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Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – Closed Beta Trailer [EUROPE]

Join us on our twitch channel (//www.twitch.tv/ubisoft) we will feature the full content of the Beta on our Livestream on September 23rd. Be among the first to ...

User Comments

When it's the beta ending?
next week thursday
I have 2 codes left gonna give them away in a random twitch chat
+Bennish can i have one i has xbox one
+Enrique Cristerna Sorry mate I have already given them away, but I'll get a fourth code and as soon as I get it, I'll send it to you in a message. Keep in mind that it's for Xbox One
+Bennish can i have one please!
"You’ve successfully secured guaranteed closed beta access. We’ll contact you via email at a later date with instructions."......Still waiting for this soo called email...
+MrMANGAT0 i got itt a few Hours ago , but no Servers were aviable
I'm so confused I put in my code on the website and got a email that said I have definitely have access to the beta when that was like 2 weeks ago and I still have not got the 2nd email that lets me get into the beta
+Nawt gawd you have to go into promotions tab in your email (in the browser) if you have it.
+Nawt gawd ive got my code now but my brother has the room today. tommorow ill play it.
I've been playing great game in my opinion
same here man :(
+Nawt gawd i got a Key but no Servers were aviable , Flop Game 2015
This is stupid. Why does noone in western europe receive their codes yet like wtf :/
+Nawt gawd I did it 2 Months ago and I haven't gotten it yet, ffs
Just got mine
this game fuckin sucks already like wtf
+Nawt gawd same here -.-
+Nawt gawd same

Rainbow Six Siege - FREE PS4 BETA Code (CLOSED)

There is one free PS4 Code to redeem for one lucky gamer - all you need to do is like & subscribe to my channel (Would be better if you comment).

User Comments

please send me a reedem code to this email : [email protected]
+‫ירין אבוחצירא‬‎ Already given away.
How can I get a code
+V For What I got a code from original gamer and I got an email yesterday saying they will send me instructions soon and I still don't see the email
+awesome potatoes Already given away, but you can still apply for it on their official site.
+Kyle Wright Righto!
can I get a code
+Kyle Wright Your email id?

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Live from gamescom

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Live from Gamescom Register to Closed Beta starting on September 24th //rainbow6.com/beta 20 standout Rainbow Six ...

User Comments

Ubisoft sucks, they release so many games in a year, of course going for the money instead of working on actual GOOD QUALITY games. All the new games they release now suck
+Bruce Wayne you do realize it's different teams working on the games right? Assassin's creed and FarCry have nothing to do with rainbow 6
+Bruce Wayne agreed!
Why, Ubisoft? Do you promise beautiful graphics in the conferences, and the result is that shit? Please make more quality products. Watch dogs is an example of shit you did. Just want to see The Division.
Ubisoft makes games really quick compared to other companies, so there's always going to be things off and disappointing about there games now. I doubt they'll have any REALLY amazing game releases, it's usually looks good when then show gameplay then is sucks when released.
Sorry to go off topic but that Asian guy has a Fucking Huge Head.
Ur the biggest penis in all of existence,he cant help it
Seems very fast like CS or CoD :( I hope the beta won't be so
+Isaac Ortega 24th september
when's the beta?
+Dikussionist They were working on it to make the game slower they said
+MrPhantasielos • Mein Pinsel und ich So ein Hurensohn.
+MrPhantasielos • Mein Pinsel und ich Kasstrierer Hype!
+MrPhantasielos • Mein Pinsel und ich Kasstrierer,Hype den Scheiß hier !
+MrPhantasielos • Mein Pinsel und ich Kasstrierer Hype?
+MrPhantasielos • Mein Pinsel und ich <3

Rainbow Six Siege SUCKS? - The Know

The Rainbow Six Siege beta hasn't been stable or enjoyable, at least according to various reports from its players. Is this amount of disruption expected for a ...

User Comments

destiny launched with no online hiccups...
+IizMaRk and yet somehow we're all still paying for it a year later.
These guys would have been good on Attack of the Show. RIP AOTS.
+masscashstacks Yup they were either broducers or production assistants at AoTS which is where the clapping and background banter comes from. Its just like AoTS used to be! RIPE ATS
+TheZman64 I'm not surprised! 
They used to work there lol
Beta worked great on PC. Some Errors and shitty OP Riot shields and netcode.
+Red7Studios I loved the beta. I think the 4-5 out of 20 is not fair. to be honest it would take me 2-3 times to find a game but once in it was all gravy. This is a must buy for me. I have never played a beta so much. BTW Xbox one is where i have played
+Red7Studios To be fair though, you only receive a pistol with the riot shield classes (Blitz, Montagne). Explosives kill fast and a riotshielder can be gunned down and rushed with even two people for a swift counter. Also, the friendly fire negates the point of a riot shield teammate if you're going to be shot in the back by friendly fire anyway.
+Red7Studios But honestly it was really good fun
Now, I'll be the first one to bash Ubisoft for being shitty, but isn't this what betas are for? Like....this isn't a demo. It's a beta. Of course it's going to have issues. That's the point.
+Lou McGopher Oh, nevermind. They addressed this in the video.
no story mode, the FPS genre is trying to make me never buy anything from it again isn't it? i might buy star wars just for star wars' sake, but not until after reviews at least, maybe on a sale even, seriously this is bullshit.
+Nicholas bateson Except we want a campaign, none of the things you mentioned make up for the lack of it.
For battlefront
There's still single player modes that can be played by yourself or splitscreen co-op like the originals
There's still single player modes that can be played by yourself or splitscreen co-op like the originals

Rainbow 6: Siege gameplay: 5 Things We Love

Dave and Nath have played a load of the Rainbow 6: Siege beta on PS4, and here are some of the things they've enjoyed, including SHOOTING and BEING ...

User Comments

Screw this game it doesn't even have a single player campaign.
+Jack johnson //www.onlysp.com/ubisoft-talks-rainbow-six-sieges-single-player-campaign/
+Jack johnson how do you know? It might have campaign in the full game
no campaign in a tom clancey game is just wrong. I always play campaign in games and the mp is an add on. Hate the current trend for mp only at full retail AAA prices. If people accept it, the game companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
+Kris Crawford Do you expect a campaign in a beta there is no sense
this game should be free to play
+ScaroHawk first of all cut the insults, they aren't getting to me, secondly they have already announced that the game has no story mode and that is what I count as a true offline mode, also it was kind of a failure as the servers failed to work properly and you are right in saying that they now have an idea of what to do, but I would recommend that they have another beta, just to make sure...
+Thewhiteboatman They do have an offline mode you spastic. And the stress tests were a success because they know what to do with the servers now.
+ScaroHawk OK, then the stress test is a failure and let's look back at destiny, during its stress test it was fully functional and even caused Xbox live to crash (or was it a ddos attack?).either way this game has not proved to me that it is worth buying at release, so don't get annoyed at me, just because you are a ubi fan boy, they need an offline mode to make this remotely worth it
+Thewhiteboatman YOU PLAYED THE BETA NOT THE FULL GAME. Of course the servers are going to be bad, you're stress testing them you fucking wet boy.
+ScaroHawk will, it? it is not worth £40, needs a lot more content and better servers before it is worth £40
This game would be shit if it were F2P.
No, free to play games work on a payed currency and a paid expansion system, so they will still make their money back on add ons. That is what i was suggesting.
so you can work for money yet the developers don't get paid even though it's their job to develop games

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – Road to MTL LiveStream

Rainbow Six Siege Road To Montreal Livestream Pre-Order for guaranteed access to the Closed Beta //rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-GB/beta/index.aspx 10 ...

User Comments

46:15 WTF are you seriously ?
Shit..........that english thou
Where's some campaign gameplay ? All we've gotten are multiplayer and terror hunt.
No story ? My opinion of this has dropped...
There is no single player story, which is really shitty in my opinion but I'm still super hyped for the multiplayer.
+Agent Washington Well by now, it's pretty fucking clear they are trying to sell this as a E-Sport game, which makes me lose hope for the Single Player, either they have canned it or well, i don't know but my hype for this game isn't growing as much has it did in the start.
sad thing is when the game comes out everyone will just run and gun
+EvanDoesThings just like they did in alpha
Is the beta going to be on ps4
+Trevor Phelps no there is a beta on ps4 in September I think I don't know if It got moved because of the delay
+Trevor Phelps PC only im affraid
Hope they have an Airport map
Ik that but like a terminal map like from mw2
They have an airplane map

Rainbow Six Siege Beta Ersteindruck

Nach unserer Diskussion über die Alphaversion hab ich mich auf eine ordentliche Kampagne im Stile der alten Rainbow Six Teile gefreut. Tja, verkackt.

User Comments

Ich weiß ja nicht wer von euch ja noch CoD Fan ist aber... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erst nehmen sie die Black Ops 3 Kampagne weg, und jetzt gibt es auch kein Singeplayer für Rainbow Six Siege. Wenn das so weiter geht, dann wird es irgendwann mal soweit kommen dass jede FPS Games nur noch einen Multiplayer haben
+Oliver T bei Tf2 und CSGO störts auch keinen , aber die sind auch sehr gut
Das mit dem Hosten verstehe ich nicht so ganz.. muss dann der 1 Spieler als Server dienen ? Das würde dann bei meiner 2k internet leitung bedeuten,dass jeder mit 500er ping spielen darf? Das wird spaß machen! *-*
+KleineeMausi der Spieler mit dem besten ping ( oder vllt ein random spieler , ka ) wird vom system als Host gewählt und sollte er leaven braucht das spiel zeit um einen neuen host zu wählen , das dauert zb bei cod sehr lang
Ich zahl höchstens 20 Euro für ein Multiplayer only game.
+Akagami Shuichi Ohh. Aber selbst da gibts glaub games die im singleplayer sehr spielenswert und zeinintensive sind. 
+Zombyyy !!!ich dachte wir reden von FPS ^^
+Akagami Shuichi Das ist quatsch. Ich erwähne hier mal nur Dark souls, dark souls 2, the witcher. Wenn du nur singleplayer games hast die du nur ein paar stunden spielen kannst ist das dein problem^^guckt in seine steam bibilothekNoch shadow of mordor, Saints row 4, Hitman absolution.Ich sag nicht das mehrspieler spiele doof sind, aber ein singleplayer game was hohen wiederspielwert hat ist für mich oftmals deutlich attraktiver. an multiplayer spiel ich zur zeit nur dota.
+Zombyyy !!! haha singleplayer spielt man für paar stunden während man multiplayer 100+ stunden zocken kann. versteh solche aussagen immer nie xD
So wie jedes Ubisoft Spiel, es ist verloren bevor es überhaupt raus ist.
+Minene Uryuu922 Zu der Zeit war Ubisoft auch noch bei vielen Spielern ein sehr geschätzter Publisher.
+Anonymoose nicht jedes , assassins creed 2 war gut genauso wie Rayman 3
Erstmal die neue Refund Funktion von Steam ausprobieren.
+MegaGTAzocker oh doch, bei unter 2h Spielstunden kann man es immer noch beantragen.Klar es heisst nicht das man es bekommt, allerdings habe ich mein Geld bereits zurück.
+MegaGTAzocker stimme ich zu , das einzige game das ich bei steam vorbestellt hab war FF13 , einfach weil ich es eh schon auf xbox 360 hab und wusste das das spiel an sich gut ist , und es war vor release 1-2 € billiger ( angebot )
+Iscc Weils keinen Sinn macht etwas im voraus zu kaufen. Wer weiß ob du bis zum Release noch bock hast. Und dann wäre es auch über zwei Wochen nach dem Kauf gewesen und du hättest es dann zu release wenn du es gespielt hättest und es dir nich gefallen würde keine chance auf Geld zurück gehabt.Abgesehen davon 60€ für ein Spiel ausgeben ist irre. Es gibt definitiv billigere Möglichkeiten ein Spiel zu bekommen selbst zu release.
+MegaGTAzocker Hmmm... Es sah mir halt relativ gut aus.Was ist den daran falsch es dann vorzubestellen?
+Iscc Da das Spiel noch nicht einmal draußen ist heißt es du hast es dir voreilig Vorbestellt für fucking 60€.Du machst eh schon alles falsch was man nur falsch machen kann.
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