The vibes you give are so positive I love your videos you get me so
motivated. My boyfriend competes in body building and he even loves to
watch your videos it's our nightly routine now haha keep it up girl!!
Hey Abby! Did you create your own bikini fitness plan or did you find a
program? I want to do something like that and was wondering if you can help
me! I'm becoming more advanced in my workouts and want to strive towards
something challenging. Love you girly!
I agree! I love your music! Can you share where you find your playlists or
maybe share some on your blog or spotify? Thanks Abby! Also- I've been
incorporating some do your ab routines and they are killer! Thanks for the
inspiration :)
Just catching up on some videos and damn girl your gym is HUGE! I'm not
joking when I say the weight area of my gym is literally the size of my
bedroom. And I don't have a big bedroom.
Abby! I have a question for you, smart girl! I have severe knee problems,
and I would LOVE to be able to do a lot of squats and step ups, but it's
really hard to do those, do you have any advice? I take medicine for them
and go to PT but it's just hard, do you think you can recommend anything
else for me? You look GREAT by the way! Wish I looked like you haha, love
you! xxxxxx
Sorry I'm not Abby, but I also have bad knee problems and I have to say a knee brace works really well! I just got one from the drugstore -- it's just tight cloth with metal rod type things on the sides. It helps relieve the pain and forces your muscles to work in exactly the right way, which is what I was having trouble with. I wore mine all the time at first to help with pain, and it helped so much with climbing up/down stairs! Hope this helps :)
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Great video!!! I have been thinking about your workout program I have been
doing good with my diet but I just don't know how to work out like what
really helps!!
Love your videos & if we lived closer to each other we could work out
together! I've competed in a few npc bikini competitions, but now I'm a
passionate crossfitter. Anyway, just a quick tip on your squat form...try
tucking your elbows under the bar & chest up while pushing through heels,
makes sure you push your knees out as well. Going slightly below parallel
will also target glutes! Good luck, yaz :)
Your health is so important! It's less than a coffee a day which I get is a lot sometimes but you can't put a price on health and happiness! Email me hun [email protected] xoxoxo thanks so much for watching!