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Explain okazaki fragments Videos

Okazaki fragments.mp4

An overview of what Okazaki fragments are, and why they form.

User Comments

Awesome simple explanation to all my doubts... thanks a lot... most of my teachers n friends don't understand this and just act as if they know it,which made me feel retarded when they explained in their own confused words
Very nice explanation, completely understand now. So simply explained that most who view this video will have a firm grasp on the subject!
whatever the background noise is... it creeps the fuck out of me and just stresses me out more for my final tomorrow....
international baccalaureate ^^ it´s like international A-Levels :)
You have the most amazing accent evah!
You sound like Jesse Spencer :)
Nice accent. Great explanation
omg now i get it! thanks alot
very helpful! thank you!
random evolution my ass
New Zealand, actually
You are my man:)
What is IB?
Thanks man!

Bio 30 creative component "Okazaki Fragments"

Okazaki Fragments

Okazaki Fragments.

OKAZAKI FRAGMENTS | - - electronik-tekno vibes - -

Okazaki fragments are short, newly synthesized DNA fragments that are formed on the lagging template strand during DNA replication. They are complementary ...

DNA Replication (Simplified - No Okazaki Fragments)

"Replicate Me" (DNA Replication to the tune of Call Me Maybe)

Music video about DNA Replication that was done as an extra credit for Molecular Cell Biology class "Replicate Me" Let's take a look at our cells Let's see how ...

User Comments

maybe.. u can provide subtitle and replication process vidoe or pic instead of dancing :)
Yaaahhhoooohheeyyy! Good job ate! Nice replication moves hahahah

163-DNA Ligase & the Lagging Strand

Detailed review of DNA ligase and joining of Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand.

The End Replication Problem

With each round of DNA replication, our telomeres become shorter and shorter. So, how do we stop this ever increasing shortening of our DNA? The answer is ...

User Comments

Why then, if telomerase corrects the shortening, everybody keeps saying that chromosomes get and shorter each time the DNA replicates?
+Harry Alices-Villanueva Incorrect, aging occurs when the telomeres are degraded and the ends of DNA are worn down. There is no absence of telomerase in the body, but in humans it only acts in early stages of development/ stem cells.
+Harry Alices-Villanueva Absence of telomerase results in shortening of the telomeres, so "aging is due to the shortening of the telomeres " is right, too??? This is purely my opinion!!
+Scott Aposhian Then aging is not due to the shortening of the telomeres. but to the absence of telomerase, right?
+Harry Alices-Villanueva Because Telomerase is active primarily in early development. As an individual ages, cell division takes place inabsence of telomerase, resulting in decrease in lengthof telomeres
Then why would telomere be shortened during replications?
Yeah, telomerase activity is only high in cells which proliferate rapidly like embryonic cells and germ cells, also cancer cells
Thx so much!!! So it is right to say the mechanism only happens in gamete producing cells?
+ho s Somatic cells don't have Telomerase

What is a klenow fragment?

This video covers -Definition of klenow fragment -DNA polymerase I domains and functions -How Klenow fragments are made? -Applications Duration 3...

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