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When owls hoot Videos

Great Horned Owl Hooting At The Moon

A male Great Horned Owl Hooting at the Moon in Dallas Texas September 11, 2013 at White Rock Lake.

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+Monsieur Wright Who! WHOOO!

Alice the Great Horned Owl - Territorial Hoot

Alice is a permanently injured, human-imprinted Great Horned Owl who works at the Houston Nature Center in Minnesota and lives at home with her handler.

User Comments

@karlakinstler He was born with a wing deformity down in Texas and was given to my local wildlife shelter. This being said, the only time anyone disturbs him is for feeding, photos, or a program. He's a lot nicer when he's with the director (who is really the only one that handles him) though, the rest of us he just glares and hisses at (but never tries attacks, his bark is worse than his bite, you could say).
I have the skill to make the owl noise (with my hands) but nothing like my dad. There used to be territorial barn owls out in the country and he had the skill to draw them closer and closer - because they were prepared to fight this 'owl' off of their strip of land. Because it was a valley as well, it would echo and they'd come from literally miles away to him. Amazing.
I see, though I don't know why the Owl in the Calgary video would get excited. Does it think the children are intruders or potential mates? If you search for the terms julio and talkative you'll find another vid of an GHO--is it male or female? Is it just saying "Hi" or "I like you" or "back off!"? Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.
Not too long ago, I was standing outside when I head the most un-earthly noise. I went inside and I shined a flashlight up in the tree and i saw a little screech owl staring at me. I'm not sure why, but ever sence then ive been facinated with owls. they are just so....facinating. I do not know why I took the time to type all of this...
Where I ive there is a huge Horned owl new to the area and he's 2 feet tall and since he's been here I really haven' seen many rabbits he's killing them all, is this a problem? Why is it here,did it kill all its food source from its area? It once screech at me ug y what does that mean? So many questions
OMG!!! I heard this sound comming from the woods behind my house once! It was in the middle of the night and freaked me out cus it sounded like something you'd hear in a horror movie. I knew it was an owl but now I know what kind. Thats awesome! These birds are beautiful! =) Alice is magnifincent!
I see. I've seen a zoo-bound specimen do this hoot too after some kids got close to its cage (search for the terms owl and calgary for the video in question). Not all owls in zoos display this behaviour, though; does it depend on the owl's personality?
Huh... when I enter the enclosure of the Great Horned I work with (same position as Alice is in, he can't fly well to be released and he's an education bird) he just hisses at me and gives me the scariest glare.. I never get a hoot ._.
Could this mean the owl is aggressive because I heard the same hooting pattern every night when I went on a fishing trip and I am certin it was a Great Horned Owl
wow at first i thought there was a dog in the background! i recently rescued a great horned owl. it was stuck in a soccer net. it made these clicking sounds.
I have one of these behind my house! It hoots at my dog almost every night and she barks back wagging her tail...almost like theyre talking to each other :)
I read on your website that Alice expects you to hoot with her. I was wondering how you do that? Do you have a video of you hooting with her?
@karlakinstler oh wow that is really amazing that you are doing that for her. and thats really unfortunate that happend to her..

Eaglecrest Wildlife Great Horned Owl Hoot 1-29-13

A great horned owl calls to it's mate atop one of the red-tailed hawks nest. Many thanks to cam operator, Watchingeggs. Recorded 9.43pm PST. 2 hours later the ...

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These GHO's are probably thinking of choosing this nest as their own, as GHO's don't build their own nests, and a red-tailed hawk's nest is perfect for them. Since GHO's nest much earlier than a red-tailed hawk, it is easy for the owls to claim a red-tail nest. I always love to hear the GHO's hooting back and fourth. This would be the male, as male's have a lower voice than females, and the return call sounds like it is a higher pitch than the one that we see.
Now, I see what you & neverbeen meant. To the right is a mini version of the featured cam. At Eaglecrest the different cams are displayed around the bigger window and the operators can switch between the cams choosing one to feature in the big window. He is very handsome and I am hoping they choose to nest there :) Thanks Rita!
Really fab, thanks so much Razzle :-* I'm posting it on the Starr Ranch barn owl blog (and you have a barn owl screech 2 minutes in) because we are hearing GHOWs every night/morning but we never get a sight of them, and I'm sure others would love to see this. Scylla x
The driver who is making all that noise in the background running through the gears probably thinks he/she is really impressive. Little does or will he/she know about the really impressive sound nearby.....
Thank you for the information about the GHO's Anne! I especially appreciate the information about the vocals identifying the gender of the owl. Thanks Anne :) Hope your Golden is doing well.
He is a very handsome owl and I love their ears { horns}, I also love their talking to each other! I saw the females eyes as well, as " neverbeen" said. Thanks for sharing this, Mick!:}}
At about 3:07 the cam moved to the right and I thought there were two eyes there. The cam moved back to the left after a while. Not sure they were eyes. Her eyes sure are pretty.
If I saw one like in that video on the tree in my back yard and the owl looked at me, I would hold my arm up for the owl to look and then land on my arm. Then HOOT!! :-))
Our golden is doing quite well right now, Melissa who is beginning to train her said that she is incredibly calm on the glove and has even stepped up nicely a couple times.
many years ago our paperboy use to ride his bike and deliver papers with a screech owl on his shoulder. stayed with him the whole time ..... cute little booger!
I've never seen GHOs except when they were attacking eagles' or geese nests, so it is great to see this amazing creature in a different light! Thank you razzle!
Thanks scylla :) There is a barn owl that has a nest on this property. I'll check out your blog, too. Thanks for watching!
What a hoot! I heard two Big Horned Owls last night singing a Duet here in Montana, just like that. Beautiful!

Great Horned Owl hooting.

A captive, injured owl hoots for the camera.

User Comments

Humans can do this too. It's called ventriloquism. That being said, this owl's cooler than any human ventriloquist!
Indeed. But maybe equal to Je-fuh-fuh Done-ham. XD
+Carlito Owl lol yes... yes i am woof woof
+Drumlinegypsy247Thanks for the information! Are you a doggey?
+Carlito Owl not exactly, ventriloquists still open there mouths, because that's how humans talk in the first place, but they just hav skills to make it looks like they aren'tbut if you watch any ventril. closely, they always moce their jaw/lips a tiny bit, or else they never close their mouth completely

OWL SOUND EFFECT AT NIGHT, Owl Sounds Hoot relaxation, Sound of owl for kids children scary fx noise

OWL SOUND EFFECT AT NIGHT, Owl Sounds Hoot relaxation, Sound of owl for kids children scary fx noises clip If you are wondering how to relieve stress and ...

User Comments

It's like this was posted just in time for Halloween... Or something
+CB82069 Reminds me that I have to make something for halloween =)
Very relaxing. Thank you for this cool video! Owls are my favorite birds.
+VideoGirl 289 Owls are the best :)
OK, why am I imagining a run down log cabin in the middle of the woods and an old, creepy man rocking in a rocking chair? Sounds like the wind is blowing, too. CREEPY in a horror flick sort of way! I don't like horror movies, but very well done on this one!
+Melinda Kirkley Thanks! I was imagining the same thing while making the video :).

Cutest Owl Ever

Cutest Owl Ever.

User Comments

I feel like potatoe chips....anyone?
I was like wtf is that but then i read its a owl xD
This is...a baby Great Horned Owl?
Looks like an eastern screech owl to me.
can anyone explain why it's pupils change so much?
+LadyChrupek A lot of birds will change the size of their pupils depending in various things. If you think of a camera lens it makes a lot more sense, their eyes will dilate and contract in order to focus on certain objects, to follow movement more carefully, and even to express joy, concern, and alertness. Larger pupils tend to reflect a more relaxed state of being, while small pupils (sometimes referred to as "pinned") convey excitement and a more alert nature. Parrots will also do this, and it's one of the biggest tells for a bird you don't know (and even one you do) if you should be handling them or if they are in a bad mood.
+LadyChrupek it may be his focus is changing
+Pizza Bear i thought exactly the same thing, but light in that room does not change during the whole video... and it's pupils change even when that owl stares at some object for a couple of seconds 0:27
What a beautiful creature! Have you noticed how it seems to be able to adjust its iris's at will?
+Gany Med Wow. Amazing. Thanks.
everything about owls is great. i love them. you should watch "evil owl" here on youtube.
+peronvey Ahh well
+Marc Geller lol if you could voluntarily do that they would only get as big as they can in the dark, which they already do involuntarily. don't mean to sound like a debby downer lol. but our eyes are pretty cool organs anyway, they're the most active on our body. but yeah you can sort of voluntarily dilate your pupils when you're feeling certain emotions
+peronvey Thanks boss but what about at night? Will our eyes be able to take in more information meaning our eyesight will be better in the dark?
+Marc Geller the reason our pupils automaticallt dilate is bc they need to adjust to the light. if we were able to adjust our pupils, then it would seem like the light is either getting brighter or darker
What do you think it would be like if we were able to dilate our pupils like owls do?
i did!
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