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How to play jungle smite Videos

Basic Jungling in Smite - ScarfGuide Version2 - Fixed

Update~ After watching this guide watch the short update video that covers more recent changes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir-GDPYR4Oc Ever wanted ...

User Comments

No love for Thanatos?
+Dylan Vickers this video was created in 2013.....
I know right? nor bellona...
New sub! That's what I really hope to see in Smite, a good community. I am new to Smite but came from league of legends and most the time people are rude, even when I'm not doing bad, and that honestly makes me start messing up even more. If you have supportive and teammates who help in a positive way you are way more likely to win. Great video!
+girloverboard Every community will have it's good and bad. You can join my clan if you want some teammates that are friendly and helpful. Loose Threads is the clan name. Of course they're all higher levels though, so teaming up with them might put you against some tougher opponents.
Hey man me again hehe just wanted to know about two other gods I've taken a liking to, Mercury and Ymir, like the last question from Scylla, are they good junglers?
+General RAAM Merc and Ymir are good, Scylla's clear is too weak.
Hey guys I'm new to this game, but with my experience playing and trying out Scylla i think i can manage but what i wanted to know is what is Scylla mainly about, is she a good jungler? Or is she better at some other type of stuff. Because I've been doing well with her winning most matches whenever i play as her. But i would like to improve in what she is actually made for you get me? Any help you guys give is appreciated.
Scylla is a much better mid laner
+General RAAM She's a strong mid god.
is this guide still relevant for the current jungle?
+martin bøje The mind set's relevant, but the jungle routes are different now.
You need to update this video.
They're changing conquest, so it isn't happening until a month after that.
Can u do chronos guide and build?
okay thanks 
He'll get one eventually.
Hi LostScarf. i have two questions. 1st: is kukulkan viable in the jungle? 2nd: do you recomend serqet and if yes as what type of jungling: advanced or begginer and if she is full time jungler half time jungler or a support jungler. thanks a lot.
+LostScarf Great guide! Question though, are there any of the new gods that have come out that you'd say are good to learn with, and have any gods lost their edges as junglers with redesigns and nerfs? I want to learn Serqet, but she's a bit advanced to start out on, so I want some reference of where to go now that the game has progressed a bit since this video.
After his nerf Kukulkan is not a viable jungler.Serqet is the best jungler in the game, but she is definitely an advanced jungler. She's full time jungler, done right she gets kills ALL day.

Smite Jungle Guide Season 2 - The Basics - God Selection, Starting Builds and Route

Updated Guide - //youtu.be/2JW3CGIrTL4 Smite Jungle Guide / How To Jungle updated for the new Season 2 map. The Jungle is the part of the map that ...

User Comments

There are only 2 kinds of junglers: good jungler or terrible jungler. There is no mediocre jungler, that's all the difference between jungler and other roles. A good jungler usually brings victory to its team, a terrible jungler usually destroy its team. as jungler, you either stay aggressive and fuck every other opponents in their faces, or don't play jungle at all. I can't stress enough how important this role is, especially for Smite. Jungle is important, but hard to play: a solo needs to know only the solo gods to play a decent solo, a carry needs to know only the carry gods and perhaps the support gods to play a good carry. but a jungle needs to know all the gods to play a good jungle, because he is up against every enemy gods in the game. So if you do solo queue and get a noob jungler on your team, you are most likely doomed unless the other team has a even worse jungler.
+dinohazard By 2 kinds I hope you're referring to players and not gods. Either way some junglers play more a support style of jungle meaning they help get lanes fed. It doesn't have to be getting tons of kills. Presence is also a big factor. In a scrub lord < lvl 30, I have no keyboard type of game then of course anybody going off will carry and the jungler in particular because they spread that lead around the map. However, at higher level play there are different styles of jungler and just the jungler going off far from assures victory.
yo how is Odin Jungle?
Fair enough... xDD
+Boldrick Mclovin not great, he doesn't have much mana (you can combo his 1+2 about twice before you're out of mana). The only way you do damage is to jump and shield which puts you out of position and then after that you're useless all you can do is slow. His cage is useful but when compared to other junglers he just isn't that great. So play him at 2am for fun by all means but other than that he is just out classed.
And waht do you do after this? Just do it again and again?
no problem just lmk if you have any more questions :)
+Burtannia - Owner of ConVoke Gaming Thanks for replying this really helps
+Eddie Scott as soon as you have your ultimate you want to start ganking lanes to help them out and get kills. Even if you don't get the kill just help them clear wave (if it's on duo don't last hit the minions because the ADC will be stacking). As a jungler your purpose is to roam around helping out wherever needed. After this point buffs just get picked up when you can but try to make sure that you're around when mid camps spawn. Also get your speed when you can and help mid laner get their red. Back camps are just something you pick up on the way back from base or say you gank middle, get a kill, clear wave and then go to one of the back camps with the mid laner (this presumes that you're not going to push the tower and that mid camps and other more important buffs aren't up). Hope this helped :)
I wonder why Smite doesn't have Celtic and Japanese Gods. hhhmmm..
Ask and you shall receive.
+dinohazard it also depends upon how much research they can find to base the god design off and which pantheon's gods make good characters to play for example a peaceful bunch of gods from a peaceful civilization would make crap gods except maybe a healer.
+alexander jusay you do realize that they only pick those well recognized ancient civilizations established centuries B.C. which had the most influence over the world's culture and human evolution throughout history, right? So yes Celtic or Babylon existed B.C. but comparing to all the other civilizations, they didn't left much legacy for humanity as they were washed away by other stronger, newer groups.
How is nemisis in the Jungle
+Archie Knight Sorry for the late reply, idk why I didn't see this before. At the moment nemesis is a very niche pick. She is good against teams that have healers and lots of guardians/warriors. It really depends on the other team but in casuals where you can't see the other team there will be some games where you might get completely shut down but other games where you dominate.
+Archie Knight Her shield is really good in the jungle and she is viable
Hand of the gods is nerfed alot any other option for starters? Did some league today on xb1 smite had issues clearing camps since it only does dmg to the one with the most hp :(
oops didn't mean to say that mid laner should take your speed with you, it's just you and the solo laner, the mid laner should be taking their red with duo lane
+UwD Benuked I am currently making an updated guide which should be out later this week. HoG has been nerfed a lot but it is still a viable buy and there isn't really anything else you should get. Clearing camps early shouldn't be a problem considering you now take your speed with your mid and solo laner and then you and the solo laner both take the mana buff so it's not like you're solo taking camps. I will be explaining that in the new video too.
What about Nemesis, she seems really fun?
+Just Blaze Great jungler, one of my favourites. I will be getting a guide out over the next few weeks hopefully.

Smite Jungle Guide - V4 State of the Jungle July 2015

With the recent changes to Smite and the Meta it's time to update some of the information in the Jungle Guide. The main video still has useful information to help ...

User Comments

Great guide - you are very open minded to new ideas and strategies instead of some people how just says "that god is the best" and doesnt consider anything else.
+Alphfirm Yeah those opinions are unfortunate.
Guys if i just buy a skin lets say the Swagni would i be given the actual god just by getting the skin or do i also have to buy the god ? (soz kindaa new :P )
You can't but skins unless you own them.
No problem. ^^
oh ok thanks ^^
I believe you have have to buy them separately.
3:54 I think you meant to say Kukulkan not Ao Kuang.
Hello. I subscribe to you. Make a Bellona video
Who is Kukulkan Kappa
+Gamer Pon yep. I ran through this guide almost a dozen times and didn't catch that. Newer players will have no clue why I mix those 2 gods up so dang much.
I think i understand now.
+Jt The  I been doing pretty good ever since i started building up crits. I found out a character im actually good with which is neith.
+EDGE Yeah....,I hope you jungle like a pro in the future man
+EDGE EDGE i found out my lost Steam account and now i can add friends again lol.
+EDGE lol. OpieOP
Some thoughts: Aggresive pot starts for fast clear can be good, but consider if you need them. If you want to play aggressive early or your clear significantly slower than the enemy jungler's, sure, go for it. But if the enemy plays safe early and you don't get a kill, you just put yourself behind by 450 gold, which is boots+half an active. Also, I'm not sure if multipots starts are worth it. If you pop your red/purple pot 15 seconds before game start, you lost 25 seconds on the buff, but in return, you can get the pots YOU need. Some junglers don't really use that much mana early anyways. As for double jungle: I'm still convinced it's actually the best way to jungle, as the jungle is overloaded with xp and gold right now and statistically, double jungle provides the highest GPM in the game. Problem is: It's not accepted at all. So even in casuals, you have to have a team that's ok with it, something you hardly find.
+ME Wakala That's why a premade is a safe way to go
Foreals, whenever I try to double jungle everyone always goes "reported"
Personally I don't mind the jungle changes because I was always an unconventional jungler and barely did what other junglers did, I counter jungled them HARD and still did

Know Your Role: An in-depth introduction to Jungling in SMITE.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, biblestudy here with a COMPLETE introduction to Jungling in SMITE! It's a lengthy video with a lot of topics discussed and I hope you ...

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Question: do the mid harpies still spawn at the 3 min mark or they underwent some kind of change recently(pertaining to their spawn time) ?
+biblestudyTV thank you so much you've been a great help !!
They now spawn at 0:10 like all other camps, and then every 3 minutes after being killed. Typical rotation will be speed to blue buff. After blue, head straight to mid lane. If your mid lane has cleared the wave, do right mid harpies. If he hasn't, clear the wave and then do left mid harpies. Just a general rule for safety.
does mercs alt count as a global
+jbrake 1132 What are you lit..? The passive is mediocre at best, and the buff slightly helps his camp clearing. He's still unreliable and very risky. Not to mention the fact that some of the strongest Junglers right now destroy him (Thor, Serqet and Fenrir).
no merc passive is grate with the speed buff and if u use a crit build its gg and he just got a buff 
+jbrake 1132 Honestly Merc is pretty weak right now, try Thor, Serqet, Awilix, Hun Batz or Ao Kuang (Even Kali works better than Merc). Merc does horribly from behind, and can only fight when his steroid is up, it makes him incredibly risky and non-dependable.
OK thx i chose merc for my main jg because of his passive with the speed buff was that a good choice?
They call it a semi-global. It allows him to cover great distances and is a good engage mechanic. Just make sure you're not launching 20 yards ahead of your target or you can't convert damage!
man, great vids. can't say enough, your voice over is killer.
+Jarrod Pruitt Thanks a lot, that's great to hear!
I started playing smite earlier this summer about a month ago I reached level 30 but I'm still struggling a bit on every role. I think it might be because I don't stick to one thing I constantly change but watching these videos have helped me a lot and if you don't have anything to do and could maybe help me out a bit I would be very grateful. :)
idk lol it was less than a month it was like 3 weeks but i was better than most level 30s starting with me
+christian rodriguez how the fu** did you reach lever 30 within a month? Oo
i have a question and a problem when jungeling the question is should i clear the red/purple aswell or ignore them tell my teammates to take them and the problem is that i can't stick to my targets so i can't stick to them and basic attach them they always manage to run away with 1 basic away from death with is very annyoing after a while what can i do to stick to them better?
what if they take my speed xD and i realized now that i'm way TO agressive for playing assasins so i should focuse on jungleing with more tanky gods like bellona thor abd thoose or ppl that an get in and out quickly like bastet my 2 best junglers are thor and bastet in my opinion then i have some other that i'm decently good at
You should try to do the camps with your allies. If they can't come, assess why not? Are they pushed under tower? If so, help them clear the next wave then do the buff together. Are they low hp? So the camp and leave the buff, then rotate to their lane to hold it. Are they team fighting? If so, why are you doing buffs? xD When if comes to basics, the most important thing to remember is not to hold down left mouse while chasing. What you want to do is only swing when it's a guaranteed hit. The "highlight" targetter will glow the enemy red if you are in Range to hit them. Manually click each attack, and between each attack keep running and catch back up without the movement penalty. Speed buff will help you with that and is why it's so important for junglers.
Your videos have made huge positive differences in my play, much more in control. And for that, you earned a subscribe.
That's awesome!! Just don't lose sight of getting better. Even in matches that seem like total stomps and your team wipes the floor, try to find something you could have improved on. I find when I'm consistently playing with the mindset of learning, I can sort of feel the power surge in a short amount of time. We can all always learn more.
Finally know why I'm interested at jungling but sometimes i just cant hit a high as i saw other people can be fed and also hit high level.
and that's why smite is fun. You will enjoy to do the things that you hate people do to you.

Smite Jungle Guide Season 2 (Updated) - The Basics - God Selection, Starting Builds and Route

Smite Jungle Guide / How To Jungle in Season 2 updated for the changes to mid camp timings, other buffs and hand of the gods. The Jungle is the part of the ...

User Comments

Thank you a lot! :D I subscribed cause I was falling behind on the meta and now I'm all updated because of you. ^_^ ! So happy.
+Harsh Bite Happy I could help :)
Is fenrir any good?
+BladeCloud +Burtannia  I was just about to ask this after seeing the first three gods suggested in the intro lol  Thanks for the heads up!  I JUST started playing Smite and I'm loving Fenrir then saw this and got worried that he wasn't as viable anymore after seeing so many things say he's a Jungler.Love the guide and thanks again!
+Burtannia thanks!
+BladeCloud Yes he is. He is a rather strange god because he can be placed into almost any role. Fenrir has been picked in the SPL before and say the enemy team then pick a jungler who counters fenrir they then pick another jungler and throw fenrir in support or solo or something. So if you want to play him go ahead. With experience you will get better with his runes (1 for each auto attack) at 5 each ability gains a bonus. The most useful is probably the stun from his 1.
Thank you so much for making this!
+yoyayoya101 you're welcome, be sure to check out the video on my channel for the new starting builds, don't get HoG anymore.
No HOG for the new jungle... _'
+Bendou640 1) Read the date this was posted, HoG was still being debated as a viable item. Meta takes time to stabalize after a big patch.2) Click the annotation on screen that clearly says that I have a new video for starting builds.3) 30 seconds is the wrong timing for the red pot start so even your correction is wrong.
bumba, red pot at 0.30 and blue and green pot.
I think Artemis and Ymir were a bit mad at the end of the video. (Not like it matters amirite? All these flavours and you choose salty)
+GreenMunkeeD people get so angry and it just makes them play worse. The worst people are the ones I see blaming other players but don't offer advice on how to improve.
UPDATE - I know in the video I said it is still worth it to get HoG, this was around the time that the meta was changing and people were still trying out new starts. Now there are way better starts without HoG. I will be making a video on these soon but for now just get level 1 purification beads or level 1 blink.
+Burtannia cool thanks man thanks again for the help
+Soulof Souls no he doesn't but I will make sure that I get tips from him to put in the video.
+Soulof Souls no he doesn't but I will make sure that I get tips from him to put in the video.
+Burtannia nice thanks man i would love to learn as much as possible about hunter does your friend have a youtube? or anything like that?
I main jungle so until I have finished covering junglers (which takes time because I have to keep updating them due to meta changes) I won't really be doing other roles but if I get bored and feel like playing another role I will get some Apollo clips. I don't play hunters much but I know general stuff about them. My friend on the other hand mains ADC and is very good at it and I shall check everything with him first to ensure the video is accurate before I upload it so don't worry about that :)
Ok thanks and just wondering have u ever done hunter videos or anything like that to know how to play that class im kinda new to your channel and thanks again
+Soulof Souls ADC means attack damage carry, this is generally filled by a hunter such as Apollo however, other gods such as Freya can also be played there. My name on Smite is Burtannia if you want to add me. I'm not playing much at the moment though because I'm busy with university work.
+Burtannia Lol well usually when i msg a youtuber they dont msg me back so yah and im sorry but im kinda new what does ADC mean and i would love if you could do apollo first when you are done covering all the main pick junglers and do you mind if i can add you in smite i wont bother you i promise 
+Soulof Souls why wouldn't I reply :) i could do apollo guide although ADC isn't my main role and I still have to cover other junglers first but after I have covered all main pick junglers I will probably start on ADCs and I guess I can do apollo first.
omg u replied o.o Burtannia can you do a Apollo guide or something like that maybe a build for him cause im starting out as him and im kinda still new to him and i like him alot please 
+Soulof Souls you're welcome :)
+Burtannia thanks

Smite - Beginner Jungle Guide w/ Tips & Tricks | Thanatos Ranked Conquest League Gameplay Commentary

SMITE is a 3rd person free to play MOBA! These are just some basic tips to help out a new player that wants to play as a Jungler in SMITE. SMITE Playlist: ...

User Comments

Dang XD I'm a fairly new player to Smite and I never thought of how much strategy could go into this
+Sooo Mungry I'm just getting into Smite and finally got enough favor to buy Thanatos and this guide was very helpful; though odd due to the older HUD
+LegendaryLegend yeah and I barely scratched the surface with this guide
what skill should I level up first for thanatos
Simply put, Thanatos = really cheap noob character.
+Marioman3027 I made this comment when I was a noob and thought he was op. Lol his passive and shit are alittle scummy but he's far from op. Lol
+Cpt Swoops What's wrong with Thanatos?
Isn't Ao Kuang that Kukulkan skin?
+Legolas25079 Kukulkan is Ao Kuang , he got a rework :) but this video is old and at this point kukulkan were ao kuang
Thanks alot for this video i'm new to smite but been recommended to jungle or support what main actives bar hog is good for a jungle is it situational for jungles also or is combat blink handy for jumping between walls?
Not usually, if anything just regular blink because of the shorter cool down.  Hog or Hands of the Gods or Fist of the Gods is always the first active.  The second kind of depends on the character, the game and who you are facing... but if you don't know what to get beads is always a good pick.
is chaac jungle viable? his 1 then another ability combos are pretty strong.
I think the problem is that all his moves have really high costs with a small mana pool so unless you build major attack speed he loses out because he'll have to recall constantly.But with his 1 then 3 combo he has enough sustain to solo gold fury early on and late he can solo flame giant to the 25% health threshold for the wrath of the gods (forgot which one has the 25% execute).I can see how Chaac would take back seat as a warrior jungle with Tyr's cc resistance, fearless and power cleave push and Odin's massive gank potential on his 2 1 combo and passively powering up by killing enemies in his ult.maybe with warrior's tabi, hastened fatalis, executioner, brawler beat stick or jotunn's wrath, shifter's shield, devourer's gauntlet (I really like the gauntlet)wow this ended up way longer than I intended.
you use to see here and there, but other junglers offer better gank potential... but you can still try it :)
Great guide -- some very useful information. I am new to Smite and trying to learn jungle, bouncing between a lot of different characters (Kali mainly) but the information was generalized enough to help at a very basic level with all toons. And the commentary was gold! The chicken nuggets comment had me lol'ing. Good work and thanks!
Happy you enjoyed!  Also, Kali is great in the jungle right now, her clear isnt that great but she is still one of the best.  I would recommend playing Serqet, Nem, and AO as well all are very strong at this time.
Is it possible to jungle with nemesis or hunbatz 
+ilovetwilight65 i love awelix
+Sooo Mungry What about bastet and awillix? :O 
Yes, Nem is one of the best late game junglers and hun batz is pretty good as well

Smite: Thor Jungle | Conquest | Jungling in the New Meta!

Welcome to this Thor gameplay in the grand ol jungle! In this new Meta you can sure get a lot of farm very quickly in the Jungle! Enjoy! Play Smite Here: ...

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I'm a new smite player with about a hundred hours in the xbox Beta (sorry my pc is garbo) and im trying to learn new gods and something besides mid and solo. im trying bakasura but ive been playing in joust to try him out and i just suck. if you have any tips on how to play him and how to play jungle in this meta, that would be greatly appreciated
+Ryan Griffith oh don't solo, bakasura is a one of those gods which you actually rather learn him in the jungle because right now in this meta with the hog nerf he can barely solo for joust though heavy hammer start health pots and double pots and evade there is nothing to it no body can out box you put 2 points in your 3 and 1 point in your 1 walk to them start auto attacking use your 3 if they use any type of escape leap on them they should die try to play a little defensive until lvl 5 when you hit 5 ult them just ult them idk how can survive a bakasura ult at lvl 5 well chronos and kali but they should be banned your build should be full frostbound hammer dev glove fatalis boots defensive item titans bane back door like a good baka
:D glad it helped!
its all good :) Jungle u wanna start how i started in this video, solo you generally go heavy hammer to slow them and get easy first blood. then it goes attackspeed boots, hastened fatalis, qins, executioner, rage, then any tank items you might need. Winged blade is always good
Sorry for being so dependent, but recommended items?
I'll sure try. Thank you so much!
Yeah he is not played much in the jungle right now, but played more solo lane because once u hit 5 its a free kill on the other solo laner, but he does massive damage almost always cause of his 3, just make sure to focus squishy people with your ult although you can kill tanks with him also. 
You did! So his one is pretty udeless for damage? I always seem to be going in, dealing damage and then when they're at about 15% health I die "out of nowhere"
+Ryan Griffith Quickest thing i can say is that make sure to build attack speed on bakasura as his 3 makes him do insane amounts of pure damage, so make sure to max that first, also almost all of your kill potential is going to be on your ult, it cripples so make sure you put it right on the enemy and hit your 3 while your ult is active to do tons of damage very quickly, thats how you will get almost all of your kills on bakasura, as for the jungle just keep practicing rotations thats the most important part of jungling! Hope i could help!
dude ur intro song in the first sec, i need to know that song name. i need that in my life
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart. Your welcome
+Steffen Josefsen url to the intro song
+Steffen Josefsen +soloDoubleJ please i must know what is the song xD
+AE Arktik what is it :D ?
I know the songs name! FINNALY!!!!!
+Steffen Josefsen Oh man I will have to find it its gonna be a trek to find it tho
I just started playing Athena and would like to know if you (or anyone really) has any tips and build ideas for Athena support in this meta. I mostly play 3v3 joust btw.
+Dante Delirious full cdr a lot of hp i usually go for cdr boots sov heartward winged blade spirit robe soul reaver
+soloDoubleJ Alrighty! Thanks for the tips. I will try that next time I play Athena. ^-^
+Dante Delirious Pen boots are really strong on any Guardian right now, follow up with heartward, or sov depending on what defense your team needs more of, follow that up with a winged wand or spirit robe then build anything situational from their.
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