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Dwarf makeup hobbit Videos

The Hobbit Behind the Scenes - Makeup

The makeup in The Hobbit this time will be even more challenging then before because of the color lost when filming in 3D. Like us on Facebook: ...

User Comments

I love this video! Thanks for sharing, the work of Tami Lane and the Hobbit staff is very inspiring!

The Hobbit Movie Cast With and Without Makeup

The Hobbit Movie Cast With and Without Makeup - Martin Freeman as the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins - Ian Holm as the aged Bilbo Baggins - Elijah Wood as Frodo ...

User Comments

Barry Humphries is Australian, not British.

The Hobbit - Dwarf cast

Dwarves and actors from the movie. Suscribe if you like it.

User Comments

To bad Kili, Thorin, and Fili died in the third movie:( I cri evrtime

"Thorin is a battle-hardened warrior" The Hobbit 2 - Richard Armitage Interview

Thorin is a battle-hardened warrior in The Hobbit 2 ➨ Join us on Facebook //facebook.com/FreshMovieTrailers 10 Minutes of The Hobbit ...

User Comments

Don't you just love the way he says "Erebor"?
omg yea I agree with you half way... or maybe all the way
+Suzanna C I love the way he... keeps quiet.
I love the way he says anything ....
Has this guy swallowed a subwoofer or something?
+yergaderga YAS!!
It's all that cotton. IN THE NORTH!

The Hobbit - Misty Mountains Cold on STL Ocarina

The ocarina tabs for this song is now available at: //www.stlocarina.com/mistytabs.html -------------- Dwarf Ocarina is available at: //goo.gl/eaO0VP Other ...

User Comments

I don't even know what that instrument is and I've been in 3 years of music classes
+Daidi Fantaye It's sold everywhere. Here's the Canadian Amazon link: //www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ocarina
+STL Ocarina Do you know if they sell it in Canada? Looks like a Northwest European instrument
+Daidi Fantaye It's called an ocarina.
Can I play like this on an simple twelve hole ocarina, or do I have to choose one with two chambers?
+STL Ocarina Great, thanks!
+Sara Björck This song can be played on a 12 hole ocarina.
Is there a way that I can get the sheet music for this?
thank you
+Jake Stepp The ocarina tab is available here: //www.stlocarina.com/mistytabs.html
i would had bought one. but cant find the tabs :S or notes
+samslake The tabs is available here: //www.stlocarina.com/mistytabs.html
pretty women .. .
walking down the street...
was für eine ocarina wird im vidoe benutzt?
+Tim Endris It's this ocarina: //www.stlocarina.com/dwarf.html
hey STL i am a big fan of your page and i was looking at buying this dwarf 12 hole from your website but i was just wondering id this ocarina would be too low to play the classic ocarina songs like lugias song or laputa from castle in the sky? i guess i'm asking is this a good all around ocarina or am i better off buying the regular alto C?
+Zargus1212 This ocarina is not too low at all. It's great for songs like Castle in the Sky.

The Hobbit: Behind the scenes - Thorin, Fili and Kili

An interview with Richard Armitage (Thorin), Dean O'Gorman (Fili) and Aidan Turner (Kili), they tells us about Oakenshields kin.

User Comments

Does anybody know what movie and scene 1:16 is where Fili and Thorin are talking? Thank you!
+Katrina Mamaty that scene wasn't shown, neither in the Extended edition.
I'm only disappointed that Fili didn't have that grief moment for when he died. Kili and Thorin both did,why not for him? :( It made it seemed like he wasn't significant much by the other characters.
+Zahirah Rahmat I think because that's what it's like.. people just die, you sometimes don't have time to say goodbye or to grief properly
+Zahirah Rahmat He will get more attention in the Extended Edition :)
Fili looks sexy
Yhea thats true
+Mauro Watrin, yep. I think Kili and Thorin is good looking too.
I don't know if there was more development in the uncle-nephews relationship in the actual book, but it would have been nice to see more of it in the movies. 
There wasn't. I don't think Tolkien even mentions that Kili and Fili are Thorin's nephews until the very end of the book where he says they fell defending him "with shield and body for he was their mother's elder brother."
i really wish fili and kili did become king :(
They will be buried in the Extended edition, but we wont be able to see them be crowned because they are dead. (Spoiler) We will though be able to see King Dain become king over Erebor
I just saw BOTFA last night and I did bawl my eyes out at the end. But I just can't help feeling really disappointed about how Fili was like... pushed to the side throughout the whole 3 films. I know it was Bilbo's story of his great adventure but the main plot was the three Heir's of Durin taking back Erebor with the company and a hobbit. Fili should have had more screen time and lines. His death was quick and lacked emotion. Kili and Thorin's deaths had sad, long moments of emotion. Fili's was just a sword through the gut, over a cliff and splat on the ground. I already knew they were going to die but I hoped all their deaths would have been given justice. I really do think his character would have shone if Dean was given more lines. Like... seriously... who puts a guy in that costume, with that hair, that beard and those eyes and NOT give him screen time? 
+Taylor Maracle definitely not my friend.... you've mixed them up. Fili is blonde and was killed by Azog...Kili is dark haired and had a thing for the elf and died trying to protect her.
If you're talking about the one who was held up by he head and stabbed by Azog, then that one was Kili. Fili was the one who Tauriel was mourning over.
I find it very funny that Thorin yells out "Kili" in The Unexpected Journey when it's clearly Fili that is in peril. It's also written as 'Kili' in the script. It does seem as if Fili's character was underutilized so I wonder what the reasoning behind this was.
Well, in Thorin's defense I did read today that it's actually a mechanism that kicks in and your brain picks out the first name it comes to that have similar relationships (i.e. nephews) so I guess I can cut him some slack.
okay so like Tolkien had a hard time keeping everyone's names straight too and often times he mixes up the dwarfs' names like once he called Fili the youngest when he'd stated before Kili was so really no one knows what they're talking about

Exclusive First Look at the Hobbit Dwarves from Rise Up Christchurch Telethon

Sneak peak at the Hobbit Dwarves' costume and makeup from the Rise Up for Christchurch telethon, 22 May, 2011. **You are welcome to embed and link to our ...

User Comments

This was hilarious. I do think those lads are having a marvelous time and it's great to see them having fun and supporting such a worthy cause. Loved Richard's dwarf look--heehee! And the "woowoos" and fist pumps from our normally reticent gorgeous fellow as he got into the spirit of things. Hooray for all those who supported Rise Up Christchurch.
That's Richard Armitage on the floor with the shoes to his knees? Seeing his serious character in the hobbit and thinking he had this seriousness in real life too (but in a good way) makes it hilarious and wonderful to see him goof around like that. These guys are too funny! Great to see them having fun.
I can't believe I put off seeing this for so long. I thought this was fan made too. This cast is great. Shame James Nesbitt wasn't there. Also, Richard stop doing things that make me love you more! This is getting exhausting :) Great video
i saw the gifs of this on tumblr and was tearing through youtube looking for the video until i FINALLY found it. I LOVE THIS. aidan and his sex appeal hahaha. and richard's get up is fantastic. these guys are so awesome!
this is soooo AMAZING !!! why I didn't see that earlier? they are so cool and adorable ... I just want to meet them and sitt next to them and just talk... like friends or something *-*
When I first watched this I kinda wondered the "practising the walk" joke, but now that I know about the dwarf boot camp, it all makes sense.
And, we just finished lacing each individual Yak hair into this beard. It took three hours. Yeah, we're hoping to get that down to two...
lol, no matter wat the vid is about, i always thumps up just ´cause its about hobbits *-* aww, i luv hobbits &gnoms...oh, no, dwarfs xD
Oh....my... *shakes head in disbelief* I adore their good humour. Such an amazing cast. Cannot ever beat them! They're all so adorable.
ooo dude if u managed to get the haka in L.A. please upload, I know LOADS of ppl who missed it online and are dying to see it
Can you imagine them sitting down one afternoon and deciding to do that? OMG HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THEM THEY ARE PERFECT
I wasn't expecting Richard fuck I was shitting myself with laughter not just anyone can pull off crocs
I am crying omg that video just needs to never end it is everything good and adorable in this world
First class creative genius on the art and makeup department! I'm so convinced they're dwarfs.
My god I'm dying. I about to cry becAUSE WHAT A PERFECT CAST. They have so much fun together.
Pete's continual "Rise Up"....."Rise Up Christchurch" .......what a sexy voice.......LOL.
I really thought this was just a fan made joke.. I was not prepared for the truth. xD
"These are specially designed fatsuits especially for the film" -pulls out pillow-
Too hilarious!! Way to go! Looks like the guys are having lots of fun there! LOL!!
I hate to say this, but Jed almost looks like the Ayatollah Kohmeini in is getup!
Can i play i want to snow white shes one of my favorite disney princess
This was hilarious!!! Richard looks sooo funny XDDD i love you Richard!!!
Even with this terrible make up Aidan doesn't need more sex appeal! LoL
Adam Brown is far more adorable than a 32-year old has any right to be
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