#265 Zehn unbezahlbare Lektionen, die ich vom Versagen im Network Marketing
gelernt habe: //youtu.be/FbO0uwrWqN0
Pyramidsysteme und Network Marketing
In diesem Video wird aufschlussreich über das "Pyramidensystem" geredet. Was ist ein Pyramiden system? z.B. Das einer Firma, wo der Geschäftsinhaber das ...
Scamming in CS:GO
Have you ever been scammed? Lost your in game items? In this video I muse about the common scam in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and how it might help ...
I completely agree, the young people are way easier to scam. Especially
with the Safari mesh scam. I'm eleven and honestly, kids complain that they
get so mad about being scammed. But ok, if you have something high value,
it's usually a knife, If you're eleven having a let's say M9 Bayo l Fade -
and get scammed, I say it's you're fault. If you have a knife, you should
know how to protect you're account as WarOwl says.
The week I got CS GO someone asked me for my Stattrak Bloomstick. I felt
like a nice guy and told him and he give me all his drops until he pays the
$7 value of the skin. I can't find him on my friends list anymore. I cri
evrytim ;_;