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Access xampp remotely Videos

Connect to remote MySQL database using SQLyog instead of PHPMyAdmin through cpanel

How to connect to remote MySQL databse hosted on server when don't have cPanel access? You don't always need to access the hosted cPanle and the ...

User Comments

Thank you sir, your tutorial do help me to connect to the database without accessing the Cpanel. Thank you again!
+Muhammad Hafiz Hussin Good know. Welcome.

Easy xampp windows installer

XAMPP 1.8.1 Local Write Access Vulnerability Exploit

//www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28654/ ------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------- This vulnerability has been discovered by Manuel García Cárdenas ...

MySQL Remote Access [T-06]

Learn how to allow a remote connection to a MySQL db through DirectAdmin. //whatismyip.com.

User Comments


WordPress v.3-5 local install instructions

Installing a local WordPress site on a pc using xampp. 1. Download xampp from apache.org 2. Select the windows installer 3. Run the windows installer and ...

User Comments

thanks much for the nice feedback!

Dreamweaver CS4 tutorials FTP setup connect to remote server & publish

This is a video tutorial to connect via FTP to a remote server using either Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 or CS4 - NOTE: Dreamweaver CS5 is visually different - and ...

User Comments

quick question please. I fill out the the "MySqul connection" , click ok and get "Please specify a database. MySql requires a database name" But I have filled out that part. Is there something I a missing? Thank you
Good day- thanks for your question you should check with your hosting company for the correct settings - each server can be different - why dont you checkout my in depth DW vids udemyDOTcom/u/thinklearnearn
@myburneddesire really crying? this is what you take away from me trying to help you? - I have Spasmodic dysphonia... there is no cure - google it if you care
Thank you. It was eventually figured out. still have some issue w/the testing site. eventually it'll come together.
also out of curiosity in the FTP host: slot, could you put instead the acutal ip#, 70.222.333.444 for example?
hii after i publish my website on internet css stop working, no images , blank page ,what should i do now??
Found it now I need the one for CS5, tough work all this searching, you have too many vids! ;)
awesome! but I don't know my FTP host or host directory..
Thank you very much. Do you have more tuts on DW?
@Skymarshal Good tutorial though. Thanks.
Pretty good tut thanks!
Thank you so much
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