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Obama Syria and the U.S. Congress

President Obama: please explain your exit strategy for the USA once you drag us into another Middle East war. It is rather odd if not a political gamesmanship to ...

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You mention France, but they are not the ones pushing this--there are two other parties, strange bedfellows indeed, that are also pushing. One has the US Congress by the short hairs, which gives this administration the confidence to assert that the Congress blocking the attack is unthinkable: Israel. The other is our old friend Saudi Arabia, who will bankroll the attacks as long as we take out the heretic Ba'ath leadership in Syria, paving the way for a Sunni state allied to Saudi Arabia.
"Why would the Syrian government use WMD's when the war was going in their favor to bring world condemnation upon them?" This is a logical fallacy that assumes that all rulers are rational actors. Yeah it's pretty insane for Assad to use chemical weapons given what the reaction would be but maybe he's actually that insane. Or he just has balls, knowing that few would be willing to meddle in more middle eastern affairs after the failed Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
We really need it because our economy doesn't grow properly in the past few decades. Personally I wish the Japanese government would of pushed for a Osaka Olympics or Hiroshima/Nagasaki Olympics would of been interesting too. But we got Tokyo 2020!!! Sorry Istanbul and Madrid, I think they will get it in 2024 then the US in 2028. I think it might be Madrid in 2024. In 2020, Softball will be an Olympic sport again! Everyone is happy in Japan again!
Texas Oyaji, there is an odd video of John Kerry going around the internet of his recent meeting with a US government panel/committee over going to war with Syria and he looks really mentally and physically sick. John Kerry doesn't look physically fit to have jurisdiction over going to war or not. He doesn't look fit for office. Have you seen how his face looks? It's really weird.
I can't understand why the US/Obama's US is supporting Al Qeada affiliated groups. This situation is so weird. In America is their dialogue about the possibility that the chemical weapons in Syria were really done by Al Qeada? I can't see why Assad would use chemical weapons which would mean political suicide for Assad. This whole situation is very odd.
You have no idea how much it makes me happy to see Republicans become hippie anti-war peaceniks. I know you guys only oppose the war in Syria because it's A Thing Obama Supports but hey I'll take it! I'm glad to agree with Republicans on this, even if the reasons for opposing the war may be different between both of us.
Texas Oyaji, I know you can't comment on this but my friends an I were disguising that Michelle Obama looks like the Predator from the Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. Have you seen here talk? Every time we see her face we think she is the Predator!!! Can you see the resemblance?
This will not be the first time that Congress would oppose the President. Remember Guantanamo? We have a constitution in Canada as well, but we don't abide by it at times. There's an exception to nearly every rule. Both parties oppose the constitution. But in different ways.
Texas Oyaji, I know America's opinions on the Syria conflict are too vast to understand clearly, how about in Texas? How are Texans viewing the Syrian conflict about Obama and NATO potentially bombing Syria? Are Texans for attacking Syria with NATO or against it?
Hi, Texas Daddy, I appreciate your friendship to our country always. This intervention of Syria is just mindless and even inmoral to put soldiers' lives on the line for such a pointless war. I hope conservatives in US congress put an end to this.
i work in Baghdad airport 4000 american soldiers flew to us last week with their weapons and equipment HE WILL ATTACK SYRIA creating another idiotic economical crisis the fuck wrong with this guy
cont. Also what will be amazing is the closing ceremony of the Brazil 2016 Olympics when Brazil passes the responsibilities to Japan, that performance will be amazing!!!
Don't forget Russia and china are threatening us if we attack as well. This whole thing is Obama deciding he wants to look tough by playing war.
I am sensing a Texas Oyaji Tokyo 2020 Olympic video.....Tokyo is the first place in Asia to have the Olympics twice.
Texas Oyaji, Have you ever seen the movie Gremlins??? She reminds me of the female Gremlins.
MR OBAMA doesn't care what anyone thinks now that that he can't get elected anymore.
Long live Basharl al assad! He trying to save beautiful Syria from US imperialism!
excuse me, "i'll never see in my lifetime?" where is your optimism, young man?
John Mccain was caught playing poker during that hearing on his phone. :)
Why did Obama choose him? I'm not sure that Kerry was a good choice.
The man is a bum and has no place in any position in government.
Texas Oyaji!!!! We got the 2020 Olympics!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
and those idiots who fight him going to give it em
Every time I see her face I change the TV channel.
That is a scene I am looking forward to viewing.
Does the United States advance to the bog again?
That is fantastic news, congratulations Japan!

Brittana story - when two worlds collide - ep 31

San: (gives a court nod to the receptionist and walks hand in hand with Britt to her father's office, gets in and sees the officers there gulps and her heart beat ...

Innocence (s13a)

Innocence, Clemency, Execution & Perspectives This class first examines the question of innocent people being sentenced to death and, in some instances ...

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I was arrested in Texas for a crime i didn't commit. I went be for the Judge and was told if I couldn't afford a Lawyer . One would be appointed for me. So the Judge appointed the arresting officer as my council. He advised me to plead guilty. Told me the Judge was just going to let me off with a warning. So I pleaded guilty and the Judge let me off with a 5 year in prison warning.

August Favorites 2014 | Emily Dao

I PROMISE THIS IS MY LAST LONG VIDEO FOR A WHILE! "LIKE" this video if you enjoy favorites! :) Don't forget to also subscribe to my channel!

An Avatar Explains Why Seat Belt Stops Are Illegal

An avatar explains why seat belt stops are illegal and how seat belt violations must be considered secondary offenses. The avatar is talking about a particular ...

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That pig sure gets hot when his FREEDOM to pull people over at will is at stake. Thanks for listing your court case. I plan to use it for a seatbelt ticket I got.
Good luck with fighting your ticket.  Hopefully you can help put an end to seat belt stops.  You should be able to easily get the charge(s) dismissed by filing a Motion to Suppress Evidence based on the fact that the lacked reasonable suspicion for the stop (the exclusionary rule)(all evidence obtained as a result of an improper stop must be suppressed as a matter of law, as it is considered "fruit of the poisonous tree"), but I suggest you don't, in order to set a precedent.  You should let the prosecution present their case, then ask the officer if he knew, prior to the stop, whether or not you had a license to not wear a seat belt, or whether he knew such a license exists.  Since he didn't know whether or not you had proper papers, he lacked the requisite facts to create the reasonable suspicion required for an investigatory stop.  Cops can't stop people to check their papers.  If he didn't know the license/exemptions exist, then he didn't know the law, and the stop was based on a mistake of law.  Any stop made based on a mistake of law violates the 4th Amendment.  See the Supreme Court cases of Delaware v. Prouse, Terry v. Ohio and Brown v. Texas. Please subscribe to my channel and watch, like and share my videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb2vetMmzt0&list=UU_Z2VQHsEJdoNLIAJ8WoXGw and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWhOFY-Fa-o&list=UU_Z2VQHsEJdoNLIAJ8WoXGw
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