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Access ssh mac Videos

Configuring SSH Access to the Symantec Encryption Management Server using Mac OS

This video shows you how to configure SSH Access to the Symantec Encryption Management Server using your Mac.

HACKING: How to Access a Mac Via SSH

READ THIS** Applications I'm using: ScreenFlow iNet You do need some form of scanner incase you haven't got the internal IP adress, my favorite on mac is ...

ssh connection from a MAC terminal

This video teaches one how to locally connect to their raspberry pi via the ssh command on a MAC terminal.

User Comments

how do u start the desktop? when I type startx in terminal it just comes up with the usual code on the raspberry pi, but no desktop??
Sorry for the late reply, did you try vnc server?
how to remotely connect to GUI from mac ?

Configuring SSH connection with MAC

Socks proxy on a Mac through SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

This video shows how to set up socks proxy on a Mac OS X through SSH dynamic port forwarding.

User Comments

Sure. It stands for "Dynamic". For -L "local" or -R "Reverse" port forwarding we specify the host address to forward the data that comes through the port. But for dynamic port forwarding it is application level port forwarding. Meaning, once the data is forwarded over a secure channel, and then application protocol is used to determine where to connect to from the remote machine. Since "where to connect to" keeps changing based on web address it is dynamic (opposed to static).
Here is a Mac OS X socks proxy GUI tool: //huoxy.github.io/
Thanks but can I ask what is the capital D stand for?

AWS - EC2 사용법 - SSH 접속 - MAC

User Comments

That moment when you forget youtube's running on autoplay, and then 12 minutes later, you go "geez this guy has a thick accent", only to realize a second later that the guy is speaking full-blown Korean, and you don't know what the hell he's talking about. Come to think of it... Hey 생활코딩씨, I'm surprised you can just browse a UI in a foreign language so comfortably. Whenever I find myself on a website that's in (for example) Japanese, I get intimidated and leave. You're also very charismatic with a pleasant voice tone, and while I can't understand a single thing you're saying, I did not dislike it. Very professional.
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