Should point out that it doesn't necessarily make the tower attack creeps,
just makes it reacquire a target. If there's another hero attacking the
tower at melee range and the creeps are in tower range but haven't started
hitting the tower yet, it'll aggro to the other hero.
It is not only very well know but also explained wrong. Right click a creep
or hero of your team will make the tower reevaluate the aggro, if you are
the closest one to it it is very likely that it will target you again
Thank you! I'm a noob and I noticed I was the only one who ran out of range
to lose the aggro. It sucked because the tower could hit me like 4 more
times as I'm walking away.
Manipulating creep & tower aggro can help you tank less damage, but it can also help you position the creep wave better. Learn how to also redirect creep ...
I knew this stuff, but I never thought that I could do this on a safe lane
to pull aggro on allied ranged creeps. That's good stuff!!!
Too bad my 3k lane partners don't know shit about creep equilibrium
yo you should also talk about drawing tower aggro when you're diving for a
kill under tower- you/your teammate health is low, the tower attacks him,
and how to switch tower aggro to a hero with more health while you retreat
after the kill.
+xostevo601 aka whenever you need creep aggro or tower aggro on you you do the global trick unless you are too slow to click minimap then enemy or there's literally nobody on the map
What about hero aggro? Who does your hero prioritize when you attack click
on the ground? I couldn't find an answer to it anywhere, do you have any
information about it Merlini?
+Joakim Edby yeah playing safelane carry I get a lot of situation when denying that I instead go to automatically attack a range creep, don't know why but it's fucking annoying
Im pretty sure you'll just attack the closest target then, not 100% sure on this one though.Can't remember encountering a situation like this ever before ^^
Scenario: Let's say you A click on an enemy hero. All creeps will target you. You start moving backwards again. You don't move back far enough for the ranged creep to stop attacking you. Sorry, it's quite hard to explain, but I hope you understand.
If a ranged creep is attacking you, you are most likely be standing closer to the ranged creep than to the melee creeps. Else i don't see a reason why only a ranged creep would attack youI cant make up a situation where you would be attacked by a ranged creep only, with melee creeps standing closer to you and not attacking you.
+THEHONEYBADGER If, let's say a ranged creep is attacking you, and you A click on the ground you will attack the ranged creep even if there are other creeps closer to you.
+Filippo Vigani I think it's working as creep aggro then. You attack the closest enemy unit, no matter if it's a hero/creep or tower. But if you are a clickiing and attack the tower, you're aggro will switch if like enemy creeps show up and attack your creeps close to you.
+holycrapjesusman This is correct. It's not necessarily the closest thing to the tower, rather the closest thing attacking the tower. It also has to do with timing I believe. If a hero attacks a tower just when the tower is about to switch targets, the tower will start to attack the hero regardless of other creeps, just because of the timing.
+Nightcore Sugoi songs I believe the tower attacks things that are attacking it over things that aren't. So, it will go something like: Closest thing attacking, farthest thing attacking, closest thing not attacking, farthest thing not attacking. And I say thing to cover all units (heroes, creeps, etc)
+Nightcore Sugoi songs I don't think the proximity to the tower affects the priority for attacks. It just picks whatever is in range depending on threat level and probably just chooses randomly among creeps.
Dota 2 Grundlagen - Tower Aggro
Diese Videoreihe ist für komplette Einsteiger in Dota 2 gedacht. Schritt für Schritt werdet ihr an das Spiel herangeführt. Dies ist ein Zusatzteil.
Du kannst sie nicht angreifen (ausser sie haben einen Dot drauf und unter
25% hp) aber du suggerierst dem Spiel, dass du sie angreifst. Der Tower
denkt dann "Angriff auf Held -> Fokus auf diesen Helden!" Und greift dich
an. Ob du dabei wirklich einen Angriff ausführst oder nicht, ist dabei
irrelevant. Wenn du Tower-Aggro entfernen willst, muss der Creep auch nicht
unter 50% HP sein.
a-click, also so wie einen deny? bei mir ist das Q und damit kann ich keine
befreundeten Helden angreifen. Habs mehrmals mit einem Freund getestet.
Wurde das evtl. geändert?
You should write a quick summary or the cliff notes of the video in the
video description area. Like the bullet points you can use while watching,
reviewing at the end of the video.