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Japan radiation affecting america Videos


The Wigner effect 2014 interview, but still important. Subscribe to StopTheCrime.net New; link is below.

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URGENT! Smart people in the USA and around the world that are concerned about safely detoxing the continuing massive amounts of Fukushima fallout radiation and toxic heavy metals that is without question building up in (OUR) bodies from exposures in the air, water and the food we eat that cause cell mutations, cancers & other health problems. If you want to be prepared and ready to detox your body now or after the next Nuclear accident, leak or terrorist Nuclear event see the informative website at //www.removeradiation.com
The deniers of truth, will cling to their ignorance, until they come down with cancer or some horrific disease. Then, they will understand what many others are saying and going through. I don't let it happen to me before I start paying close attention. I want to know anything that is true. ................Most people i come in contact with, want nothing to do with the truth, if it goes again their belief system.
It is intelligent to research whether or not Radiation from Bombs and Nuclear generators are dangerous - or if it is all propaganda... Nagasaki, Hirosima and Cherobyl are inhabited NOW! How come?

#Fukushima☢#原発 #汚染水 ダダ漏れ北米海水 #放射能 濃度倍増❢字幕:#Canada 海洋研☢#Radiation EffectSEA

日本語訳↓字幕:Jo2Rayden☺CC click字幕(日本語/Eng.Sub)「福島の放射性汚染プルームが北アメリカ大陸の水域に到達」"Arrival of Fukushima Radioactivity...

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Do you think they really don't understand that the large discharge into the northwest Pacific is continuing every second every day... and will continue for a very very long time. bedford institue must be full of those mystified experts we hear so much about.
#Fukushima☢#原発 #汚染水 北米到達海水#放射能 濃度倍に❢字幕☢#Radiation EffectingSea #USA! 2014年水深150Mまで2Bq/m3に増大。核実験時代放射性降下物量の2倍!2016年までに最大値到達
Is worried about the bioaccumulation of radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocea 太平洋放射能汚染に因る放射能の生物濃縮が心配です。

If You Smile Radiation Won't Kill You

Brainwashing Campaign: "Radiation Doesn't Affect People who are Smiling" ...

User Comments

I tried it on my dog and she waged her tail ,does that count ? it also works on cancers ,toothaches , ingrown toe nails , cold pizzas ,abusive cops ,it makes corrupt politicians honest ,makes pigeon shit invisible, makes your internet connection faster , cures handovers ,win lotteries , makes mother in-laws seem human , but he forgot to mention we are suppose to sacrifice a human effigy of his great great grand dad first and dance around a campfire and paint human blood on a cave wall . so yeaaa
If you smile, radiation won't harm you? Listen, folks, my knowledge of radiation is based on the nuclear war scare of the cold war, the documentaries about the Atom Bombings, and the Fallout games... RADIATION IS A F**KING KILLER! This is insane. They're literally going back on decades of warning and education on the dangers of radiation and radioactivity at the precise moment of a meltdown of a seaside nuclear reactor, making it far worse than Chernobyl. I need to get a Geiger counter now.
me say what kind of people would put a spent fuel pool above the reactor vessel , me say would you keep a CAIN of gasoline about the fire place mantle LOL Lacking common sense, Fuk , me is thinking it is a conspiracy , the NRC in USA controls this stuff so some Federal branch say in Japan over sees it all , it is not like this just happened by accident. Fuk this accident is the worst just like Gulf oil spill even worst for people Canada and USA We can all move to S. America LOL :(
You're normal-None of us are safe! I live in Calif. & fortunately am already on iodine treatment for bad thyroid which helps with radiation. Keep in mind even the elite & their children are getting dosed with the fall out. I plan on leaving California just as soon as I can. There is a huge methane deposit under Japan which is on an earthquake fault. When fukishima finally blows there will be a sunami of historic proprtions and the methane will ignite. Get away from the coastlines.
we can't wear our radiation badges outside to see if we are exposed ! they turn black in minuets ! the manufacture says if they go black in 8 hours your being exposed dangerously ! so i asked what about if in 15 minuets it turns ? he said that could be lethal or a dangerous exposure ! i told him i wore it out side and it turned ! he had no further commit ! he really that's not good ! THANKS FUKISHIMA and the Japanese government for poisoning us all ! i want remedy ! you pay now !
when they pulled the head or top off Reactor vessel to remove and replace fuel rods it is kept in chilled water, they move spent rods by crane into another room towards the spent fuel pool, the rods are continuous kept in water never exposed to air, but the spent fuel pool should be say 100 meters away from reactor vessel and out of the containment structor , me think Japan fucked this one up , me hope it does not blow up again , or we all in big trouble :(
No more freakin' fish or tuna sandwiches for me. ANd I wonder how the Japanese "researchers" got the animals in the control to "smile" so they didn't suffer from radiation sickness or die. Maybe they showed them funny cat videos on Youtube. I have a background in research and this is simply the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Already babies have been born terribly deformed in Japan & they are keeping it out of the news,
decontamination ,radiation needs to be removed ASAP , me father had Health physic take a metal file and file down the bottom of his safety boots , he step inot something and they ruined his work boots , me no worry about Radiation , me bring hand held detector into market when me food shop so me no buy contaminated food Me smart but store owner hates me frisking the food with radiation detector it bothers him LOL :)
me smile and radiation no hurt me, but me smile in say WAR 1812 we defeated USA 3 times from trying to invade Montreal :) Me live un Island Montreal , but little Gai info warriors like me kicked USA ass out of Montreal 3 times and made them all go running back to Vermont LOL Me say you need to like say Alex Jones understand History for you will not repeat it LOL :)
me know about alpha Bata and gamma radiation me , me know how to work in a RCA Radiation controlled Area, and me know all about Health physics and milli rem and rems , me know how to suit up in yellow me know how to use a porto radiation detector and me know how to hand frisk with a portable hand radiation detector me :) Me also a Quebec Eagle Scout me :)
by dropping down the control rods which stops the reaction me know all about radiation and RAD working me family works for Hydro Quebec me like a little expert me :) ME worried all them control rods in Japan needed to be placed in chilled water for the next 30 years but they buried them with bulldozer , Me say WTF , me say Japan is crazy me :(
"Most people are other people"because if one person believes in something,it becomes someone else opinion. Society intends to believe it and society has no intention to think for themselves, they have no will to find out the truth or question anything. This is why it's hard for most of society to awaken and have a full and strong consciousness.
Now(?) we learn that the Pacific [for food] is off limits, too. I have already commented/mentioned that that was deliberate as well. retaliation for 'asking' US to pill out our [WW2] troops. It was by far the biggest destructive project with EM technology to date, but the FACT is that the tech was already in place capability
well if you think they are stupid they will be, it's simple. I should have lived my whole life under these rules. I rob a bank with a smile, don't worry bullets can't get me if i smile. Run naked through the streets, don't worry no one will be offended if i have a smile.
If you smile radiation won't kill you? If I ever get mugged will is milling stop bullets? If I get the common cold will it cure me? If I'm about to wreck will smiling stop the wreck? Do they honestly believe ppl will buy this shit? Wow Japan like wtf.
Me always smile , me no like radiation me Me is infowar warrior so me will be fine , me no like radiation , me was a RAD worker me know all about radiation me Me ask any RAD workers to ask me any question, me must warn you me is an expert me :)
GTFO Japan, go to your birthland of China, at least it's not critical there, yet. I know we have 4 reactors in my state alone, there's probably over 200 in USA, when SHTF, we'll all be glowing in the dark, no problem finding each other.
Why do people still considering traveling or even moving to Japan based on the situation? I would be so afraid to eat the fish out there. I know fish is a bag part of the Japanese diet. Good luck to those who have planned that!
THEY have known all that, too. And the computer afforded them pinpoint precision to affect exactly what THEY wanted and intended, then and for long term. Suicidal? Yes, but the INSANE don't 'see' that
That's all good don't give it up. Never stop learning till your last day on Earth. So, say someone was infected with radiation, how or what can you do to neutralize it or minimize its power ?
Sure, prove this theory and smile while you go walk into a furnace and show us how its done. . . yea, i thought so. I'm not saying faith in god won't save, that's completely different
I have been told of one eyed gulf shrimp, No thanks. BP says come on down the waters fine makes me want to puke.My off the boat buying shrimp at the gulf days are over thanks to BP.
OK , me know all about Radiation and RAD workers who wants to ask me Question , me dad and brother all work for Quebec power me know all about Radiation me Any Questions for me ?

Fukushima Day 1084 ☢ ALERT ☢ Fukushima Radiation Testing SCAM by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Requests:Canadian Food Inspection Agency //www.inspection.gc.ca/about-the-cfia/contact-us/eng/1299860523723/1299860643049 Donations ...
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