+psyrakan seriously dude your comments make no sense and your a fake troll a Sony pony who plays Xbox one video games plus you don't even speak enough English to try and debate anybody also have enough respect for this mans channel you butthurt Sony pony boy toy.plus I have owned more gaming systems then you will in your entire life no go and learn some English and come back when you make some sense ha ha loser
+Mon The Artist keep trying fake Xbox fanboy ,you remind me Jim Carrey from the cable guy,poor kid acting big ' don't worry he's just a frustrated Sony pony . How sad it's your life man? Don't worry yourself I already exposed you as the fanboy with no soul. One riding Sony cock calling the Xbox one lunch box and now faking Xbox allegiance. Now days xtwats worried about psn that shit it's hilarious.
Descrição da nova atualização do Playstation 4 Vers 3.0. Principal novidade é streeming diretamente do console para o youtube. Atualização PlayStation 4 ...
Cara, vc teria alguma solução, alguma ideia para o problema que algumas
pessoas estão tendo com a opção de jogadores encontrados, no PS4? É aquela
lista que mostra os jogadores que vc encontrou durante os jogos, parties,
No PS3 era tudo certinho, no PS4 ta complicado viu... vlwww