Porn addiction How To Break Internet porn addiction
Internet porn addiction help, how to break porn addiction and pornography help and recovery // I was addicted the ...
+ahmed opone We all are born sinners, some were born in much more sin to others making repentance harder. I was addicted to pornography before I knew it was a sin (God literally, before I was about to masturbate one time made me question if it was a sin or not, I learned it was on youtube moments later). Its hard to break, spirits do not give up until they know you won't, they look for weaknesses in you and attack them. This is a spiritual battle. And this is for every addiction or sin out there. Watch this video down below.
+SNAKE EYS SON "Put God first and all will follow". It is really hard infact I still struggle with it. But, I've done 3 months straight with out it once, I just used my free time to keep away from Satan (ex. Reading Bible, working out, etc.). I also note when I get my desires so I quit with those habbits. Also it helps if you take time off of social mesia. I wil pray for you. God bless.
Listen, Watching porn is a sin of adultery (lust with eyes mentioned in Matthew), if you masturbate it is a sin of lust. These are major sins too, but don't think your going to hell. I'll lead you to the guy to help. 1: If you are not born again become born again(read John 3) 2: Develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, read the bible, and rebuke Satan when tempted.This is insanely hard to break, but if you stay loyal to God, he'll stay loyal to you, remember to sharpen your sword and put on God's armour every night! God bless
Every Spirit Of Addiction: LOOSE YOUR GRIP! - T.B. Joshua Viewers Prayer
Get connected by faith to this powerful prayer with Prophet T.B. Joshua and receive deliverance from every demonic spirit of addiction in your life, in Jesus' ...
Thank you Lord for deliverance the urge of drinking wine is gone from me
after the prayer with the prophet. I touch my screen and the urge was gone
for ever thank you Jesus for my deliverance. indeed distance is not a
barier. Mandla
I rejoice with you. Praise the Lord. The Blessings of Almighty YHWH smile upon and may you maintain this Holy Ghost powered deliverance most wonderfully in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I tried to accept what he was saying. And the devils tormenting me didn't
go. And I went to touch the screne and felt God stopped me. I suspect
something is wrong here.
+Nathan Aqui Y Alla. It was not GOD that stopped you it was the same demon tormenting u that stop you but fooled you to make you thing it is God that stop you to touch the screen. How can a demon possessed person hear or feel God, its impossible until you are delivered.
Hi Brother. I posted a prayer of agreement with every prayer point on this video last night as I've been struggling with a bad habit for a bit of time now. I've just woken up and found that when I went to do that habit again, the feeling for it is being pushed far away and I've tested it a couple of times and now even the thought of doing that bad habit that before last night felt so good is starting to repulse me. All I can say is that something freaky has happened between yesterday and today. One thing is clear. The law of agreement given to us by God's Righteous Servant, Faithful Witness, and Beloved Son Yeshua The Messiah/Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:19 has literally been proved true in my life today. My friend don't touch the screen because Tb Joshua said so. He's is just a man who is guided by God's Holy Spirit in this video. Touch the screen or write a prayer of agreement (I did both) in Jesus Name because you believe in the Word of God given to us by Jesus Christ in the law of agreement in Matthew 18:19. For my part I praise Almighty YHWH for causing Tb Joshua to upload this video. May God continually bless and keep him under the check, conduct, and anointing of the Holy Ghost. Also The Blessings and Holy Ghost fire deliverance of Almighty YHWH be upon your life, and may you have a most Wonderful and Victorious Year in the Joy Strengh and Wisdom of the Lord, and may you see many amazing miracles of your own in the Mighty and Wonderful Name of Yeshua The Messiah/Jesus Christ. Amen.
Fallout 4 - Curing Chem Addiction & Other Useful Drug Tips
Don't do drugs kids... well, unless you stumble into a Deathclaw. Then do LOTS of drugs. The Storyteller teaches us how to cure chem addictions, radiation, and ...
+Michael Lojewski You and me too! That's been a lifelong dream of mine--to do voices for a major game company. I am really easy to find, so if they ever feel like using me for anything, I'm right here Bethesda!In the meantime, I gave Josh some truly awesome ideas to make more use of me (in multiple fan-pleasing ways), so hopefully ShoddyCast will take me up on my offer!
+Darth Revan Do ALL the drugs... just make sure you have some fixer or a doctor on speed dial first. For a few extra caps you get all of the awesome... and none of the mess.
So, I need some people's opinion. I like Bethesda, amazing ass company,
however I've only played their Elder Scrolls Series. I was thinking about
getting Fallout 4, haven't tried any of the other games but I've seen some
videos about them, some gameplay, side quest results and such things.
It looks cool, the armor alone in this video I actually liked a lot haha.
But I'm not sure how else the game holds for someone new to the series like
myself, I just have the feeling that I won't appreciate it as much. Either
that or it has too many mechanics and implemented design elements that
might turn me away from enjoying the experience. Should I get it?
+Sirspookyface15 Oh if it comes with a free download for Fallout 3 then yeah I might get it haha. I've been watching some gameplay and it looks really cool but I just wanted to be sure I don't waste 60$ on a game I won't like.
Yes, you should. The game was made to cater to new players and has an entirely new system so that everyone learns together how to play even if you're an experienced fallout player like me. Besides if you're interested in what the past games were like, it comes with a free download of Fallout 3. It's a very expansive game and you always managed to keep yourself occupied. It's not all that different from Elder Scrolls.
Instantly Overcome Food Addiction
For Dr. Becky's free 7 Day Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge visit // This shows you exactly how to add healthy foods.
I like your message, Dr. Gillaspy. My nutrition has been on a gradual
upswing over the past two years, especially since I quit alcohol (December
2014). Through the process, I have bounced between nutritarian and
pizzatarian a few times. The physical benefit from nutrient-dense foods is
difficult to put into words. You're right, I didn't realize I felt like
crap until my body began to get proper nutrition and run optimally.
+Terrence O'Brien Thanks for your comment, Terrence. Yes, the change is subtle, but if you eat healthy, and then take a step back into your old habits, you quickly realize how much better healthy eating feels :).
How about eating "french fries" with eating salads from mcdonalds? That's
what I am doing now to introduce more salads into my diet. Is that also
part of an addiction?
+JOMY M Hi Jomy M, It sounds like you're taking a step in the right direction. Keep on this path. I have a simple weight loss strategy that I call 0,1,2,3 that will show you how to remove the refined/sugary foods and greatly increase your vegetables. Here's the gist if you want to learn more: //
I think there can be multiple addictions that need to be broken with food.
Even if i can break from the tasty creations of todays food labs i find my
addiction to convenience is not so easily moved. especially when it comes
to protein and fat. sure nuts help in this department but when i'm out and
about in todays world and i'm suddenly stuck with that need for a hot meal
i might not make the best choice. Luckily for me i'm also addicted to
excersise but i can't imagine what this would do to a couch potato.
and lets not even talk about the money aspect. I am beyond cheap and to the point where i haven't owned a vehicle in 4 years! I can make far more satifying meals with mere pennies in some of these quick serve places and that is hard to pass up sometimes! 4 dollars for a can of nuts that might be a little moldy when i get home or a cheap hot fast burger with bacon? decisions decisions.
+1134gh That's a good question. A lot of people can give their opinions, but those opinions have to be supported by research. I would suggest looking for articles that link out to academic journals, so you see the sources they used. If you are interested in food addiction, this article will help: //
+1134gh I graduated in 1991 with a doctorate of chiropractic from Palmer College. I am currently associate faculty for Ashford University and University of Phoenix teaching Science of Nutrition, Health & Wellness.
I have a food addiction and have no clue how to help myself get over it. I
eat the good food and the bad food. I just can't stop eating. Every diet I
have tried, I fail.