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Japan radiation debris Videos

#Radiation #Debris Burnt & Ash Bury! #Japan #放射能 #瓦礫 焼却灰埋立て強行 #島田市

[English translation↓&subtitle: Jo2Rayden] Shizuoka Broadcasting S. TV 静岡放送11 Nov.2012 Shimada city couldn't carry the earthquake debris burnt ashes ...

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セシウム汚染で何世代(三百年?)も 価値の無い土地になると思います。 埋め立てた跡地は全く利用価値が なくなると思います。
I've just made English translation^^/
Thank You for the upload.

#Japan, #Radiation #Debris BurntAsh Can'tBury #瓦礫 焼却灰埋立不可。島田市契約切で

静岡放送 Shizuoka B.S.TV,Japan 11&29 Oct. <English translation↓・subtitle: Jo2Rayden https://twitter.com/jonny_rayden> *11 Oct.:The partial landowners of ...

INTENTIONAL NUCLEAR FALLOUT? Radioactive Wood Debris will be BURNED for FUEL in Japan

Wood debris generated from Japan's earthquake destruction will be used to generate electricity. The majority of the debris is in an area that is uninhabitable ...

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If this material is in fact all contaminated, then that presents a very big problem because it must be properly disposed of using very expensive safe handling procedures. One of the greatest expenses for the Nuclear Power Industry is radioactive waste disposal. The cost of handling that much waste using the current procedures would be huge! They may be trying to find a fast and efficient way to dispose of it without bankrupting the company or the Country. So lets just dump it on our neighbors.
@AFAskygoddess Create the problem, and then prosper from the results! I looked into STUXNET after the Iran incident, this worm has the ability to invade and disrupt any computer system, it can take down anything that is being controlled through the use of microchips. Knowing how much of the world is controlled through the use of computer technology makes this a very scary bug. But just imagine how many other designer worms and viruses must be out there just waiting for the next big war.
If the wood is contaminated then yes, some of it would go airborne while burning and some of it would collect with the ash residue. Most of these type plants would have some sort of scrubber that would remove some of the particulates from the air, but even so it would still be radioactive and have to be dealt with. The motto if industry is that "The solution to pollution is dilution." Meaning that if you spread the pollutant out over a large enough area the effects will be negligible.
@Pistol76 ... It was just reported today that French nuclear reactor maker Areva says it has agreed with the Tokyo Electric Power Company to build a facility to decontaminate radioactive water at the compound of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. WHAT WASN'T REPORTED is that AREVA'S "financial advisor" is MN ROTHSCHILD & Sons! (links are listed below video) People should research the STUXNET WORM (computer virus) which infested both Japan's and Iran's nuclear reactors. hmmm
Wood debris generated from Japan's earthquake destruction will be used to generate electricity. The majority of the debris is in an area that is uninhabitable FOR DECADES due to radioactive contamination from the Fukushima nuclear power plant explosions and meltdown. Nuclear fallout is when radioisotopes adhere to things like dust or ash, then get taken up via the wind and blown through our atmosphere. Is there such a thing like *CLEAN* burning of wood for energy generation?
TOXIC WASTE INCINERATORS make waste more toxic and ... Do not eliminate waste, but change the form of waste into hazardous air emissions and toxic ash. Where's that going to go? This lead to "Ban the Burn" campaign more than 20 years ago in the U.S.
A logical response! Burning wood that has been SATURATED with Salt water,.. can/will produce large quantities of dioxins and furans!! My Thoughts GO-OUT to Japanese people.
doesn't burning them turn them into toxic gas? That was why you couldn't burn the dead bodies?
Incredible. I guess this just shows that the Japanese are much tougher than we are.
@Pistol76 - Yup, fuck Israel, fuck the New World Order, and fuck global governance.
This is kind of like taking a bath, and taking a shit at the same time, eh?
yes , this is interesting development...
This is pathetic!
this is not good

Japan: Japanese citizens powerless to overturn bureaucrat's decision to burn radioactive debris

Japan: Japanese citizens powerless to overturn bureaucrat's decision to burn radioactive debris - May 21, 2012 Above are excerpts from the videos ...

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Please to spread this video around the world. The official figure of a fool of Japan ....
time for a revolution and some riots in japan.

Tour Inside Fukushima & Burning Radioactive Debris update 2/1/13

NHK and other "journalists" toured Fukushima Daiichi "crippled Nuclear Power Plant. A Whopping 1370 microsieverts/hour was reported by the ocean side of ...

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☢☢☢ so 2058 AD to clean up & contain the Radiation release in the TEPCO compound + how long to clean up the other 99 % of Atomic Conamination beyound = which shall increase background levels upon my Earth 5 to 10 times pre March-2011, which means far more than 1,000% increase in cancer suffering, deaths & extincting mutations; which was already 10 times pre-1945 levels of radioactive Isotopes plus radioactive elemental plutonium that never existed in my Earths biosphere until the Atomic Bombs
☢☢☢ how can mass genocide be clean ? ~ please do explain this insanity ? = of do you mean the version of Barney the dinosaur where Ann Clouter comes on screen, does a little meme as they both sit down to a cup of Fukushima Radioactive Contaminated tea and have a tea party while bestowing upon the people how good plutonium is for depopulation and cancer death is trendy & the GLOBAList really know what is best for you & me, much like Sarah Palin telling kids to take their dam vaccinations ?
You cant just look at radiation levels in the air and being emitted from the ground and buildings etc. the 1370 microS/hr is bad enough as an external expose dose, but the inhalation and absorption of radionuclides into the body is the main health risk. THis is why bioaccumulation of radionuclides in the environment. ecosystem etc is SO SERIOUS. Japan is in HUGE trouble TEPCO went from Asia's largest Power Corporation to currently being Nationalised and owned by the Japanese government
I think they believe that if they believe in their ability to create "undiscovered" methods of dealing with radioactive contamination, it will all be ok. When there workers and TV reporters start bleeding or having heart attacks or aggressive cancer, they will still not blame radioactive contamination. They are denying 55% of the girls in Fukushima have thyroid nodes from the nuclear disaster. That "environmental" minister had no mask! Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!
You misunderstood my comment...I'm talking about the language, not the event...believe it or not, there are still some people who are turned off by the word "fuck" used as an adjective--particularly those with kids. I'm not judging (it takes a lot more than that to offend me), but I was requesting a version I could post on my FB pg. without offending the aforementioned. As to the rest, buddy, peace! You're preaching to the choir...I'm right there with you.
☢☢☢ how about sending in those responsible for the nuclear plant deficenies to clean it up, starting with the TEPCO executive, government bureaucrats & the brilliant minds that design this Agenda 21 machine & sold it = swapping their distant houses with the locals that didn't loose their house in the Tsunami, as locals have all ready learned their hard genetic extinction lesson for letting this wealth transfer device be built their .
Thanks miss milky I can't stop watching this I can't believe these reporters went in there with only paper masks! One reporter did that in the early days of Chernobyl and he was dead 3 weeks later! The vid he made is called the early days its here on you tube in the Chernobyl section ! I might be a little off on the name of that vid if so I will post the right one I will look it up in a bit! Thanks again for all your hard work!
☢☢☢ suppose they are just as turned off by words like Agenda 21 or radioactive contamination ? ~ for the most part such "people" just hunt for any excuse at all to never do anything at all that isn't liable to bring them immediate benefit & absolutely no conceivable risk = so I wouldn't invest to much concern in their thoughts as they are not likely to even be their thoughts they are sharing :)
The information here is first rate. I would have shared this video on Facebook had it not been for the language used (inserted clips). Of course the kids have plenty of opportunities to hear it elsewhere, but I don't feel compelled to hasten their education--or offend my elderly relatives. So--how about a "clean" version that's suitable for any family & kiddies that might be inclined to watch?
I don't know why we don't send in lifers from jail maby offer their family's a wack of cash for them going in?? I don't think they would have much to loose or even better send in sexual offenders! It's to bad the Japanese people don't ban together like the russians did in Chernobyl ! Those men were true heros they were asked and the men volunteered those brave men we need more of them heros!!
Akira Hombo is what we call a "Lab Rat". And a nice one, too: Compliant, not anxious, obedient, a data base. And among the walking dead on furlough....I mean, we KNOW that #3 blew 600,000 Plutonium pellets up to 2 miles away. We know that some of them were pulverized. We know at one Micro Gram: !/1,000,00 of a gram, is a death sentence. So, thanks Hombo, but you've been had.
Hi MsMilky. I have tried " Re-Re-Re Subscribing " to your channel In hopes that youtube will send me an email like they are supposed too when you post a new video. If it hadn't of been for Shadowz480 I would have went on thinking you had gotten your channel pulled. I liked ,Favored, And added to Playlist. Take care....Tec
"Helium instead of water to cool the fuel"... WHAT???!!! Are they bloody kidding? Helium is a finite gas that we have almost exhausted on earth already. I was reading something a year ago that said we may have no more helium balloons, etc. by 2020. Another brilliant plan, Tepco... Unbelievable.
Sing along with me, "Oh where, oh where has the corium gone ... oh where, oh where has it gone...?" Have they stopped thinking about where the melted cores are now? Or is that just a fait accompli at this point and whatever happens, happens?

The REAL reason why Fukushima debris is burnt all over Japan

Why is radioactive debris is being spread and burnt all over Japan. The reason is very simple and very sinister. Evacuate Tokyo and northern Japan! Stop the ...

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Japanese are very terrible racists in the world, but they still never cut that racial discrimination out, although they're still yellow monkeys. That's why it's happened very severe radioactive pollution. A fox that has lost his tail just has few friends, stupid Japs as honorary Whites! Just start insisting again that this video has been made, with South Koreans' large amount of off-the-books money. Keep making a personal attack behind them and show your true typical Japanese image, as vicious natural-born gossips!
I just don't understand (with all respect ofcourse) how people just believe everything this guy has to say. He doesn't tell that kids/adults are being tested on radiation and nothing has been found on these people. I live in Fukushima and I was tested myself and ..nothing there. Don't believe everything that so called specialists has to say. He uses words as '' I think and probably '' so it's only HIS opinion about it. But of course in the end everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want.
I'v just seen some video's from Richard Koshimizu. I'm happy to see that there are still people who don't take anything for granted and atleast try to investigate things. What he said is nothing new. It's welknown that there are so called man-made earthquakes but did it happen in Fukushima too? and for what reason? He's only speculating and has the right to do so. It's up to the people to believe it or not. I don't know about the radiaton in North America and it might come from something else.
My Gawd, you don't have the least common-sense or decency to be ashamed at your inane nonsense, like claiming 'little' radiation has been detected on people in Fukushima! The question is: WHY are you so naively eager to simply accept the most inocuous official claims that clearly reflect gov. or nuke-industry bias? How can you blithely dismiss the health risks of internal contamination by ingested radionucleides? Fer cryin' out loud -- even tea, rice, tuna, plankton & seaweed are contaminated!
Bottom line is, is that there is NO OR VERY VERY LITTLE RADIATION found on people/children here in Fukushima which will NOT have an effect on peoples health. Even an ant would not die from it to give an example. It's so sad to see so called scientists as the guy in this video grab this oppurtunity to get attention. The trucked debris contains very low radioactivity which will not effect peoples health at all and the purpose is to destroy Japan. This fellow has serious mental issues.
"How can? you blithely dismiss the health risks of internal contamination by ingested radionucleides?" You have radioactive substances in your body - primarily Potassium-40 and Carbon-14 - equivalent of 100 mg of depleted uranium. So I'm sorry... but your hysteric inflation of the effects of radionucleides is rediculous.
Every moment is precious. We must try to be better and enjoy everything. I need to live up to that ideal much more. It's not over, many people will suffer and die I fear but maybe we can minimise it.
sinister indeed. but I think they just believe that they want to get rid of the evidence and they don't care how. it has been done all over the USA too don't kid yourself.
To those who do not understand the dangers of radioactivity....please take some of it with you when you die
What a Sinister reason indeed for buring radioactive debris all over Japan. Yakuza thinking, perhaps. :-(
This sounds reasonable. Psychopaths capable of doing such deeds are in every society at every level.
Why not kill everyone Bwahahahahhahahahha!
Thanks very much Wetz. More coming soon
I always enjoy your channel.
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