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When vultures rule Videos

Brickwall Vultures "Vulture Soldier" (Sexy Baby Records)

Brickwall Vultures "Vulture Soldier" on Sexy Baby Records from the album "Vultures Rule O.K.!" EP, out May 27th 2013, available through Cobraside Distribution ...

Brickwall Vultures "Kamikaze Kids" (Sexy Baby Records)

Brickwall Vultures "Kamikaze Kids" on Sexy Baby Records from the album "Vultures Rule O.K.!" EP, out May 27th 2013, available through Cobraside Distribution ...

User Comments

Kamiakze kids or kamikaze kids?

Turkey Vultures in Review

Vultures [XBOX Cancelled Action Gladiators Game]

//www.unseen64.net //xbox.ign.com/objects/566/566971.html "Action game set in an alternate timeline in history, following a failed attempt of European ...

User Comments

Awesome lighting effects. Thats one thing I always loved about the Xbox. Graphics pissed over everything else at the time.
Lovely 360 game...oh I'm sorry, it's the first xbox. Probably the best looking xbox game I've ever seen.
I mean it's not that great looking here, but this other vid on this profile makes it look so good.
conker still looks better
why was it canceled?

Medicine For The People - Vultures of Culture Pt l

//www.medicine4thepeople.org Nahko Bear, Max Ribner, Skye, Hope Medford, Tim Ribner, et al with special surprise guest vocalist Lilla D'Mone bring the ...

User Comments

we were there but not until later :)
love it!

street bitch by casel LI

US-based vulture funds target another Argentinean naval ship

While Argentina´s "ARA Libertad" Frigate remains stranded in the Ghanaian port of Tema under a court rule in the African nation that benefited vulture fund NML ...

User Comments

yes obama is very bad and romney is worse but the others don't have any chance, republicans and democrats are who rule the country is the truth, the presidents are using pragmatism. you can't give responsability to the country of what does they government, close the borders only cause more problems (like famine), but if you can let the people in the other country that your people have freedom, rights and good life, because the people fight for him every day, then their future will change
you support obama....???? and giving the example is much more than just talking about it, cancel external commerce with genocidal nations and localize production. localization is the smartest way for economic prosperity. obama is a genocide. romney is worst. third party candidates are very amazing like gary johnson, but like chavez or cristina they dont know shit about politics in the usa or they pretend they don't know so they can support genocidal obama...i'm from argentina too.
USA is one of the principal's commercial partner of china and is the land of freedom, china is a human rights violator, but in his county, USA does in all the world! if you stop the commerce with all the countries who do something bad, you don't have external commerce, you can do what you can in your country, that's all, give the example. I am from Argentina and i don't like the Republican's president because they is MUCH WORST FOR ALL! that's because i support Obama
I'm Argentine and I tell you this woman will achieve more relevance when leaves office and coordinate many policies start from South America. Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador even Colombia are experiencing an era of freedom of thought and not looking policies of the countries of the so-called "first world". Our leaders increasingly look to our people. I think the truth is in the eyes of our people. A better world is possible!
gracias press tv... anyway lot's of latinamerican presidents are supporting obama and i don't know why, he hasn't done anything good for us and he has done a lot of damage to the world...yet another contradiction, like claiming to be prime examples of human rights activism but expanding economic trade with one of the bigest human rights violator: china. these populists governments are totally unconsistent...
Female presidents are better for poor countries. They do more for people and mostly they are difficult no getting puppet of powers. merkel is fucked up.
i can rite un e-say about you guy's deleting my e-say so what is up putos ?
So why doesn't PussTV whine about Soros?
I like Argentinas president soo much.
now what you guys dit with my e-say
and then
kiss my
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