pick Ahri - LoL ITA Montage kill
Musica: Archie Kingdom (Club Mix)
League of Legends: Road to Platinum Series Ep. 3 - Ahri
Ahri is an amazing AP burst mage who has a really nice CC ability along with some great mobility and true damage. I pick Ahri to go against Zyra mainly ...
That is true, but I do not want to get close to Zyra. The range is shorter
on the W and it is powerful with its ability to prioritize champions.
However, Zyra only has to put one root on me to burst me down. I would
rather keep my distance and use my Q and get close only if I am taking her
Listen to what the pros have to say about how to counter Ahri. We will be covering Ahri's strengths you should watch out for as well as what weaknesses to ...
Kayle is good because she effectively makes Zed useless. Vlad is only good
in 1v1 to counter the ult, but if zed ults someone else in a team fight,
you can't stop him. This is why Kayle is counter to zed. Many people think
that the kayle ult is good for the death mark pop. This is not so. If you
know which target zed is going to ult, ult him/her as zed does and zed will
do no damage, since death mark pop is 100%ad + 20/35/50% of the damage he
does during the 3 seconds the mark is on the target,
I see. I had always thought of Zed as more of a threat in laning phase
because if he does well then, he can roam, and he usually does good in
laning phase but Kayle's ability to ult a teammate does sound very
valuable. And yes, I'm proud to say I was one who recognized that blocking
the damage during the Death Mark was more valuable than the blocking the
mark itself. I'm going to reply to this with another comment becuase I need
more than 500 characters.
You're talking about how to counter Zed in team fights. Kayle is a fine
pick, but if you want to make Zed's life useless outside of laning phase
Vayne is a good pick, along with supports that have cc to prevent him from
doing damage to Death Marked allies (my favorite for this might be Janna).
Really my concern lies within the laning phase and I think Vlad does better
than Kayle there.
Hourglass will help you if you're playing an AP champ, which most mids are
but hourglass usually isn't enough to save you from a Zed. His real power
doesn't come from the deathmark damage, it comes from his flexibility when
choosing to all-in and do massive burst with strong sustained damage.
As long as you build enough hp/resistence to not be bursted down by any of
the "counters" listed in the video, you can win your lane as ahri. So, its
more of a player skill contest then a hard counter.
ZED is the worst aganst Lissandra and lb and alot of mage! GET zhonyas dead
zed and lol you showd ahri vs nidalee nidalee is the worst champ in mid so
easy to kill her with ahri
Obviously there was a huge threat in lane so Ahri didn't want to put
herself out of position by autoattacking creeps, whether that threat be
Nid's stregth or lack of vision.
Haha no it's not impossible. There are plenty of ways to deal with some of
the things he does but I'm looking for a guide that would make someone
regret picking Zed.