UGLY PEOPLE ARE UGLY AND NEED PLASTIC SURGERY!!!! ...or... they could just accept themselves for who they are, radiate beauty from their personality, ...
Everyone should accept themselves the way they are. Beauty is on the inside
and your personality shining through. Everyone is beautiful the way they
are and if someone says you're not they have not yet found their own beauty
and seek attention from others in any other way possible. Stay true to
yourself 'cause you may be who you are and want to be. (:
Haha so true! And what is ''beauty'' is a constantly changing concept, so
how can you say what is and what is not? Beauty to one is not beauty to the
other, so who is right? XD It all amounts to nothing in the end. :P
Okay... Little 12 and under year olds don't know what archive means....
Kiddies archives mean OLD OLD... Okay -.- *FacePalm* Onision Archives...
Onision, old... Old Onision
I just want to play around with whatever sound effect thingy makes your
voice sound like that. There is so much I would say, just to hear it come
out in a creepy
I'm confused.....Well at least we might get to see another video with Cyr
and Greg in it soon. And imagine the younow performance on thursday. OMG. I
died a little.
How many Archive videos are going to have people asking why they are old? I
especially wonder how someone could be subscribed to this channel and not
get it.
@kikohoff Because this is his archive channel, where he places older,
outdated videos from his main channel instead of deleting them/taking them