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Break away scotland Videos

Thousands Want the North of England to Break Away and Join Scotland

More than 28000 people have signed a petition calling for the north of England to break away from the "London-centric south" and join Scotland. The proposal ...

User Comments

Bloody hell. Offcourse people are trying to break up the most superior country in the world....... England......... to hell with those pansys. I wouldn't be suprised if the majority of the cunts petitioning are minorities and Scots folk who hate the English so much, that they'd like England to be erased off the map. Angelcynn rise!


Scotland Might Break Away From the United Kingdom

Scotland Might Break Away From the United Kingdom, For More Latest Videos, please check out Full Movies: //goo.gl/mDS9IQ Film Trailers & Events: ...

Scottish independence Referendum: Scotland may break away from the Union

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