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How to lose autism diagnosis Videos

Big Personality by Lose 4 Autism (ft. Nachman Bergman)

Join Lose 4 Autism Today! https://www.lose4autism.org - The last weigh in deadline is January 18!!! Nachman Bergman better know as the Rappin Rabbi is back ...

User Comments

I could look at this every day and still get a kick out of it, well he is my son, so I guess that helps!
Amazing!! Nachman as always. You owe me big time
נחמוןןןןןןןןןןןן good job 
Keeps to his word. He lost a lot of weight.
נחמן אתה בחור עשר 
We love it! We post it! 
Nachmen is the best!!!!
Amazing talent....
You are so good
ma nigaaa

Lose 4 Autism - Eat Less Move More

To join, visit //www.lose4autism.com. Having trouble dieting? Just eat less and move more while you Lose for Autism. Produced by SkyLine Music, NYC ...

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Marceeea Gedola

Nothing to Lose Documentary Supports Autism Awareness Month

Watch the full documentary at //www.NothingToLose.com - Ryan Blair, #1 New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and CEO of ViSalus releases ...

Preventing Flu During Pregnancy Could Reduce Autism Risk - Mayo Clinic

Expectant moms may have yet another good reason to get their flu shot. Pregnant women who develop influenza have a higher rate of autism in their newborns.

User Comments

Brandon, I was going to link directly to it, but it won't let me post a web address. The article referenced in the video was published in the Journal of Pediatrics online in November 2012 and in print in December 2012. Volume 30, Issue 6, pages 1447-1454.
The single dose flu vaccines for the 2013-2014 season do not contain thimerosal. Ed Trey, the video link provides the study which demonstrated link between gestational influenza exposure and autism. Please provide scientific evidence of your claim.
Too bad third generation lab rats who received the flu shot were sterile. More studies show that the risk of autism is GREATER in those who receive the flu shot during pregnancy, as it contains themerisol.
Laura can you tell me where I can see these studies the video refers to? I don't see a video link like you describe. I'd like to read them and judge for myself.
Pregnant women, please don't believe these lies. Stay healthy through a healthy lifestyle. The flu vaccine is so dangerous.


YESTERDAY'S VIDEO: https://youtu.be/8k6KKBMk1Dc Our everyday life in Israel! Hadar, Andrea, baby Rafael & Kitty. FoolyLiving Vlog from the beginning!

User Comments

What a stressful day...no answers yet but we shall see. Early intervention is key right? How did you go with the shopping? I struggle to get mine up the walk way to my door! I don't know how you do it?!?
+Bella the homesteader It's a pain in the butt, but I don't like making two trips, so I just carry it all in at once. I used to carry much more in the states, but my house wasn't a mile away lol! I take a rest halfway up. I put the bags down for a minute or so. I haven't found a cart that would work going up the stairs yet. Hopefully soon we won't have to worry about it! They do have excellent carts, they just aren't for sale in this town for some reason. If you don't have one already, you should look at the "Mommy Hook" or a huge caribeaner. Those are very helpful for carrying lots of bags! They have a soft handle so it doesn't cut into your skin with the weight.
Am i the only one not seeing ANY type of autism in raf?? He's such a cute happy smart kid! He's just not autistic. About the ocd.. Its not an illness.. Many people have ocd, who says its a disorder? 
+‫הבלוג של אנוצ'קה‬‎ I don't see it either.
+‫הבלוג של אנוצ'קה‬‎ It's funny because when you watch people you get to know them or at least think you know them even though you really only get glimpses into their lives. When Andrea said she thought he had autism, I thought she was being overly diagnostic. I did think his speech was stalled, buy boys' speech usually is and he made eye contact so I thought it was unlikely that he was on the spectrum. I based this on a kid I knew who was 'diagnosed' as autistic when in actual fact, his parents never spoke to him so he ended up talking to himself in snippets from cartoons. When I spoke 'with' him, he was completely bamboozled. Anyhow, he went into foster care and his foster guardians had a hard time shaking off the stigma and association of autism because by then his school had been notified and I do think some children are assessed and diagnosed too eagerly into the spectrum. On the other hand, Andrea has experience in this and is intelligent enough to know the signs and understand the type of treatment required. That's just my long winded way of saying that I don't think there's anything wrong with Raphael and if I was in the same position, I wouldn't allow him to be diagnosed because I don't think there's anything wrong with him either. But I mean no offence to Andrea and I have to accept that I'm wrong because obviously the experts think otherwise!
+‫הבלוג של אנוצ'קה‬‎ While I don't like medicating kids, sometimes that's the only thing that can help them. I had Zeb on ritalin for about 6 years and if he wasn't on it, he would have been in an institution. I'm not exaggerating. He was a crazy person without it and literally bouncing off walls. The school called me every single day to ask me to come get him and take him home. A behavioral school specifically for kids with behavioral issues would not accept him because he was too out of control. On medicine he was a well-behaved child. I took him off of the medicine around age 11 after he had been on a high fat, low carb diet. That worked the best for him.
+FoolyLiving i meant just because doctors call it a disorder does not maje it so. Look at ADD or ADHD. Doctors always give that ritalin trash. Im gonna link up a great lecture i saw on the subject as soon as i can
+‫הבלוג של אנוצ'קה‬‎ ocd has disorder in the name lol! It can take over your life and if you don't treat it, it can affect every aspect to the point where you can't do anything else except your rituals for the disorder. It has to be kept in check. Rafael has mild symptoms but very defined ones and in the range of high functioning autism.
In SoCal, people are really great about pedestrians because there are so many people out, jogging, walking, skateboarding, biking, etc. at all hours of the day. It's the most active place I have ever lived in and luckily drivers are good about it. I hope you guys get some answers for Raphael soon!
Oh, I hate it here, haha. I never wanted to come here either but luckily it's temporary! I just try to see the positive side of things. :D
+thereaderbug I've always said I never want to go to Cali, but it sounds neat! Except when you want to go to sleep. Sounds like it is loud there hehe.
It took them years to diagnose our grandson, they seem to be more cautious nowadays , oh well...................
+bjay1956 Yeah they really are and I respect that. I think he will be doing just fine if he's able to get speech therapy. It's a shame your grandson had to wait so long to get treatment!
I was a preschool teacher for 20 years and had to refer many students for testing, speech, developmentally delay etc. I don't think he's autistic but I've only seen a couple of your videos, how old is he? Yes my grand niece has OCD tendencies she has to put things in order and she gets upset if she can't but she starting to grow out if it, she's 6. We encourage her by saying it's ok if it's not in order etc. You sound like your on top of it, and aware, keep doing what your doing!
+Myeverydaywifelife Yes, I was like that with my first son when my best friend told me that he had a speech delay. I was really upset she said that, but soo soo thankful NOW that she said something. I would have never known! It is hard to hear that about your kid, but you should tell the parents that it really isn't going to hurt to get their kid tested. It will only help them. I can understand how they feel, but hopefully common sense will kick in and they will accept help! The earlier the better. My first son was in speech and the other therapies for 8 years! Long process, but it worked miracles for him. Rafael is going to turn 3 next month. Thanks a lot!
It was sad when I would refer children for testing. I would have to talk to the parents first to approve and some were so defensive and in denial, questioning me, saying I didn't know what I was talking about etc... It's good you are looking for answers.
You guys are doing the right thing by getting Raphael to these specialists early. Lots of parents don't want to admit or accept there is a problem; things go undiagnosed and the child suffers for it.
+Janna Wilson I was VERY offended when someone told me that my first son wasn't talking normally. I took him to the doctor and they noticed it too, plus some other things. I am very, very thankful to that person now. It really opened my eyes to accept help in the form of constructive criticism. Raising kids is not a place for an ego. I have been watching Rafael for early signs, but I honestly would not have even known to take him to get checked, had I not had another son with this. Thanks a lot, Janna =D

Autism and what the US Gov't is doing to reduce Autistic claims

Autism and what the US Gov't is doing to reduce Autistic claims Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day The end of last year was masked with sadness for ...

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There is no reason to RUSH immunizations!!!! people need to realize double and triple boosters are also doubling and tripling the dose of the additives that are so harmful for infants neurological system and bodies. the child does not need to be fully immunized until the 5th year when they start kindergarten. with all the years of research I have done, the one piece of advice I give the most is: immunizations should be given one at a time and spaced out within a 5 year span. giving a little infant body time it needs to adjust and accept the foreign body chemicals that our bodies are not accustom to. I studied in research this for over 17 years.. I've seen many early studies that have proven the link between autism and immunizations. I have also read many whistleblower testimonies about how the CDC and other big pharmaceutical corporations cover these things up. think about this: 1.why would anybody jeopardize their career to tell the truth about what they know, have seen or even even been part of? 2.if the additives that we used during this time of linking autism and immunizations, originally,...if these additives like Thirmiserol we're truly not an issue, and had no threat on our children's neurological function...why did they discontinue this additive? Hmm..
Truth cannot be hidden forever even when history gets written badly. I help in volunteer social work and I see the pains in the eyes of parents who autistic children. I read dental profession still refuse to consider amalgam fillings have anything significant to do with heavy metal poisoning. So I do not expect bad vaccines to be owned up. Owning up would mean mega lawsuits. No profession or Pharma industry going to commit hara-kiri. So brave people must speak up even if some linkage yet to get.
continued.. DO YOURSELVES & YOUR BELOVED FAMILY A FAVOR & FIND YOURSELVES A HOLISTIC FAMILY DOCTOR, that will allow you to split up the vaccines into INDIVIDUAL vaccines & in a MORE LOGICAL & MEDICALLY PROVEN FASHION & GO WITHOUT THE (medically proven) SENSELESS ONES! I remember a time when you didn't get chicken pox vaccines & your parents would send you off to stay with the neighbor kid down the street (in my case I didn't even like the kid lol) who just so happens to have chicken pox.. cont..
It is not about waking up it is about people who are so blind to what is going on in the world that they don't see the truth. They are lead to believe a lie because that is what they have chosen. The government is their God, and they won't accept any other explanation. Politicians can talk about reducing population size, and a lot of people don't think twice about it. They go get vaccinations because they think the government cares about their health even when they are quick to drug our children
@truthIsStranger OK, I went to the site & read what you had pointed out. Perhaps that is an enabler to aid in the severity of Autism. The bigger problem is the vaccines are put right into the bloodstream & go directly to the brain immediately. These heavy metals then start to attack the brain. Yes I've heard that Autism is reversible, only if you start to cleanse the body of harmful chemicals. The part I still don't agree with is Autism is 4x higher in boys than girls!! How do you explain that??
I live in Singapore and Singapore follows closely whatever health recommendations and "best practice" notices coming from the United States and Britain. But it has been observed the number of autistic children have increased and this has caused marked concern. So far, the hospital and family doctors (who are of course administering the vaccinations and would be liable if vaccines are linked to any trouble) take great pains to explain autism is due to older parents. Watching this, I am not sure.
The short reply is we have to trust somebody. The United States of old was the bastion of democracy, progress and liberty. In the recent decades most people who read the news are not so sure. I think evil people have indeed gone into some of the highest levels of most governments. And professional groups and big corporations we can no longer count on them to self regulate themselves once they have been infiltrated say, as alleged, by the Illuminati like secret society/mafia like interestgroups.
It is living hell at times. Parents need to do what they can to get these children tested for poisons, and toxins right after vaccine if they insist on getting them. Have video of children before and after vaccine to document changes in health, and behavior. Post all they can on the internet, and tell as many people as possible show results. Our kids are also our evidence. I do believe the dental amalgams also contribute to the toxic overload. I had a couple now left with one and it affects me.
@mikemb123 OK, I went to the site and read what you had pointed out. Perhaps that is an enabler to aid in the severity of Autism. The bigger problem is the vaccines are put right into the bloodstream and go directly to the brain immediately. These heavy metals then start to attack the brain. Yes I've heard that Autism is reversible, only if you start to cleanse the body of harmful chemicals. The prat I still don't agree with is Autism is 4x higher in boys than girls!! How do you explain that??
he's not saying it's in the food, he is saying that anti-biotics are killing the gut flora - these are friendly, symbiotic bacteria that we depend upon having in our bodies. I have seen this research too and he is right, autism is A REVERSABLE DISEASE. It can be cured with careful attention to diet and ongoing tests regarding the gut "flora," or bacteria. Vaccines also kill these good bacteria because of all the heavy metals. God knows what else they do. You won't hear me praising vaccines.
@kra1813 It's funny how you call Autism research a conspiracy thing!! You use the words scientific scrutiny, show me what scientific information that YOU have about Autism. I've got to laugh at your superstitious comment & that were smarter than the people who did the research. Do you blindly believe everything the gov't says a truth?? The numbers speak for themselves!! The only difference between the Amish & American communities other than utilities & autos is they don't vaccinate!!
@kra1813 It's not contradictory, you just think everything is a conspiracy, that's all!! Your basing your proof off of the gov'ts information!! The Amish communities DON'T VACCINATE YOU FOOL!!! Their Autism rate is 1 in 300 kids, you fool!! The Amish farm, eat beef, chickens, pork, build houses, teach, celebrate Christmas, just about everything American children do EXCEPT USE VACCINES!!! HELLO McFLY!!!! The numbers speak for themselves!!! 1 in 96 American kids gets Autism you fool!!
@mikemb123 Yes they are!! The female brain develops faster than a male brain. In my research I've found that when the brains function itself isn't at a stage where it can process these metals, Autism results. Fact: Boys out number girls 4-1in Autism tells me that it's not the food. If it were the food then the rate would be equal!! Also, the gov't know the facts on Autism, Bill gates is HUGE in Pharma & is also HUGE on population control. Perhaps they use different vac's for males.
My child had vaccines until age 4 when I realized no longer should I do this. He is fine now at 13, but I am wondering and I worry if he will have problems later on in life. He didn't have the rotovirus or the chickenpox vaccines, but he did have the Hib. He does seem to get sick alot when school starts every year with colds and fever. I am so against the vaccines in this country, too and it wasn't until I researched all the effects, then I realized the truth of this deadly trap!
Your daughter's cause is not lost yet. The same people who are telling you that autism is permanent are the same people who told you vaccines were safe. Run a search on this site for "autism vaccines gut flora." Those last two words are the most important. Your daughter can still live a normal life, autism is reversible. Most of the diseases we believe are permanent in fact are not - like diabetes. Getting you to give up is the first step of making you a pharma customer for life.
@Hoobifta I'm sorry to say, you attacked me first!! Why not try doing some research!! Like the most damning proof of all time!! The Autism rate in the Amish communities is 1 - 300 kids. The Autism rate for American kids is 1 - 96 kids!! The greatest difference between the 2 communities is that the Amish DO NOT VACCINATE THEIR CHILDREN!!! RESEARCH IT!!!! Next time think before you leave a comment!! Don't assume that the person doesn't know what their talking about!! THANK YOU!!
@mikemb123 If you can control the male population, you control the growth of a country, region, ethnic group & so on!! Research Bill Gates speech on Population Control here on YT!! You'll be amazed on how evil this man really is. Also research African Tribes used as test groups for new vaccines that come out every year!! I've been studying Autism & vaccines for a good number of years, many people think it's the food until I point out the 4-1 ratio of Autism, males to females!!
The vaccines are being pushed by the big pharma corporations. Their lobbyists pressure the government to vaccinate people by giving bribes to politicans in the form of campaign contributions. Making anything mandatory is a way to create a monopoly. When are these dumb sheep going to wake up and take back their country from special interests. The government is what people make it, and if the people are too dumb and lazy to make a change, they deserve to get what they get.
@freedom4kaz God sake's man, you really do have the mind of a child. I am moving on to more mature issues(and people). You are exactly the kind person who is easily preyed upon by scammers and crooks. I bet the church you frequent loves your naivety, and of course your money! And you still have not proven your claim of the so called work you done with autism persons. You are a liar and a fraud. Back up your claims with real scientific evidence or shut the hell up.
While you're at it.. Look up the disgusting pharmaceutical industry that produces a VAST majority of Americas vaccines and proscription drugs... THE SAME companies that developed, tested & manufactured pharmaceuticals & tested immunization compounds on Jewish concentration camp prisoners. Who also developed other chemical & biological agents in the same manor! I DO NOT TRUST THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY BOTH FOREIGN & DOMESTIC!! Sad, SO sad. . . . . . . . . . . .
Thanks, Kaz. My friend was telling me about this last weekend, but his complaint was that the DSM (for psychiatric diagnoses) has, as you said, changed how autism is diagnosed, and has, in effect, eliminated aspberger's as a diagnosis entirely. Actually, I understood your explanation better, and I don't think that he is aware of the vaccine connection. Also, if some diagnoses are eliminated, then funding can be cut for some (milder) forms of autism. Disturbing!

Research in Dietary Systems reveals Fruits and Nuts can reduce Autism Traits - ThanthI TV

Research in Dietary Systems reveals Fruits, especially Citrus fruits and Nuts can reduce Autism Traits - Special Report by ThanthI TV Catch us LIVE ...

Life Death and Losing 100 Pounds

My name is Frank Harris and this is my life story.

Kerri Rivera on CharacterDriven: Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

As of today, over 150 children previously diagnosed with regressive autism have shed their autism diagnosis, their symptoms, and return to an overall state of ...

User Comments

Kerri, u are a shining example of what will turn around this system of profit driven corrupt healthcare...it will take parents and a few moral common sense driven doctors to get this ball rolling in this area as well as other fields of health that i work with...i'm sure that u are now aware of the severe nature of this corruption after being personally involved for a while now...I feel very strongly that this corruption all stems from the days of the Flexner Report and its ties to major money interests...100 years later and this is what u get from profit driven healthcare...U get folks that have learned how to game the system to such an extent that it has become literally criminal in every aspect I can imagine...utterly sickening...and if u think it's bad here with Autism Spectrum u should see what they are doing with Diabetes, AIDS, Cancer, and Heart Disease...this problem is across the board let me tell u...every disease I work with has been corrupted for profit...and I know u won't say it but I will- nobody should take antibiotics or vaccination, period...nobody...under no circumstances, unless they are biological and natural...herbal etc...tree based essential oils are a gift that u should be involved with as well...and certainly electricity based and electromagnetic based therapy...Im sure u are aware of that already...ur on the ball...ok take care... ur friend, abracadabra
Antibiotics are mycotoxins (fungus). We are having a fungus attempting to kill a bacterial infection in the body. One organism trying to wipe out the other but in turn the fungus wipes the good bacteria needed for immune function. Antibiotics should never be introduced into the body except as a last resort to avoid possible death.
Your smile is so generous just like your beautiful soul ! Thank you for your huge contribution in healing so many children .
Some good results to reduce Autism symptoms from Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).
Kerri.we love you, keep up the good work. thankyou.
this is a great interview...
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