Quick How To: Restore Your Old Nailpolish Like New Again
Hey Everybody ! Here is a Quick Trick on renewing your Old Nailpolish like New Again !! Don't Throw Your Old nailpolish, try this method and mention your ...
Nail polish thinner is a chemical solution that restores thickened nail enamel to its original consistency and helps prolong the life of the nail polish. Thinners have ...
Do you really throw nail polish directly into the trash??? You should not
do that because polish has toxic chemicals in it which definitely is not
suitable for landfills! Bring old unwanted nail polishes to your landfill
so it can be properly disposed of.
I use 91 percent rubbing alchohol to restore my nail polishes when they get
gummy or dry out. It restores them just like like nail polish thinner but
cheaper! =)
That's an awesome tip! Thank you so much for sharing!! Love saving where I can......that means more money for polishes, right? lol! It doesn't damage them or alter the colors?
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I almost threw away some of my favorite
polishes because of our California heat! I live on the central coast and
the summer is brutal on my glitter polishes. Bless you doll!!!! :-)
Thanks so much for this video. I've been wondering where I can get restore
nail polish thinner. Do we have to have a nail license in order to purchase
them at Sally's?
+Zoua Pa Yang You should pay $5.00 for a year. Then you renew your membership every year. I believe on the month b your born. Not sure. But it's a yearly membership.
Oh okay. Thank you so much for responding to my question :D For the membership, it's paid monthly? How does that work? Sorry if I'm asking an obvious question.
Seche vite is french. 'sécher' means 'to dry' and 'vite' is 'quick'.
Therefore, you don't pronounce the 'ch' in seche like we would an english
word. Instead, it comes out sounding more like 'sesh'. We also would not
pronounce the last 'e'. It is silent!
+dresden You're welcome and I am glad you found my video useful!
Save Your Makeup & Nail Polish From The Trash!
This is a video on how you can restore your powdered makeup and make your nail polishes liquid again! Rite Aid products mentioned: Ink'd fragrance ...
How to restore nail polish Do not throw away your old nail polishes - review Seche Restore Thinner
Hello,I found this thiner and I wanted to share with you all my impressions. I bought it with my own money. I've very impressed,great product and it works with any ...