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What uus believe Videos

Jim Eller - Do UUs Believe in Guilt?

American Horn Quartet - Moon River

American Horn Quartet in concert Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation, February 16th, 2011 In response to what UUs are about and what they believe ...

User Comments

Using music to evade confrontation of controversy. The UU church replaced the sin concept with the "mental illness" concept. We must all be saved from mental illness in its numberless forms & new disorders are being crafted 24/7 & it is the behaviorist faction who interposes themselves as our Christs in this alleged desperate need--to reject them is like rejecting JC! UU church is full of psych types which is why UU won't allow discussion of what's wrong with the concepts they prattle about.
The UU say they're on free search for truth---not true---anyone wants to show what's wrong with the mental illness mongers, UU won't allow debate. No UU minister in DFW will discuss it. Churches that make claims, then won't honor them, should shutter their building. They are AFRAID to even hear the points I raise. What men might wear is seen as a "disorder," no change from 5/27/1876 when NY Times said women in pants was "A Curious Disease," UU will NOT hear what it doesn't like.
The music was simply an awesome opportunity to host some friends and colleagues on tour in Atlanta for a horn symposium. It sounds like you have a beef with UUs and not the horn playing. For more information on what UUs are about or believe in (many would count themselves as Christian and do pray) then you might want to check a video link I added in the description.
@skirts365 You would agree that each religion has their own covenant & belief system. Do UUs argue with Catholics for believing in sin? So you want to argue for sin and against mental illness, yes? I see that as your belief system. That's fine. So what is the issue?
@annaelisegerber199 Plus, I also play a double horn. Since 6th grade to 12th grade right now, I've been playing the French Horn. You just have to look closely.
J'adore ! I love ! I play french horn and I love you ! ^^ I want to playing same you ! (sorry for my english ^^')
@annaelisegerber199 Nope, it's a triple. If you look closely, there are 5 rotary caps on the horn.
Great horn playing, but the arrangement is rather over-egged, to say the least
@herocko no its a double horn cause thats what i play. i can tell
@anna gerber If you like, I'll ask Kerry & get back to you.
@herocko yes, Kerry Turner is playing on a kuehn triple
Fine arrangement, fine performance, fine religion.
Is the bottom right using a triple horn?
looks like a kuehn triple to me
Kerry Turner for the win.
gran musica

Why Is Incest Porn So Popular?

Incest porn seems to be the latest rage in the porn industry, but why are we all the sudden obsessed with it? Read more: //bit.ly/1C0gH3E Don't forget guys, ...

User Comments

According to the bible, the human race began from incest. Must be normal if the bible says so.
+Joseph Nixonits very convenient too, lets blame the wine and his slutty daughters.and it was and maybe it will be all over again, who knows.
+The Velour Fog god never did condone what happened with lot and lot didn't either. Lot was drunk and the bible says that he didn't know when that arised or laid down.
+The Velour Fog no, that's illogical. It is no longer necessary to procreate. Your suppose to go out and find your wife and marry into another family. If you marry a relative, then it stays in the family and defeats the purpose of searching for a wife.
+annesmith100 I just gave you a reason why in my previous comment.
+Joseph Nixon It's very convenient, if you need to procreate you just dust off incest and use it again, if you don't need it hide it but don't throw it out, just prohibit temporarily. God eliminated Sodom and Gomorrah but after that he let Lot with his daughters to procreate. Well, understandable, gay cant procreate no matter what, so incest is very useful tool. Neat.
+Joseph Nixon 1st god says its ok then not ok. no wonder people say the bible is full of contradictions .  make up your mind god, yes or no,  and sometimes maybe??   WTF!!
that's because it was necessary at the time to procreate. but in the book of leviticus it outlaws it and I think it says to put the people to death if they do it. that's because at that time it was no longer necessary and god wanted the Jews to marry into another family. besides, it is dangerous today because in this day in age our gene pool is faltered with more genetic defects than in the past.
You said it man!
I don't really mind Incest to be honest.
+BrickWeed As long as it's consensual, I don't give a fuck, do what ever the fuck you want.
Incest is incest, but incest porn is ..... uh ....... fake? How in hell would you know if a young-ish women is the daughter of the old-ish man she's bonking in front of the camera?
+SgtPiggie You poor child.
+BackSeatHumpView the proof that was posted, faggot.
+SgtPiggie Your mother is calling you again. She said that if you don't make your bed you won't get ANY chocolate this week-end ...... and you can forget about having your next birthday party at MacDonald's.
+BackSeatHumpKeep running your shit filled mouth, old fart.
+SgtPiggieI told you I was going to crush you. So stop crying and complaining because it's your own fault.
+BackSeatHumpAnd I think you should quit being such a pussy.
+SgtPiggieI think you should consult the dictionary before you respond. I can see that you don't understand the definition of most of the words you use.
+BackSeatHumpOk, lets get back to your original problem.Why are you such a big pussy that you can't bear to look at the proof that I presented to you?
+SgtPiggie “Shitbrained cocksucker”? You know, if you gather the rest of your stupid,American high school drop-out friends together you might be able toput together an insult including “prick”, “cunt”, “ass hole”, “moron”, and “shitbrained cocksucker” all in the same sentence. LOL!
+BackSeatHumpThat's not all I had.I gave you proof, but you knew you it would prove you wrong, so you refused to view it.So, that's the only thing left for for a shitbrained cocksucker like you.
+SgtPiggie Potty talk. I knew that's all you had. You are american after all.
+BackSeatHumpFuck off, retarded old piece of shit.
+SgtPiggie Your mother is calling for you. I think she wants you to help her with the dishes.
+BackSeatHumpAnd still you ramble on and on, like the old and stupid, shit brained dumbass that you are.You are the type that loves to argue, but you slam your eyes and ears shut whenever someone presents proof right in front of your retarded face.
+SgtPiggie You don't know when you've been given a chance to back out, only slightly wounded. I can easily crush you but I don't want it on my conscience. Wisdom has taught me it isn't worth destroying someone – there's no pride in that. It is so typical of you americans to make absurd conclusionsand then once your feelings are hurt, start crying. That's what you are doing now. You could read my original post and try harder to understand what I wrote but you'd rather stumble forward in your voluntary, selective ignorance.
+BackSeatHumpI see now.Your advanced age is the cause of your alzheimers, dementia, and outright stupidity.It was wrong for me to think that someone in your poor mental condition would be able to comprehend logic.
+SgtPiggie Sorry. I realize now that you do not understand the subject, or what it is about. But this is my fault. I am too old to be having such a discussion with someone as young as you are. It is wrong for me to think that you could see what the subject is or even to read my original post and understand what I said.
+BackSeatHumpAre you illiterate?Tell us all what the title says.
+SgtPiggie Now you're just acting like an idiot. The subject is not INCEST, you silly fool.
+BackSeatHump"I obviously don't care very much."Then you shouldn't keep insisting that anything is fake, if you refuse to look at PROOF when it is presented to you."Whether or not you can find some man (or woman) who's screwing his mother (or father) in front of a camera,"Incest is not just defined as sex between a parent and child. And you should have been able to figure that out by the search term in my first reply." you must admit that "actual" pornography incest is easily faked"Only in your case, where you keep insisting you're right, but then absolutely refuse to look at undeniable proof when it is presented to you.
+SgtPiggie I obviously don't care very much. Whether or not you can find some man (or woman) who's screwing his mother (or father) in front of a camera, you must admit that "actual" pornography incest is easily faked ..... and the viewer doesn't care as long as the film satisfies his fantasy for the moment.
+BackSeatHumpYou obviously didn't watch it.
+SgtPiggie It's fake.
+BackSeatHump It's not all fake.Search "Dolcett Bambi twins Barbecue"

What This Unitarian Universalist Believes - Rev. Dave Hunter - UUFLB - 2/26/2012

What This Unitarian Universalist Believes - UUFLB - 2/26/2012 - Rev. Dave Hunter - Do you have trouble explaining what UUs believe? So does Rev. Dave.

Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me (United Kingdom) - LIVE - 2013 Grand Final

Powered by //www.eurovision.tv United Kingdom: Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Grand Final.

User Comments

The only good song in eurovision that year.
+SirKupoNut You must have missed Anouk, then.
+SirKupoNut Eh?
I still believe in you Bonnie. 12 points from portugal! Eurovision doesn't deserves you.
+José Simões She's to good for Eurovision it's fixed anyway .
+José Simões people just not got good taste of Music and Theres one thing I really Hate is favorites its unfair on the Others coz all the time the favorite Wins
Be pacient im learning.;)
Thank you ! shall i edit? :D
+José Simões Yes but it is 'doesn't' ..
Just watched this for the first time in ages. Yeah, I think Bonnie may have been a bit drunk and slightly ruined what was a half-decent song.
Don't the BBC Always say GET DRUNK And sing?
I didn't know Goldie Hawn could sing for the UK
+manuelcolloto We like to say "tore up" in the ghetto.  Completely different connotation  :)
+C A I think the plastic surgeon they share should throw the mold away,it´s worn out.:)
i love that wig:)
How can her hair be a wig? Lol
She isn't as good as she used to be. sadly, hence her poor finish that year...
The UK is not liked at all, I know the performance is not great but hey.
+SirKupoNut Oh don't be so ridiculous. She finished low because, if you actually listen, she clearly was out of tune. The song was bland and the performance was bland. It's got nothing to do with you ridiculous idea that "Europe hates the UK" - This song deserved to do badly after this performance.
+michael richard She had no chance of getting to the top as eurovision is entirely fixed and all of Europe is jealous/hates the UK.
As she said she wasnt expecting to be top. 

Why Are You UU? Sermon by Rev. Tamara Casanova Suzuki

What is your "elevator speech" when friends or family ask you why you are a Unitarian Universalist? And what do UUs believe anyhow? Come hear Rev.

Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me (United Kingdom) Second Rehearsal (impressions)

Powered by //www.eurovision.tv International singing star Bonnie Tyler was born into a musical home in Wales and has been performing since the age of 17 ...

User Comments

Exactly. That's the cheapness of pop music for you. With classical, people concentrate on the voice. With pop, it is the celebrity status. Classical singers, tenors and sopranos etc. are humble and go out as normal people. Pop singers are surrounded by entourages and drive round in strectch limos. I used to see Cecilia Bartoli, a great soprano, waiting in the queue for a sanwich at lunchtime. Would a pop singer do that? No!
I hope bonnie does well, she is media favorite, because she is so good at interviewing and she cries, I don't know if the voters will though. The live performance is so good, better then the video, the video I feel makes the song look shit. I hope she ends on the left side of the board tomorrow night, or even a top ten
I think Bonnie has a great vocal well i know Germany and some of the other people have great singing but i am sure UK tries there best it just seems well going back when Lorren our 2012 winner advice that songs have attude so it not about the suit or the style.
I'm not a teenage girl but I think they should have picked one direction because they have the "looks" thus more votes. Look at the girl who won she is beautiful and the girl who came second and the guy who came third- all attractive people.
Romania won't win. Too much politics. We in New Zealand know that Romania has fantastic singers. Angela Gheorghiu and Ileana Cotrubaș are great great singers. Ileana youtube.com/watch?v=gaVIwwNhocg Angela youtube.com/watch?v=_OIExoUb8jk
Bonnie Tyler's performance was totally eclipsed by her band. Why is it on these occasions that the mixers can allow this to happen? This is not the only time that the "voice" is almost completely drowned by the background
It doesn't matter. Celine Dion was not born in Switzerland either, and she represented Switzerland. Also, England enjoys the Special Relationship with the US. They always help England.
After being so sad after san marino..austria...switzerland..not qualify ...i hope that europe at least helps united kingdom get a respectable position with this lovely song ; ;
Bonnie is a legend, I was kinda shocked when I found out she was participating in the contest. It's a beautiful song, maybe not exactly Eurovision material, but who cares.
So what? She can represent England. Celene Dion represented Switzerland - and won! Taylor Swift would win easily. She has even appeared on the Ellen De Generes show!
?! Rolling Stones! Beatles! The Who! Did this mean anything to you? That was the best song. She sould`ve won. But, that`s not a show of talents, here, is about money
hi, everyone poor result for uk, lets be honest bonnys voice wasnt the best she sounds in her 60s the song was a good one but needed a more powerfull voice,
Armadand..im romanian and românia is sucks. She is not garbage, u are. She s old, but is a legend and she has talent..cezar is a gay "strâns de coaie"
New Zealand is gonna watch Eurovision tomorrow morning. You better not disappoint us UK! We are rooting for you too since we are Commonwealth :-)
im a welsh man and this sounds so bad from her ive seen her sing and she is good but not on here as the Xfactor says its a NO from me lol
She used to be good but now she has become rly bad. and the sound why we used to love her is gone. sad story but people get old and bald
It is a good song, but she is not as well known as the other contestants. England needs someone to WIN the contest - Taylor Swift!
For those people suggesting ŵe need Taylor swift, why? Adele would not win, so why Taylor, it's all about political voting
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