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Breakaway racing team Videos

ALL AROUND Breakaway/Team Roping/Barrel Racing (JAMMZ WRECKLESS "ZIP")

User Comments

Hey, What a lovely horse! Brilliant :) How much are you asking for him? Age/height? I am looking for a barrel/general riding horse. I do parelli (natural horsemanship) and i am starting to get into barrel racing and ropeing. But unfortuneatly my barrel horse I was training has clicky petellas, so he cannot be a barrel horse. So I am looking for a new one. :) thankyou and what a lovely horse
Thank you very much! I have sold him to a young lady. Thank you for your comments and good luck in your search!

2014 Critérium du Dauphiné: Atapuma In The Breakaway

BMC Racing Team Sport Director Max Sciandri share strategy with Darwin Atapuma during Stage 5 of the 2014 edition of Critérium du Dauphiné.

2011 National Junior High Finals Rodeo - Arizona

Team Arizona at National Junior High Finals in Gallup, NM last June-July :) Barrel Racing- *Kylie *Ricky *Blythe *Danya Tie-Down Roping- *Preston *Derek ...

User Comments

Great tradition except the part of scaring or even hurting those poor, young animals.
+hsheng06 I couldn't agree more...also at 3:05 I really think that should be considered animals cruelty.
That is not in Arizona It's in New Mexico
That can kill the cows
+What to do in Baja I agree
Animal abuse
+Ava Cowan these animals are used to it, it has been this way since they where born and after you get on a horse and rope, or get on a bull, or bronc then we can talk because i am tired of hearing this bull shit so shut up.
Seriously the rodeo companys have a warrant to do this they can do this whenever they want
if you watch half of those barrel horses they want to run

2014 Tour de Romandie, Stage 2: Kohler in the Breakaway

Watch BMC Racing Team's Martin Kohler in the breakaway and soigneur Marcello Bartoli in the feed zone on Stage 2 of the 2014 edition of the Tour de ...
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