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Explain oculus Videos

Everything Wrong With Oculus

Oculus. Apparently it's a scary word. Which does not mean mirrors. But... whatever. Sins! Next week: One more classic horror film, and an M. Night joint.

User Comments

your videos suck. Everything you said is petty and doesn't make any sense.
+Jay Marshall It's not their fault you didn't understand the joke. There are hundreds of thousands of people who DO get it; you won't be missed.
I... I can't get over it... Karen is Amy and will always be Amy in my mind... soooo yeeah
I have never seen her in anything other than doctor who and I have watched her seasons the most, I'm not saying she's not a good actress, she's awesome! But I am always going to think about Amy when I see her. I wasn't trying to be offensive I didn't really think of it that way when I wrote the comment
+BlanketCapeActivate ...... Really? No offence, but typecasting is really disrespectful to actors. You're basically insulting her ability.
If the mirror can't f*ck with recording equipment besides actually moving the recording equipment then shouldn't she have gotten one camera to livestream herself on twitch or a hypothetical streaming website with 0 delay and watch it live on her phone and base her actions on what she's seeing on twitch instead of guessing what the mirror is and isn't f*cking with
+NotBuckle How would you know that's not imagined?
+NotBuckle Because that wouldn't be a MOVIE, would it?
Does he sound a little under the weather to anyone else?
+Warren Peace He could have done several recordings in a row that day. His voice does sound a little hoarse.
All movies have mistakes...
+Shi Yes, that is pretty much the motto of this channel. Thanks for repeating it.
I get the feeling..these movie sins completely missed the point of this movie and is nitpicking...
+LordofFullmetal Nitpicking I get, but no where in their description does it say they completely miss the point of main theme/message/plot of the movie
+Nik Lust I get the feeling you completely missed the point of this CHANNEL. CinemaSins are PROFESSIONAL nitpickers. This is a comedy channel, where they apply real world logic to fictional settings. That's the joke; it's a commentary on people who actually DO this when watching films. If you don't get it, this channel isn't for you. But don't blame it on the channel. It's not their fault.
+Dominique Heflin Who said I liked it?
+Nik Lust Same reason you liked this movie. No one knows.
+Ariel Feliciano thank you!
+AzureRoxe Dont think i gave any advice..
Totally agree.
+Nik Lust and yours is?
+AzureRoxe But I did watch. Im giving my opinion after I watched it... so.. your advice aint too good.
+Nik Lust Instead of bitching, don't watch.
+infinitesimotel I guess I just dont think its funny at all.
+Nik LustI know what you mean, but there is no point being attached to it where you take it so seriously.  And it is funny, they rip movies I like and I find it funny.  It doesn't ruin it for me, I even do it to them myself.  It's just a movie after all.
+infinitesimotel I get the schtick is to nitpick films for trivial things, but its just not very funny, especially when they miss a point of a movie or nitpick a very good movie. 
+Nik Lust Nuthuggers don't like the nuts they hug to be criticised.
+Mr DiVulgar no
+Nik Lust anyone can infer what the movie is about and make a youtube video about it, jeremy has a unique talent to show the flaws in movies and it is nice to see something so original and while it may be distressing to hear a good movie sinned remember no movie is without sin, its not his opinion of the movie (usually)
+Nik Lust Then don't watch it. It's not your type of humor.
+StryfeDZN | MCSG | GFX I have an objective funnytest that.... it failed.
+Nik LustYeah, but that's subjective.
+StryfeMC Yeah, but it wasnt funny.
It's called "comedy". Heard of it?
+Nkechi Nnachetta Then... why do ppl even like this bullshit then?
That's... kind of the point of CinemaSins

Virtual Reality: Explained!

From Oculus Rift to Google Cardboard: Everything you need to know about VR! Google Cardboard: https://google.com/get/cardboard/ Video Gear I use: ...

User Comments

Hey man. I'm a new subscriber. I stumbled upon your channel looking for 4K info. I enjoy your content. It saves me time from trolling forums to find reputable and informed opinions. Thank you.
You have excellent presentation. High quality and no fat.
In 50 year's they'll just invent a way to simulate a reality inside of your brain by sending it electrical signals. ...Or are we already there, and reality is a simulation?
Illuminati comfirmed
sword art online is coming to life!!
nervegear sucks and sao is bullshit.
Hey! I have a lazy eye, and when I put on Oculus Rift, I saw two seperate screens. Do you think there's any way to solve this?
means your a robot, jk
No sorry
This dude is an official Samsung Hater, I swear to God, notice how he gets negative when he finally hold up the Samsung vr nd get positive when he talking about the rest including the cheap cardboard shit because google makes it 
+sheldon leslie I can't stand that soft ass queer. Those other group of wannabes lick his ass all the time
+Oliver Jackson yep
Is this MkHBD ?
He gets money from Motorola

Oculus - Movie Review

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ChrisStuckmann TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Chris_Stuckmann OFFICIAL SITE: //www.chrisstuckmann.com Chris ...

User Comments

I saw this movie yesterday, and unlike most horror movies, I was afraid of going to sleep afterwards. This movie was BRILLIANT! Not just a movie with stupid teenagers and false jumpscares everywhere, where you simply want the main characters to get attacked. Here, you get draged into the movie, it basically f*cks with your mind, the lady in the mirror is creepy as hell, it makes you feel uneasy, confused, and simply horrified. A scene early on in the movie, where the dad walks in the living room and we suddenly see that lady in the hallway - that scene didn't have ANY jumpscare sound when we saw her. And thank god for that, because that scene made me feel "WHAT.THE.HELL?!". If it had a loud jumpscare sound, I'd think, "Oh, shit! That got me". But here, it became a "Woa..! What.... what is that..?!" and I got chills. Brilliant movie.
+wwwwario When I was watching this movie, I didn't think it was that scary. Then I tried to go to sleep. 5 hours later, I was still awake.
My favorite kind of horror is when you see something like that back there, and then it leaves. No noise, no jumpscares, just that unease that something is with you, behind you. Steven King once described terror as "Yiu can feel something breathing down your neck, but when you turn around nothing's there."
God damnit, Pond.
+Tiffany Amber The Girl who waited...and ate glass.
A very underrated movie and easily one of the best horror films I've ever seen.
I strongly agree with you on that one. Love this film
+goreycinema same here.
I though it was well executed, I just couldn't really find myself scared on a higher level because I was just questioning the mirror. Like they never really explained it or what it actually was. It just seemed so cheap and lazy. Like oh it's a mirror and u kno it's evil cuz it's scary :^)
+OldDrunkBastard But isn't that the idea? That you don't know what the mirror is? What it actually does? That's like saying that Amytiville Horror is a bad movie because despite being well executed, you just question the house, like oh look it's a house and u kno it's evil cuz it's scary...I don't know, maybe you didn't like Amytiville either...
I couldn't finish Oculus.
*It's surprisingly good*. Many horror films nowadays lack a chilling atmosphere, or any atmosphere at all really (I'm looking at you Ouija) and this movie managed to nail it almost perfectly by also mixing in some calmer moments. I hate to nitpick, but Karen Gillan was actually the highlight actress of the movie, not Katee Sackhoff. Karen's performance where she documents the mirror and the events it caused is the most memorable part of the movie, really.
This movie fires on all cylinders horror wise. It's emotionally disturbing, pychologucakly disturbing, supernatural, and has disturbing images. And it manages to do all this without jumpscares.

Oculus Rift - Overview

Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for Immersive 3D Gaming.

User Comments

on the oculus site it says $350 for the dk 2, but everywhere else like google and amazon its like $800... why is this? can i actually buy it for around $350 or no?
The DK 2's you've seen for sale are people and companies reselling them for huge profits - Which Oculus have explicitly stated they do not want. The only way you'll be able to get the DK2 for the normal price of $350 is if you buy straight from Oculus - if they're still accepting orders for it that is. Remember the current builds are just meant for developers at the moment though, it's not a consumer product (Which is why Oculus isn't selling it anywhere other than their own site) If I were you, I'd wait for the consumer product which has been hinted will be out in the next 12 months - if you only want it for fun, rather than development.
I wonder how porn looks on these on, hmm.
Well i have to say even i haven't try those yet, it's looks cool and it's seems to be same as you watch 3d movie with 3d classes but better and bigger. And price is almost 1000€ here in Finland so it's really expensive (for me at least). But there is computers which cost more.
No verkkokauppa.com näyttää kaikissa ennakkotilaustuotteissa sitä 999e hintalappua (ja näyttää kai vieläkin), ihan vain sen takia kun se hinta ei ole varmistunut. Mutta Pirkkalan verkkokaupassa oli esillä Dev kit kakkonen ja sitä esittelevä tytsy mainitsi että lopullinen hinta tulee sijoittumaan 400-600€ haarukkaan.
+awesomejpg Ahaa. Noh se on sitten halvetunut siitä päivästä kun jätin ton kommentin. Hintaa on siispä tiputtanut huonot myyntiluvut (periaatteessa se näkyy kaikissa paitsi elintarvikkeissa) + uusivuosi tarjouskamppanijat. Ja ihan repäsin hinnan verkkokaupan sivuilta silloin kun ton kommentin jätin.
"1000€ here in Finland" En tiedä mistä oot repiny tuon hintalapun, mutta verkkokauppa.comin hinta tulee asettumaan 400-600€ haarukkaan.
I just ordered the DK2 for around 500$ (Shipping and taxes were at least 150$ tho) and its a completely different experience. Its not like your looking through a window, but it looks as if you were actually in the Content your viewing.
It seems like 2 optical monitors put together like goggles or something which is a cool idea I wish you guys didn't have to use eye doctors though to use it. I wish you can decide not to have to use an eye doctor to use these unless it's for real dire medical purposes. You're like me though I wanna see Virtual Reality come to life I hope you can answer this though can you use this on older gaming systems? I was really aiming towards playing .hack//fragment with these. 
If you're okay with emulation, then it'll work with any game you can play on your PC.
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