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Eotd makeup meaning Videos

EOTD Makeup Tutorial - Neutral Look with L.A. Minerals

An easy to do, and easy to wear look for school or work. Our long lasting matte mineral eye shadows are fantastic for older eyes. Matte shades diffuse the look of ...

EOTD Green & Yellow!

Watch in 720p Keep in touch! :D Twitter: //twitter.com/iluvjesse444 Formspring: //www.formspring.me/iluvjesse444 VLOG Channel: ...

User Comments

For blending help, you should check out Pixiwoo's video on blending (just go to their channel and search for 'blending'). She uses black and white eyeshadows, which is very effective for demonstration purposes!
I love your shadow! I can never seem to get green shadows to work for me.
I'm a blending pro! Come here and I'll teach you! :)

FOTD show & tell tarte's envoke the smoke quad (purple smokey eye) - Saturday, May 12, 2012

i just felt like playing with my makeup today! all makeup items used are from my May makeup basket. hope you enjoy! products used: Palladio herbal foundation ...

User Comments

that's a lovely quad - perfect colours for you - you know how I love purples and plums on you ;o) If you don't mind me saying, I think it would look nice with a different transition colour- maybe the black from the quad or something? Really lovely look- luxurious! :o) I'm so bad at blowing on my eyeshadows! Good tip to shake/flick it upside down or something - much better idea! More hygienic too. I must remember that one!
that's the same thing with BONES... there was one written by a guy that was in the same style of the TV show and it was very enjoyable... but when you read Kathy Reich's books themselves, they're VERY technical and serious. i don't own any but i'm trying out her young adult series... much easier to read. :)
it depends on the look... i don't really have a method to my madness... sometimes i can use the same brush for the whole eye look and just wipe my brush on a towel in between colors... other times i can use a different brush for each color... it just depends on what i want the eyes to look like in the end.
haha! i edited out the part where i did blow on my eye shadows! OOPS! :D i never really tapped off my brush either to get rid of the excess, but boy, when i picked up the purple color, i grabbed TOO much! so much fell on the lid... LOL as for the black in the crease, i'll try that next time... :)
the only thing he noticed is that the internet slowed down while i was uploading the video! LOL we're going to have date night parked in front of the TV while we watch The Incredible Hulk (Ed Norton version) in preparation of seeing The Avengers which i still haven't seen. :D
I look forward to your videos everyday and you know, I miss you when I have a day that goes by without communicating with you! lol...truly, great videos and keep them coming. They inspire me to much for the videos I want to do too. Have a great day!
I've read many of Tess Gerrison's books. They are good. No they aren't really the same characters. They exaggerated a little in the show. The books are more serious all the time, less funny. I'll be bummed if they ever cancel Bones too. :(
Your hair looks GREAT air dried. I air dry mine, but then I have to use something to get it under control because it's wild. I don't use products other than hair oil, but I do use the Instyler hair straightener or hot rollers.
thank you! i also have the Instyler that i picked up at Kohl's last year but never got the hang of using it... i should try it again now that my hair is shorter. thanks for the reminder! :D
awww! you are so sweet! i truly enjoy making these videos and have made such wonderful friends because of it! i'm having a blast!! :D xx
i might as well play with my makeup, right? gotta get out of my comfort zone once in a while... thanks, Shirley! :)
OMG! LOVE this look! I think this is one of the most dramatic looks I've seen on you. You look gorgeous!!!
Do you use a different brush for every colour and again a different brush for blending them together?
Great look, it is perfect for your eye color!! We seem to have the same taste in tv!! haha :) Kristin
Yea, I only use my Instyler when my hair is shorter. When it's longer, I use rollers.
thank you, K! i love purples, but i have yet to conquer blues! :)
thank you! i miss this length! :)

Silk Naturals Haul + EOTD!

SWATCH PHOTOS: //iluvjesse444.blogspot.com/2013/07/silk-naturals-haul-swatches.html -Face of the Day on this look: ...

User Comments

I can't wait to get the Freedom slick stick in the Mystery Adventure Club package. It looks just like the sort of shade I like. You should ask SN, I bet it doesn't have dyes in it, they usually try to make GWPs something that works for everyone ingredients wise, so they tend to be vegan and dye free.
Holy crumb, that kisser slicker looks so pigmented! Just ordered a bunch of their lippies, so so impatient to receive them! :)
That red color looks amazinggggg. And so does the bluish one. :3 I can't wait to hear what you think of the liner sealer.
Really love how your eyes pop. That mascara looks great too! Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Love Motive, such a gorgeous shadow!! Great eye makeup in this vid.
Great haul. I need to order some of their products
Need all of it * haha
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