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When someone hurts you Videos

What to do When Someone's Words Hurt You

//www.PinchMeLiving.com - When someone says something that hurts your feelings, you have to make a choice about what to do in the situation and what to ...

User Comments

i loved what you said but the part about not taking the bait didn't work for me. I spent over 5 years bearing with a guy who wanted to use me as his emotional punching bag, i kept forgiving and ignoring him, but he didn't understand. There are times you need to say "enough."
+Louis John Hi Louis, yes 500% agree with you! When I say don't take the bait, that is true in all situations, except that in some situations you don't take the bait and then calmly lay out boundaries and address the root issue (without reactivity - hurt/anger/abuse met with more hurt/anger/abuse), and then in other situations you don't take the bait and then walk away totally! My big thing is that inner peace and calm response prevails in all situations, and from that space we then make clear, intuitive, concise and healthy decisions about the appropriate action to take from there. That allows us, having not taken the bait and bought into the situation, to powerfully manage boundaries, communicate our truth, needs or issue, and to hold ourselves up high to walk away where it is the best thing to do. I go over that in one of my free "Live with Inner Peace" videos (on my website), which has a video dedicated to "Eliminating Painful Reaction & Mastering Peaceful Response", which goes through 12 steps practically and comes with a PDF free download of those steps - and it is really powerful for relationships, and in that video I talk about how being in peaceful response, not taking the bait, being in control of your way of being irrespective of what someone else is doing... sometimes means you very directly lay out to them what your boundaries are and what you will/will not accept from them - including knowing intuitively when it is time to remove yourself entirely from that "trigger" (person or situation). If you think that video might interest you, please come on over to PinchMeLiving.com and it's in the free video series there. Sending warmest wishes to you, thanks for listening, for sharing your feedback, and blessings! Bernadette :)
thank you♡
+Sara Lubeskie You're very welcome Sara :)
Oh yes and PS.. I can't find your book on iBooks? Is it available on Apple or no?
+Noelle Harris Hey Noelle, all 3 of my books are in Kindle for eBook and paperback, not on iBooks. Kindle app for smart phones, ipads, laptops etc is free to download for reading it on any device. Warmest wishes. B :)
I am SO Very grateful for you and this right now! Thank you for transcending that message so completely and beautifully. I have been dealing with a lot of negativity around me and it basically always triggers that reaction in me. I have been trying to practice Presence and being ect. By myself, but when I'm with other people it seems to all go out the window. But you made me realize that it's going to do nothing for me if I can't sustain that state in the presence of others. I am REALLY going to start working on "not taking the bait" so to speak. But I do understand that it comes from a place of pain in that person. This is going to be one of the TOUGHEST things to overcome bc my ego starts to almost scream inside of me. Lol. But thank you so much for this. It was exactly the message I needed today.
+Noelle Harris Great Noelle, yes it can be tough for sure, but well worth the practise, for your own sanity and peace. Sending you best wishes for your journey! B :)
I got called a bitch today. I have never been called that. before
+Amiah Washington Always remember that other people's perspectives are just that... their perspective, not truth. And when pain comes out of someone at you, it is because in that moment pain is within them. That is, their words are a reflection of their state of being (mind and emotions) not a reflection of you. We are all playing out (in words and actions) our inner state of being. It helps to remember this when people hurl pain at you.
Thanks for this video. A friend who today said she was no longer my friend said I posted a horrible thing about her husband on facebook. There is no record of my post anywhere in my activity log on facebook. All the time she is saying I have done this and that and all the time accuses me of things and gossip. She said I should know what I said. I feel like packing up and leaving town and not leaving the house again she hurt me so bad and bullied me two months at a weight loss convention for 4 hours. Yet she says it is my falt for her bad life and her husband doing bad things. I have been treated like shit by her for something I did not do. Please see what you can do to get FAcebook cancelled or sued. It has destroyed tons of restaurants and friends lives. It is totally 1000% being used wrong and causing people to blame everyone for their bad lives. I am not the cause for her bad life and her bad marriage yet she has convinced the whole church in less than a day that I am a horrible person and a damage causer all over the US. She says I have the worst negativity in the entire world. HELP?????
+Pamela Pugh Hi Pamela. I hear your pain. At all times our power to rise up and live a more peaceful life, and one where we feel at ease, exists in our choice to surround ourselves with people, spaces, things and information that serve us. If you find Facebook difficult and an environment where you feel misunderstood and attacked, it is completely okay to remove yourself from it. Many people do that, as they do not enjoy the inherent downsides that sometimes arise through social media. This may be one small step you can take right now to reduce the negativity you are experiencing. Also, while perhaps it may not be what you want to hear right now... your power rests in not having to defend yourself to people who are not "on the same page" as you, to people who are very low-vibration negative energy, nor convincing the people or person who are hurting you of your innocence (particularly if they seem concrete in their views), nor even is there value in in showing why Facebook is bad and how it shouldn't be allowed. There are a few wonderful quotes, one from Einstein and one from Richard Buckminster Fuller, which all point to the fact that to create a new reality, a new experience, we don't fight the old ways, the old paradigm, or the old models and the negativity, instead we build a new paradigm, a new way, a new outlook for ourselves, that makes the old one obsolete. The value in that spiritual wisdom is that rather than right against these people and this platform that you feel victimised by, turn all of your attention onto yourself and the way you would prefer to live, and make really empowered, individual and conscious choices about how you want to be, what your attitude will be, who you want to surround yourself, where you will go, what you will do and how to be the leader of your life, as a role model for what you want to see in the world. You know the truth for yourself, and while you wish they knew the truth too, they may not have ears to hear it. As they treat you poorly, look to see how you can treat others beautifully, to bring that opposite energy into the world. As they don't understand you, see how you can value your own truth and understand yourself and others. This may seem a stretch from the place of deep hurt where you are now, but your pathway forward is not in fighting against what has happened, but in making peace with the fact you can't control them, or what they say, you can only be true to your values, speak and behave in ways that are values-aligned for you, have healthy boundaries about who you are willing to be around and how you want to be treated, and continue to make positive choices for yourself. Well wishes for you as you heal from what has happened, and forge a path forward that is aligned to your values, truth and light. B

Have you been hurt by someone? How to heal.

For coaching: www.thelovecoach.info.

User Comments

How do you think Jesus felt when He was accused and crucified by His own brethren? But even on the cross He said 'forgive them father for they know not what they do'. 'Verily verily I tell you that those who forgive much, then much is forgiven, and those who forgive little, to them little is forgiven'. So we know by Faith how it will go.. Your video is trying to help someone carnally, even as nice as you are, and well meaning, and after the desire to be happy. Only Jesus Christ can give you peace, and heal you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember sometimes God leaves the pain in your life, for a reason... Your advice is good, but shallow, as everyone can be well meaning after the flesh, but who can walk after Christ. Can you? God bless you//
+IchibanOjousama Jesus Christ is not only human but also God. He is indeed of course the Perfect and only intercessor.He walks with me and He talks with me..Who walks and talks with you?God bless you//
+Bernard Joseph Jesus isn't human, he doesn't get to judge human feels.

GETTING OVER AN EX/ Someone Who Hurt You

My suggestions on how to get over your ex. TWITTER: @SincerelyOghosa SNAPCHAT: sincerelyoghosa INSTAGRAM:@sincerelyoghosa EMAIL: ...

User Comments

Thank you so much for this video, it had me in tears. Can totally relate to everything... the anger, bitterness, feeling worthless and easy to forget. But yea I need to make the decision to forgive and start HEALING. Thank you, gorgeous
I absolutely love you alot ..... feels like we lived the same life !

What to do when you hurt someone's feelings.

Have you ever hurt someone's feelings? Chances are, if you are human, you have experienced this before. Here is what I think we should all do this this ...

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Have you ever hurt someone's feelings? Here is what I think we should do. "//buff.ly/1cFuFOe" //buff.ly/1cFuFOf

Suffering from your past! Someone hurt you? How to Let it All Go (with Maria Dunaeva)

Your past is still holding you back? You suffer because of other people? Find out how to live more in peace with yourself and others! Pain is inevtibale. But you ...

User Comments

start oll over
+hanna pound Thank you for the comment, Hanna :) What did you take out of this episode? Love,Sebastian

When someone tries to hurt you, do this (My vlog #363)

It's true that no matter who you are or what you do in life there will be instances when people try to hurt you, but one thing I've learned is that hurt people hurt ...

User Comments

Most of the tourism i meet in my trip to india they're all seeking for the truth that they borne on it like ( what the main purpose of life? ) so many questions but due the environment effects they've lost it unfortunately, U should have to contact your sister Muslim one and to ask her about question above mentioned i'm pretty sure she could answer in brief :)
+DLP. K first im supposed to give advice but never force other to change their Religion that what mentioned in quran second being ethical you should have to request other before going so deeply in the topic !!
Your types, never stop proselytising eh??
This is a deep and profound Truth. Whether one is cool with the idea of reincarnation or not, no one can argue with the fact that hate breeds more hate. But it takes a special kind of an evolutionary state to live by that Truth. You are a wise old soul indeed, Erica. 
+Michelle Rosen Thanks so much! It takes one to know one :)
This sounds like a very bad audition for a story that doesn't need telling. Also, when you're making everything up, you don't actually need to rationalize anything (eg, if you're making up that you have multiple lives, you don't have to also make up an ethic) 
go back to sleep,,,,,,your story doesn't need writing...lol

What To Do When Someone Hurts You | ADVICE

Hey guys! So I decided to make an advice video on how to get over someone that has hurt you. I'm sure we've all been through this at some point in our life.

LOA-What to do when someone hurts you - by Erika Laxis

How is it that you are getting hurt by others? Who or what holds the power over you?

Relationship Forgiveness and Trust Again Someone That Hurt You - Apostle Skip Gunn

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