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DNS Covert Channel Research

The Domain Name Service (DNS) provides hostname to IP address lookup ser- vices for devices connecting to the Internet. While much work has been done to ...

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Very impressive!

Introduction to Computer Networking: i_5lan1

//www.symynd.com/ This video is a part of open access course on computer Networking by Professor Raj Jain of Washington University at St Louis. You can ...

Best automated solution for IP-based network protocol and service modeling and testing

Mu Studio, by Mu Dynamics, is a recent innovation in the field of service assurance testing that is rapidly being adopted by Fortune 500 companies because it ...

Why Measure Performance of Ethernet Networks?

Visit www.accedian.com for more detailed information. In this video, Greg Spear, Director of Product Education and Technology at Accedian Networks, gives a ...
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